"Just get used to it!" Shen Qing was very open-minded. "I can bear it for Yao Yao. Let's go and take you to dinner!"

"I've finished my magic, so I'd better go to the hotel!" Jiangdong said casually.

"OK! Where do you want to live? Cousin consumption?"


"No problem!" Shen Qing stepped on the accelerator and maiteng rushed out of the railway station to Yida hotel in downtown Tianjing.

When he arrived at Yida Hotel, Jiangdong kicked Shen Qing out for any reason. Shen Qing really had something to do. He promised to pick up Jiangdong tomorrow morning and left.

After some tossing, it was late at night. Jiangdong was a little tired. He took a shower and went to sleep.

The next day Shen Qing arrived as promised and began to take Jiangdong to Tianjing. However, visiting scenic spots is far more difficult than Jiangdong imagined

Zhongshan Mausoleum, Confucius Temple, laomen East, ancient Jiming temple, Xuanwu Lake and museum are the six must visit attractions. Jiangdong took three days to finish.

During this period, Jiangdong wanted to give up, but he couldn't stand Shen Qing's kindness. He followed Shen Qing around.

Of course, daily check-in is essential. In three days, Jiangdong signed in 6 billion, which shocked Longguo Bank Nanjing Branch!

However, Jiangdong doesn't care about it at all and continues his life as an ordinary tourist.

It's the fourth day after visiting the six scenic spots. Today is the day when the car race begins!

The night before yesterday, Jiangdong had already told Shen Qing that he would not visit the scenic spot with him today. He wanted to find friends.

Although Shen Qing was curious about how Jiangdong had friends in Tianjing, he didn't ask about the exit. Instead, he allowed Jiangdong to move freely and only warned Jiangdong that safety first.

On the fourth day of Jiangdong's arrival in Tianjing, early in the morning, Prince Wang and Tian Yuhao jointly appeared in Yida Hotel, connected with Jiangdong and went straight to the racing track in the suburb of Tianjing.

The scale of Tianjing's racetrack is no smaller than that of Tian Yuhao's racetrack in Longjing, or even worse. After all, this is the place where the competition is held.

After taking Jiang Dong and Tian Yuhao to the private room, Mr. Wang left the private room to arrange the three billion yuan and betting.

"Laotian, whose industry is this place?" Jiangdong sits in the VIP room with a huge French window in front of him, which can clearly overlook the whole track. It is definitely the best scenic spot.

"The Kong family in Tianjing has the same status as Lin's in the devil." Tian Yuhao smiled with some schadenfreude. "The Kong family and the Bai family have always been at odds, and there is the relationship between brother Wang. In addition, brother Dong is willing to throw money. The champion this time is absolutely within reach!"

Throw money?

According to the current income of Jiangdong, isn't it the check-in fee of Jiangdong for one and a half days?

What's the fuss?

Of course, Jiangdong won't say these words.

"The champion must be in hand. In this competition, there are things beyond the control of capital?" Jiang Dong said disapprovingly: "how is the schedule arranged?"

"Sanlianzhuang, one after another, can compete one day today, very quickly!" Tian Yuhao responded.

"Well done!" Jiang Dong snapped his fingers.

Jiangdong doesn't have time to waste time here. It's the king to upgrade the system quickly.

After the promotion, he cleaned up the Meng family. It's been three days. No one from the Meng family has appeared. Jiangdong is very upset. Anyway, Jiangdong is also Shen Qing's cousin. Even if others don't come, Meng Yao has to show up?

In fact, there is no