Chapter 2: Hell reanimated

Everyone turned to look at Klautz who was swinging his short sword in thin air to check for its grip. With his sense diminished he had to adapt to the way he fights. However, it wasn't much of a hassle for him who had fought with countless weapons in the past.

Soon, out of nowhere, an armor made out of leather floated in front of him.

Klautz wordlessly packed the armor. Most people didn't make head and tail of the situation but those who did curse him in their hearts.

"Shit! I was so elated by being summoned that I forgot about the mission!" a man among the crowd cried.

This man was the first to react among the lot, after Klautz of course.

'Completing the missions fast is good.'

That way he could receive these extra rewards as well.

Hellfeim is swelling with various monsters. A regular human is unable to survive in this environment. That is the reason why there are the 'Satan's wishes'. It was meant to help humans survive in this harsh world or at least that is what people believe. Upon completing certain tasks and missions the residents are rewarded with these weapons and artifacts.

Hellfeim was home to the 72 royal demons as well as their subordinate demons that followed their bidding. If you would judge these demons to be monsters, Baal, Agares, Amon as well as the other demons were the strongest among the monsters.

Humans have no hope against these demons and would have been toys and slaves to do their bidding. Or would have become their food if not worst. However, this system gave humanity hope to fight against the 72 demons. Why would someone who goes around calling himself Satan go around helping humans to fight against demons? It a mystery that humanity has yet to solve.

'But the real enemies were the humans.'

That's right. The enemy of humans are humans themselves.

The work Klautz carried out was of the same nature.

People with promising futures or those that would be of hindrance were requested to be eliminated by the Kishiokagure village. After all, it was a hidden ninja village that took money from the rich to carry out their dirty tasks, tasks which they would never have been able to accomplish by themselves.

So that the heroes and rising star do not threaten their well-formed positions they killed them.

In the beginning when Kisiokagure was found. It was meant to be a hidden ninja village where recruits learned the way of the ninja. They practiced ninjutsu, taijutsu, and proficiency in all weapons under the sky.

Naturally being ninjas, they did take assassination requests, other than missions like escorting, collection and delivery, and whatnot.

However, as time passed by the humans in hellfeim were able to form settlements and defend themselves properly even in the harsh environment of hellfeim with the help of 'Satan's wishes' of course.

Not being exposed to the dangers they used to face, they became sluggish and narrow-minded. Not facing life and death together caused them to divide into various factions, cities, and settlements. The once united humanity wasn't united anymore.

Similarly, greed took the better of the ninjas of Kisiokagure. More and more ninjas took assassination missions as they had the greatest pay off the lot. And there was never a lack of these missions.

As corrupt humans who wished for power could acquire that easily if the one's stronger than them were killed. After all, power is a relative measure. If those stronger than them no longer exist then of course they are the strongest of the lot.

In such a manner little by little humanity chipped away on its strength. The other four hidden ninja villages also followed suit after Kishiokagure village. Divided and weakened humanity lost against the demons without even putting up a proper fight.

Since he arrived fifty years in the past he knew too well.

When the demons finally attacked humanity, humans hid their trump cards in fear of losing them and were divided and eventually conquered. The humans fail to unify in such a crisis. Eventually, all of them were massacred.

"Is, isn't it best if we all chose a weapon?"

Klautz has jolted back to the present by the woman's voice.

A woman gave her opinion.

They all remembered the words and the leather armor floating in front of them.

They realized that this wasn't just a trivial matter.

But they were a step too late.


Screech! Screech! Screeeech!

[Kill 50 CharEagles]

[Rewards will be given to those people who kill the most]

[Or endure until there are thirty people left]

As the temple doors opened, 2-meter-tall birds were slowly flying towards them.

Although they had an appearance of a bird, it had a torso too large to be called one. Nevertheless, it could fly without any qualms.

Because their tails always emit fire, they were monsters known as the 'CharEagles'.

These eagles used their long sharp beaks to tear out all of their guts.

A good number of fifty CharEagles landed.

'It has begun.'

Klautz calmly gazed at his surroundings. He could find everyone panic-stricken, while the birds roared brimming with life.


"Wh-what is heck is that!"

The CharEagles fearlessly entered the temple and started their onslaught.

Only five people were able to react quickly to the situation and grabbed a weapon.

"Hehe, finally a heated battle in another world!" one of them wielding gauntlets seemed to be full of spirits. He was the first who had picked up a weapon if you do not consider Klautz.


A big, unarmed man standing at the front was the first to be eaten.

He died as soon as a CharEagles stabbed him through his throat with its beak.

Afterward, three CharEagles sat down and started to feast on the man's carcass.

"S-save me!"


"Sorry bro, today was your unlucky day. I couldn't save ya," said the man wielding the gauntlets.

It was total madness.

Hell had arisen.


Author's thoughts:

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