Chapter 210

As the weather gets warmer, the rainy season in ermenas is coming.

It's just dawn in the morning, and the rain of last night is still on the ground. Some white petals and green leaves are also scattered on the avenue, which are directly stepped on by some early students.

The central school building is located in a flat area, and the main buildings are roughly divided into finished shape areas. A large area in the north is the Teaching Hall and the office of the classrooms. The part in the south of the west is for various activities, such as archery shooting range, horse racing field for Freshmen to learn riding, courtyard for combat training, activity room for student associations, and garden for raising Warcraft. The south part of the east side is the dormitory for freshmen and senior students of the central school.

The white brick and stone apartment buildings are arranged neatly, but they are not dense. There are open spaces between the buildings, and many green apricot trees are planted around the buildings. Now is also the season of apricot blossom, white petals divided into five pieces, evenly spread, slender white stamen tip is light yellow, nearby observation can see fine pollen scattered.

As the sun slowly rises, there are more and more students on the avenue. Four girls in the same dormitory walk together and talk in a low voice.

"No, Lorraine lost."

Because last night, Lorraine Hill went back late and other people also went to bed, Alina now knows the result of the match.

"Why are you so surprised? There are many hidden talents in the new star competition." Letis stares at Alena in doubt.

"You're not going to bet, you guy."

"Ah ha ha... How can I go gambling?" Alina denied it, but she looked lost. Although she didn't gamble, it was probably someone else's bet.

"Well, who won Lorraine?" Niya walked beside and asked curiously. She was wearing a light brown hat on her head.

"Well, it's confidential."

Looking at Lorraine Hill's intention not to say it, she was a little annoyed and wanted to rush up and pinch her face. But she thought that she couldn't fight, so she gave up.

Before the war class, they had a simple competition with wooden swords, or Alina had a competition with several people in the dormitory with wooden swords at that time. It's a pity that she was defeated in the three battles. Naturally, it goes without saying that Niya lived on the grassland when she was a child, fighting with sticks. That was an entertainment for the people of the grassland when she was a child. As a child, letis also learned court swordsmanship. Although the actual combat was ordinary, it was much better than Alena's random stick swordsmanship.

In this way, the top four of the new star competition were finally decided, namely, Samantha, Isaiah, rock and orc freshman Tim.

For this strange result, several teachers who knew the truth shook their heads one after another, saying whether two of them were lucky or the others were bad luck. Because the numbers at that time were randomly assigned, it happened that several golden talents were all concentrated together and were eliminated from each other. Among them, the top ones were Ailoy, lvshuang, lvshuang And the short sleeve teenager was defeated by Lorraine hill and failed to enter the final 16.

Even now, after entering the semi-finals, two of them are only silver in battle evaluation, and the only gratifying thing is that one of the two most special talents, Samantha, has also entered the semi-finals.

"It's a pity that Miss Lorraine 309 gave up for some reason." A teacher looked at the form in his hand.

"Maybe people don't care about ranking. Those Oriental people do have such a hobby." Another teacher who inspected and repaired the site said that as he put his hand on the ground, the pitted ground became flat, the walls around him were as smooth as ever, and some of the holes were filled with mud.

Then a gray glow spread, and the soil and debris petrified again, forming diamond shaped floors. In order to show the grandness of the final venue, the teacher also put a little effort to condense the pattern of stars on the slate to correspond to the final of the new star competition.

"Your Petrochemical ability is really easy to use. It should be good for building houses." The teacher who took the form said enviously.

"Ha ha, some nobles did ask me to do similar things before, but later they didn't go on because they thought my price was too high."

"Isn't it a small lift? How much do you ask?"

"300 gold coins."

"That's expensive."

"You don't understand. The house and the floor are totally different. If you make a whole block, it's easy to have problems. Once it's broken, it's easy to collapse. If you really want to learn from an ordinary stonecutter to build one by one, why do you want me to go, so I won't be invited later. "

After chatting for a while, as it gets late, the freshmen begin to finish class, and the final is coming.

First of all, it's boumansa to Tim.

Tall body has two meters high, two stout black horns pointing at the sky, a closer look can also find that there are rough spiral lines on the horns.

Facing boumansha is niutouzu freshman Tim. He holds a big spear and stands on the battlefield. Today's light is particularly bright. Several shining magic balls are suspended in the air. There are also several judges and teachers watching.

Compared with Tim, who is tall and stout, she is a little small. This time, instead of using a wooden pole, she used a slightly formal wooden sword.

Looking at the girl opposite, holding a wooden sword as thin as a burning stick, Tim scorns it. Ordinary people hold a big gun with a thick fist in their hand, and then smash a pestle into the ground to make a hole. The five meter long gun body is shaking. Guns are better than swords. This is a famous saying.

Although he is also sequence 4, he has a strength comparable to that of gold, that is, close to sequence 5. He is called "giant ox of heaven" by the big shaman in the clan, which means that the bull born by the will of heaven can compete with the giant.

And along the way, also easy to hang silver freshmen of the same level, let its self-confidence expanded a lot.

"Battle begins!"

With the referee's order, Tim held the gun and thrust forward,

The body of the gun shakes, the tip of the gun twitches the air, making a thunderbolt like sound. In one stab, seven residual shadows of the firecracker come out, which is hard to deal with.

See the remnants of the gun will soon be covered by Samantha. She pulled up the sword light from bottom to top and hit the middle point of the gun tip in the rapidly shaking shadow. Then she folded it and the big gun was directly split by the middle of the sword light. The crack continued to extend and one gun became two guns.

"How could it be?"

It's just a move. The weapon in hand is useless. Tim throws away the destroyed weapon, takes a deep breath, and then roars violently from his mouth. The huge sound wave spreads, lifts up gravel and soil particles, and flies directly to the opposite boumansha. He can even feel a pain when he hits her.

Then Tim covered his body with a golden metallic luster, rushed to his opponent, his heavy steps shaking the ground like thunder.

When he was about to run into Samantha, he lost his opponent's figure in the field of vision, and then the metal covered body began to appear cracks, and the bright red blood flowed down.

Tim didn't want to yell, and then there were several shocks and chases, which brought up a burst of smoke and made several big holes, but he couldn't get close to Samantha,


Finally, the heavy body hit the stone slab on the ground, making a loud noise. After losing too much blood, Tim fell into a coma, and the referee's voice rang out on time.

"385 wins. It's over."