Chapter 387

In a dark world, the sun shines like a searchlight, and the light and shadow on the ground form a distinct square. The black sky, the running crowd, the chaotic shouting, the overturned and fallen objects, and the unknown disaster suddenly came.

The vase on the table was blown up by the air, hit the wall, smashed, and the red tulip disappeared in the confused air outside the window.

Jack grabs the windowsill with one hand, then the light blue shield covers it and stabilizes himself in the turbulence. Only when the situation was settled did he have the energy to pay attention to the silver haired girl across the table.

The silver hair danced in the air, covering her chin and face. Some of them even poked into the clear blue eye pupil, which made the girl close one of her eyes.

The silver haired girl did not use the shield to protect herself as Jack expected, but took out the silver pocket watch at her waist in the confused air.

The flip of the pocket watch has a pattern of vine and crescent winding. When it is opened, the dial and pointer are also exposed in Jack's eyes.

In the chaos of shouting and wind around, she gently points the dial, light golden light appears from the inside of the flap, and then the girl seems to be sucked in and suddenly disappears.

Finally, the silver pocket watch left alone on the seat, and the hands on the dial still moved slowly, making a slight turning sound.


In Chengzhai college, Luolan's dormitory.

Kitty's gold pocket watch at the head of her bed suddenly opens, and the golden light is in full bloom. Then a girl with silver hair comes out of it.

And the red haired girl who had been sleeping in the room had already awakened. Seeing the appearance of the silver haired girl, she finally eased her anxiety.

"Lorraine, no good." Kitty said anxiously.

Even if she lost her memory, the flame witch still realized that it was wrong, but now she didn't know what to do, so she could only turn to her best friend for help.

"I know."

As soon as Lorraine hill came out, he took Kitty's hand, and they jumped directly from the windowsill and flew to the air in the turbulent air.

There is a small black hole in the sky, from which the atmosphere of chaos reveals that branches, sand, dust and debris are flying in the air stream and gradually absorbed by the black hole. Under the dark sky, there is a black sand and dust storm.

More than a dozen series 8 sages, like morning stars of different colors, are inlaid in the air. Whenever you see a student who is swept up by the wind, you will give a helping hand and fix it.

At the top of the sky, the two sages of sequence 9 support the grand dome like a sky curtain, protecting the whole ermenas, weakening and isolating the influence of the black hole.

If they are allowed to fight against the witch, they may not be at a disadvantage, but it is difficult for the other party to solve the self explosion whirlpool which is purposeful and has been prepared for a long time.

Agatha has obviously studied the principle of chaos mirage and chaos vortex for many years, so as to trigger a new vortex black hole. Once the black hole stabilizes, it will become a new chaos vortex, and then it will trigger the disaster of chaos erosion again.

"Kitty, do you see that black hole?" Lorraine Hill's voice was a little unreal in the wind, torn to pieces.

"I see it." Kitty nodded.

"Can it be destroyed?"

"I don't know“ She shook her head, but said with certainty.

"I can try."

So a new, magnificent, crimson comet rose from the earth.

As water drops on the surface of the lake, thousands of different fiery Reds are superimposed on each other, forming vast ripples, which spread in all directions.

The turbulent fire broke through the layers of waves and kept rising. The wrapped girl seemed to be turning into light, burning and blooming.

If you look from the outside of the sky, you can see that there is a bright orange spot on the blue and yellow green planet, and the bright fire waves are advancing in all directions like high tides.

And in the center of the flame, there are no complete molecules, everything is burned into free particles, turned into bursts of Mars, dissipated in the wind.

The flame moves forward along the vortex, gathering and closing inward. All the tangible and intangible things, such as the chaotic breath, mirage, magic structure, etc., which spilled out before, are annihilated and disappeared in the flame.

In the twisted light, the flame poured into the endless black hole. And the black hole is also like the water outlet under the pool, constantly absorbing the huge flames.

The short-lived space-time channel was wildly attacked by these flames, and burned into distortion and confusion, in which all kinds of space-time turbulence and slices interweaved.

Under the orange flame sky, the girl with silver hair opens her eyes wide and looks at the black hole vortex that has never dissipated. Stars begin to appear in the pupils of her eyes, and the butterfly hairpin beside her ear also blooms blue.

But just as she was about to enter the world of stars and spy on her destiny, a silver light appeared under the stars.

Slender silver light like a long gun, through the sky and the earth.

A black dress witch with golden hair and silver pupil appears in the dark starry sky, holding a crescent moon staff in her hand.

[close the door, time and space will be still here

The staff of the crescent moon is silver, with complex lines on it. The blooming streamer turns into a silver thread and falls down from the starry sky, enveloping the tiny black hole, then slowly closing it, until finally, it disappears without a trace.

That's... Titus. Lolan Hill looked at the witch under the stars, making her feel familiar and strange.

This phantom witch has a solemn and sad face. She watched her old friends being crushed by the turbulent flow of time and space. Her soul was broken in the fire, and then broken by herself one by one, to bridge and fill the gap of time and space, until it disappeared completely.

[goodbye, Agatha

I hope you can see Dorothy, trinasha, Edwina... And other familiar figures at the end of time and space.

After the black hole disappeared in the sky, the crimson fire also scattered into fiery red particles slowly falling, and a red haired girl emerged in the sky again.

She looked at the witch under the starry sky curiously and nervously, then crossed the night sky like streamer, and returned to the lakeside under the dark sky.

"Lorraine, I can't burn that, but there's another witch to help." Kitty's hands clung to Lorraine Hill's wrists, as if to explain, and as if to seek praise.

"Well, I know. It's hard work, Kitty."

Lorraine Hill hugged Kitty, gently stroked the warm red hair with one hand, and then looked up at the slowly falling phantom witch.


Tertiary, 1686, year of fire. On May 9 in the middle of the year, a huge flame bloomed from the top of the world in the center of the western continent, and then swept one third of the sky in the mainland. Under the orange burning sky, the temperature of the whole world was rising, and the summer of this year was also the hottest season in recent hundreds of years.