"What happened just now? I don't know!" Jiangdong directly cut off the topic, "give me the key!"

"Ah! OK!" Wang Tao immediately handed the Trident to Jiang Dong. "Mr. Jiang, don't worry, all the formalities of this car have been completed and put it in the car, and there is absolutely no problem with the car!"

"OK! I'm leaving! I have a chance to cooperate!" Jiang Dong waved his hand and ran out of the exhibition hall excitedly.

As for the procedures and origin of super running, Jiangdong must rest assured. As the saying goes, system products must be high-quality products.

Sitting in the Trident car, Jiangdong immediately started the car. In an instant, a roaring roar like a beast suddenly began. The sound wave was called a crazy drag, cool hanging and bombing God!

Across the window, he waved to Wang Tao who went out to see him off. Jiang Dong stepped on the accelerator. The Trident ran like a runaway wild horse, rushed out directly and drove into the long street.

This rare beast class Super run has just merged into the long street, and the surrounding vehicles seem to have reached some consensus. They are far away from the road beast one after another, resulting in a vacuum area without any cars within three meters of Jiangdong

The bright Trident and low lying perfect super running streamline are not furnishings. Even if the car is blind, you can see that the car is valuable. In case of scraping and touching, even if it is insurance, the insurance premium next year will be enough to rise to the level of human flesh pain.

In front of the intersection, Jiangdong waited for the red light and had nothing to do. He simply opened the system light curtain to see if the reward for completing the task was in place.

Just after opening the light curtain, a white exclamation mark with a red background was displayed on the icon of the backpack. At the same time, the familiar Royal sister voice suddenly sounded, "the host has completed the task and obtained a level 1 consumption cash back card, which has been stored in the backpack. Please check it."

Jiangdong raised his backpack, and a golden card with the words "level 1 consumption cash back card" immediately popped up on the light curtain.

"Does the host open the level 1 consumption cash back card?"

"Once opened, the level 1 consumption cash back card will disappear. After one hour or the first to reach the consumption limit of 100000 yuan, the card will become invalid."

The imperial sister's voice sounded in Jiangdong's brain again.

"Within an hour?" Jiangdong silently closed the light curtain. He is still driving aimlessly. Now opening it is a waste of time. "What should I do? This simple boredom and loneliness really makes me helpless!"

Plain boring and lonely?

That's true.

As long as Jiangdong signs in every day, according to the results of these days, he will almost get a reward of no less than 3.5 million. It is completely the rhythm of receiving 3.5 million a day. In a month, he can achieve the small goal in the mouth of Wang Shoufu. It is really boring and lonely

Jiangdong wandered aimlessly in the long streets of Wucheng, and he was getting familiar with the latest skills. He opened Maserati with one hand. "The auto trade city has been in a circle, and the time has come to noon. It's time for lunch."

Jiangdong thought, Shen Xiulian's physical condition is much better in the hospital. He can take care of herself for lunch. He doesn't worry. On the contrary, it's boring to eat alone. It's better to shout out Ning Xiaohua and eat together, and use the level 1 consumption cash back card he just obtained.

Anyway, it's not bad for money now, so do all the things you didn't dare to do before!

About school flowers to spend is something Jiangdong didn't even dare to think about before!