Chapter 230

Lolan kept quiet about what happened at that time. In fact, among her classmates, the only one who knew her real strength was Samantha. Yeling was about half of them. Other people's impression is that although Lorraine doesn't use swords frequently, his swordsmanship is very powerful.

After Luolan fed a [golden maple sugar], together with the previous treatment, Niya got better soon, and recovered in two days. We have to say that orcs really have an advantage over humans in the system.

The next day, when she woke up in the morning, Niya tried to exercise. At this time, she was the only one in the room. She felt in good condition. She put on her clothes and was ready to go out to have a look.

Lift the thick curtain, slightly dazzling sky into the eyes, after several seconds to gradually adapt.

This is the residence of the cave lions. There are many other gray tents around her tent, which are bigger than the sheep horn tents. The size of the lion mane group is generally more than 2 meters, while the average height of the sheep horn group is about 1.6 meters. By contrast, the size of the things used is a circle larger.

Around the tent, there are a small number of lion mane women and children. Some of them are making a fire to cook, some are beating wheat grains and threshing. These lion mane orcs will plant a small amount of wheat.

Unfortunately, these wheat grains are very small, it seems that the harvest is not good.

In the distance came the sound of metal collision. Niya heard the sound and walked past. The lion mane Orc on the road did not stop him. Instead, he humbly stepped aside and pulled the curious child away from disturbing the girl.

Niya turns around a few tall tents, and an open space appears in the field of vision. The open space is surrounded by a low fence, and two orcs are competing inside. They are armed with axes and wear thick armor. There are many scratches and small grooves on the armor. It seems that they are old, but they are well maintained.

The two men attacked back and forth in the open space. It was the end of the attack. Both sides had little physical strength. After each attack, they had to gasp for a while before the next attack. Surrounded by a circle of orcs, some are cheering, some are cheering, others are beating giant drums.

Niya turned her eyes and soon found the figure with black hair. Compared with those tall and powerful lion mane orcs around, the girl's body was too weak. She sat on a platform beside an old shaman. It seemed that she was talking about something. Soon she waved her hand to Niya and asked her to pass by. Finally, the competition ended.

When Niya stepped onto the platform, there were cheers. A group of people supported the winner and handed him a huge roast pig's hoof. He took a bold bite, followed by a burst of cheers, many Orc girls eyes full of worship and infatuation.

"Lord Lorraine, what do you think of Leighton? He is the most powerful soldier among the younger generation of our tribe, and now he has the strength of sequence 5. It should not hurt your dignity to let him be your entourage. " Old shaman inquired about Lorraine hill next to him.

The girl with black hair was wearing a black dress, and a delicate Pendant with smoke color was on her chest. Her soft and transparent black eyes seemed to be blind to deception and concealment. The sincerity and purity seemed to reach the bottom of her heart.

She understood the meaning of the old shaman. Although she was an entourage, she also expected to learn something from herself, even if she was edified, less impatient and more patient.

The orcs are rebellious. The more arrogant and powerful they are, the more so they are. If you are not strong enough to beat them, he will think that everything you say is useless nonsense. On the contrary, if you can fully convince the other party in terms of strength, then he will regard what you say as the standard.

In the past two days, lorenthal and the old shaman have talked a lot, and learned a lot about the situation of orcs in recent years, as well as their migration and evolution in those years. Many of them are sad and miserable. It turns out that it's not only the rabbit ear tribe, but also the orcs on the grassland.

There has always been a shortage of food, but most of the products produced by animal husbandry are fur and dairy products, which are difficult to feed. Moreover, due to the lack of vegetables and fruits, they sometimes even eat grass. It's literally eating grass. They had to be demoted from intelligent creatures in human form to beasts for a while.

Under the pressure of starvation, there have been all kinds of conflicts between the Orc tribes, in order to fight for pasture, food, property, and so on. Hungry, even eat the body of the enemy.

Due to the physical differences between the beasts, they don't have the same empathy as the human beings. In addition, the barbaric style makes this kind of behavior not be rejected too much.

Although shamans jointly announced many years ago that they would never be allowed to eat the same kind of corpses, this cruel practice will still be performed in some remote corners. When living is a problem, it's hard to ask everyone to be moral. What the head of the tuer village worried about at that time was not imaginary, but actually happened.

Over the years, because of more and more transactions with the outside world, the grain transported from the South alleviated this situation, which barely maintained the precarious moral line.

Some people have thought about planting more crops to harvest food, but it is difficult to achieve.

For one thing, the land is barren, the level of agricultural knowledge and level of the orcs is very low, the yield is low, and the land is easy to desertification.

Second, for the destruction of other tribes, don't overestimate the morality of others. Out of jealousy and greed, many other tribes will take advantage of your harvest and even engage in destruction.

A year's hard work can be destroyed by a torch.

Unity is impossible, because you are not the same tribe as you. When you are strong, you will only invade and rob the pasture and property of the people around you. Your strength will only do them harm. The Orc tribes are inherently exclusive. No wonder after the collapse of the crazy tooth Empire, those winged tribes didn't recognize these relatives in the north. Instead, they formed the Falcon kingdom with human beings.

Had it not been for the strong pressure from the human kingdom around the grassland, these Orc tribes would have been fighting in an all-round way.

The lack of resources and food makes the inner struggle of the animal world like a dark fire that never goes out. Although it is not big, it burns up the warmth between each other, leaving only anxiety and uneasiness. It's like a wild animal trapped in a cage, chasing its own tail crazily. Only in this way can it consume energy, so as not to let the population grow rapidly and destroy the fragile situation.

Perhaps a thousand years ago, orcs had such a dream of attacking human beings, but now a little more rational Orc shaman will strictly prohibit it. The total number of orcs in gufeiya grassland is only more than 30 million, but there are nearly 2 billion human beings in the western continent. The high-level and extraordinary people have also crushed it. The orcs have long been afraid to stimulate the sensitive nerves of this race.

So, when will this difficult situation come to an end?