Seeing this, Zheng Yi quickly covered his mouth with his hands to make sure he didn't make a sound.

At this time, the mobile phone was finally connected. A low and angry male voice clearly passed into the ears of Jiangdong three people through the speaker, "who is it? Why do you have my private number?"

Xu Yang didn't speak. He just used the mobile phone that recorded Chai Laosan's voice and released such a passage, "I have the man in my hand."

"What? Who are you? What do you really want to do? What good is it for you to catch Yueyue? Don't you want to go to war with our magic capital Zhangjia?" the male voice at the other end of the phone immediately exploded, roared with a hoarse voice almost like a beast, and the vibrating mobile phone speaker spewed out clusters of dust.

"I just want money!"

"Three hundred million!"

"Get together in an hour!"

"Old without serial numbers!"

"I promise she's safe!"

"If you dare to report the patrol, tear up the ticket!"

Xu Yang breathed out several paragraphs of voice, and then the man at the other end of the phone suddenly fell into silence.

After more than ten seconds, the man at the other end of the phone gasped for a few breaths. Then he shouted, "it's impossible! Our Zhang family can't take out so much cash in such a short time!"

Xu Yang is not playing voice, but waiting for the other party to continue talking.

The other party didn't respond immediately. It was obviously thinking or making other preparations.

As for Zheng Yi, his eyes have been staring to the extreme. The first action is to cover his mouth with his hands, but now he is biting his palm with his teeth, as if he was afraid that he would make a sound.

Jiangdong, on the contrary, was still sitting in the master's chair, shaking the tea cup slowly. The fragrant tea in the cup produced a small vortex with the shaking action of Jiangdong.

After more than ten seconds, the man on the other end of the phone spoke again, "two hundred million. We Zhangjia can collect two hundred million old non serial banknotes in two hours at most. You know, this is the limit that we Zhangjia can do, of which one hundred million is the capital of customers!"

"Don't play tricks!"

"Wait for my notice!"

Xu Yang finally played two pieces of voice and hung up the phone directly.

When the phone hung up, Zheng Yimeng loosened his mouth and gasped heavily. He didn't even feel his palm being bitten and bleeding by himself.

"I... i... i... fuck!" Zheng Yi vomited madly, looking at Jiangdong like a monster, "The person who answered the phone is Zhang Cheng sent by Zhang Jia to Wucheng? Also, brother Dong, Zhang Yue was really tied up by us? But none of our people moved! Did brother Dong really invite two mysterious experts from outside? When boxing, he deliberately asked Xu San and Xu Wu to impersonate?"

"What do you think?" Xu Yang handed Zheng Yi a cup of hot tea. "I said, there are no mysterious experts at all. Mourning Bo and silly Biao are the hands of Wang Laowu and me!"

Zheng Yi couldn't suppress the curious little universe in his heart. His mouth was like a submachine gun and asked all his doubts, "lying grass! What's going on?"

"Who did Dongge send to tie Zhang Yue?"

"Can you fight easily, and even the iron man is beaten without fighting back?"