Chapter 53

I'm very sorry to receive the reply of signing application today. Because the work has not reached the signing standard, the website will not pass.

I applied on Monday, but I only replied today. In fact, I have some worries, but I didn't expect it to come true. Later, I consulted some other writers and editors. If I applied for a contract, I would not go through it in the future, because the reviewers only read the first few chapters. They don't have much time to see what you wrote later.

In reality, there will always be some ups and downs. I can't be as smooth as the protagonist of the novel. I'm just an ordinary person, a new writer, and I don't have any fame, so it's impossible to turn over.

It's raining outside the window. I'm very melancholy.

Although I heard that this is a new cemetery, I didn't expect it would be so difficult. I still like the feeling of writing very much, and I hope I can make a living from it. But reality is not logical. In this era of information, opportunity is far more important than others.

If you like my book, please add group: 5353 -- 15849 (Penguin)

After a while, I'll open a new book and move on.

If one day I have a bit of fame, I should be able to be a little wayward, let the website sign the book again, and then continue.

Finally, thank you for your support and bow( Many readers give me full recommendations every day. I'm sorry to disappoint your support.)