Chapter 250 - Flying Insects

Seeing her happy look, Rino scratched the back of his head, "It's not that I didn't want to write to you first or that I only wrote short replies. It's just I... really am not used to this."

With a bit of a blush, he glanced at Karen. He was once again shock to see her crying. Without much thought he stood right up and went beside her.

"Wha- What is it? Did I say something wrong? Why are you cry-"

He couldn't finish his words for Karen stood up and pulled his neck planting her lips on his. He was shock to be suddenly kissed. It was just a soft touch and Karen pulled away with a happy grin.


This time it was her who couldn't finish her sentence as just as she pulled away, Rino pulled her back. She could only close her eyes as she kiss him back.

In reality this was their first kiss. Weird? Not really, things just didn't go in the romantic way for the two of them, plus they became very busy after the war. Their plan of really setting off after everything was put on hold once again.

That is also why Karen was shocked that Rino has given her the task of becoming the queen.

After the kiss, Rino pressed his forehead on her. He was bending down for Karen only reached until below his shoulder.

"Did you know that you just sealed your fate with that kiss?" he asked with a smile.

"If loving you is the sealed fate then I am willing for my fate to be sealed," she replied with a wide smile.

"Quite a daring one I must say. That must be also why I have come to love you, haven't I?"

His words caused Karen's tears to come out once again.

"What happened?" Rino was fl.u.s.tered, weren't they happy just now?

"That was the first," she looked up at him with her tear streaked face, "That you told me that you already love me."

Though shock at first, Rino broke into a smile as he wipe her tears with his thumb, "Then I will not stop saying it. I love you Karen. I am new to all these but I know that you will be the person I wanted to spend my everything with."

With another tearful smile, Karen hugged him tight. Her happiness couldn't be contained.


"Seeing your look, I can say that everything went well," Raven asked as he parried Rino's sword.

It was already afternoon and just as planned, they met up once again by the lake to train all over again.

Raven who was stupefied by Nana's words didn't notice the time until Rino returned. Seeing the bright look he has, Raven knew that Rino was able to sort everything out.

"Yeah, we were able to clear everything up," Rino replied with a smile as she continued his attack.

Raven only replied with a smile. He really didn't need to say anything, knowing that the two of them are alright is more than enough.

"Hey what are you guys talking about?" Hideyoshi curiously asked as he swing his sword. Both he and Mamoru's current training was sword swing.

"His proposal," Raven non chalantly said as he stopped attacking Rino.

"Quite straight forward aren't you?" Rino shakes his head after Raven beat him in replying.

Raven just shrugged it off.

"Oh so you proposed already as well?" Mamoru asked as he too stopped swinging his sword.

"As well?" Hideyoshi was even more confused upon hearing Mamoru's words.

"Haven't I told you? Azusa and I are already engaged," Mamoru replied as he wipe the sweat in his face.

"You- You- You- Why are you all like that????" Hideyoshi asked before running away.

All three was left dumbfounded upon seeing this. He really didn't have to run away like that, did he? They each look at each other before going after Hideyoshi. They really didn't expect this reaction.


After squealing for a while, Feena and Azusa finally calmed down. Despite not having the ring, Karen was already obviously engaged with Rino and this is a very happy event.

"I'm glad my brother isn't as clueless to it as he seemed," Nana said with a smile.

They should have been training but they chose to have a girl's talk for now. It has been so long since they have last got the chance to chat with each other.

"I'm so happy for all of you. And I must say Azusa, your ring is really beautiful," Feena said as she reach out to Azusa's left hand.

"Though all of it is thanks to Nana," she replied shyly.


"STOP!! How many times must I tell you that you no longer have the chance?" Azusa said exasperated.

For the nth time she is rejecting this person in front of her. He was a doctor and most of the time during the war he was inside the hospital. It's been four months since then and this man had been pursuing her for a whole week now.

She had been telling him that she already has Mamoru, but he just wouldn't stop.

"You'll never know. Since he is not around how sure are you that he still only has you?"

Azusa wanted to slap her own forehead, why are there people like this? Just because you are not with your lover on the same place others would already come in the way.

"Enough, why don't you just go and find your own life?" she still reined in her anger and asked the man nicely.

"If it was another person, they would have said yes to me already. Why are you being so difficult now? Shouldn't you be happy that the next top most doctor is coming after you?" the man said agitated.

Azusa wanted to leave her mouth open upon hearing his self proclaimed title. Next top most? She's sure, if Akito was not around, this person would have taken the top most position. How narcissistic can he be?

"You know what, I know you wanted to be with me. So let's just go and have some time alone shall we?" the man confidently said as he went on and pulled her arm.

Her anger have also reached the peak, she was about to pull her sword with her other hand in order to cut this man's hands off. When...


Her waist was hugged as she was pulled away from the man. The man, on the other hand, was sent to the ground after receiving a sudden punch.

She slowly looked to her side, only to see a dark faced Mamoru. She blinked her eyes rapidly as if trying to make sure that he was really there.

With a heavy sigh, "What the hell do you think are you doing? Next top most? Don't make me laugh, you can even barely do any operations. Do you want me to destroy your face? Then maybe you can prove how you can become the next top most doctor by doing some plastic surgery."

His face was so dark that the man who was holding his swollen cheek couldn't help but to move backward.

"Still staying? Leave. If you try and get near her all over again don't ever think I will hold back," with gritted teeth Mamoru further scared the man.

Without much thought, the man runaway.

"*scoffs* Acting all high and mighty but would run with his tails between his legs once faced with his real opponent. Hmmm maybe I should really have punched him from the beginning?" Azusa commented before looking at Mamoru.

"You really should have done that from the very beginning, tsk."

With a click of his tongue, Mamoru pulled out a small box from his pocket. Without ceremony or other words he opened it and insert it to Azusa's ring finger.

"I was planning on having a beautiful surprise for this but since I am still busy and insects are already flying around you. I'll just make our wedding grander."

Azusa stared shock at the ring on her finger, "Mamoru, you..."

"Don't look at me like that. I am not asking you for you will have to marry me whether you like it or not," Mamoru replied as he too looked at the ring on her finger.

Azusa couldn't help but shake her head, she pulled him into a hug as she happily said, "Who said I'm going to say no. I was just waiting for you to finally return before asking you to marry me. I really hate those insects flying around and I know some insects are flying around you as well."

(End Of Flashback)

"He only returned back then because you wrote him a letter telling him that someone is trying to take me away. I couldn't stop laughing as he talk about the letter and how his face changed. It was hilarious," Azusa said as she look at Nana.

"I just thought that that could be a good catalyst to make him propose. And viola, just as I thought. I just didn't expect for him to already have planned it once he returns," Nana replied smugly.

"Maybe I should threaten Hideyoshi now?" Feena couldn't help but say.

Nana and Natsuki's story were already heard by them so they knew that the two are just preparing, other than Eureka who was not around. Only her and Suzuki are the only ones who still has no idea when they'll get married.

"Oh Feena," Nana said as she look at Feena.

"Hey don't look at me like that, I just thought of it."