Chapter 222 - Alt. Epilogue: 6 Of 10- Hello

"I… Then… is someone named Wang Li here? Can you get him? I only wish to speak with him."

"Everyone wants to speak with him. No mask, no entrance."

Ying Yue's face dropped and his shoulders slouched. He was not going to see Wang Li because he was stupid and forgotten to bring a mask. He stepped back so the others can enter. Taking out his phone, he went back down the walkway with his head down. He was hesitating on calling for a driver to take him back to the motel and be sad about missing his opportunity to meet his friend again. Maybe he would pick up a cake for himself.

'What a birthday…' He sighed for the umpteenth time and gnawed lightly on his bottom lip.

He turned back to the man who was nodding to some and shaking his heads to others. He wondered if those who didn't pass… if he could ask them to borrow their mask. Would it be wrong to do? All the man said was for him to have a mask…

"I can't believe we didn't get in!"

"No one told us about a pendant thingy."

"Shit! Let's call Trish and tell her to steal some."

Ying Yue automatically covered his, the one Wang Li gave him, and turned away from those men. Why steal someone's pin just to get into a masquerade ball? That seemed too extreme to him. He walked around pretending like he was just strolling until those guys left.

Well, there goes his plan.

Looking at the large house, his eyes trailed each window hoping maybe he could catch a glimpse of his friend, but the windows were blacked out and he could see nothing. Looking down at his phone, he called for a driver.

"Hello, yes, can I have someone picked me up?" He said into his speaker and told them the address, "Yes, my name is-"

"Ying Yue?"

Ying Yue's heart stopped for a moment and he turned slowly to…

Not see Wang Li.

A medium sized box was held out to him and he thanked the person giving it to him.

"Hello, sir?"

The lady questioned and he cancelled the ride with an apology. Hanging up the call, he opened the box and his eyes widened. Glancing to where the person left, he stared at the mask. It was white with golden laced trims swirling like vines. It was not a cheap mask from the weight and feel of the ceramic. A small folded paper was underneath it and he opened it to read, 'Happy Birthday.'

Face blossoming in brightness as his grin spread across his face, he placed the gifted mask on his head and tucked the note into his coat pocket. Holding the wooden box, he walked up to the man with a grin. The door man assessed him for a moment, before his eyes widened slightly. Nodding his head, Ying Yue felt his heart racing.

'Wang Li, where are you?'

Entering the space, he felt so out of place.

His suit looked like cardboard compared to the silk clothing everyone was wearing. The ceiling was high and the chandelier burned through the cloth covering his eyes. People walked passed him, some bumped him, but no one acknowledge him. Okay, that was fine because all he needed to do was find Wang Li.

He walked around like a lost lamb in a sea full of wolves.

He was standing and he was doing his best not to stare to much at those around him. Their eyes assessed him, analyzed his worth and he tried to keep his chin up. He looked for raven hair to see plenty. He looked to find silver eyes, but many were covered. He tried to ask if anyone had seen Wang Li, but all he received were glares and confused stares.

'I really don't belong in this place…'

Music sounded and people were beginning to enter the dance floor. He watched people of all ages dancing and flowing to the music. Smiling, he could hear a female whispering harshly at another woman. Tilting his head, he wondered if this woman was Wang Li's mother. She had dark hair and though her eyes were not silver, the sound of her voice reminded him of that phone call.

He took a few steps forward, but he felt a hand on his bicep.

Turning, he was faced to faced with a man with a red laced mask.

"May I have this dance?"

Ying Yue felt his heart race and his face brightened. Nodding his head, he looked around to see where he could placed the wooden box. The man in the red mask took it off his hand and held it to a female to take away. Ying Yue grinned and followed the man to the dancefloor. People step aside for them and he felt like he was a princess. Flushing from that thought, they stood facing one another. He lifted his hands, unsure where to place them.


The man held one hand outward and placed the other on his shoulder. Ying Yue felt warm hand holding his waist lightly and he laughed softly.



"I… Thank you, Ah Li, for the gift."

"it suits you, Ah Yue."

He smiled and followed his friend's steps. He had wanted to meet Wang Li this whole time, but now that he was before his friend… He really did not know what to say or do. The music slowed, signifying the end of the dance. People were clapping and he attempted to join in, but Wang Li was still holding his hand. He looked at his friend to see him facing the direction of the woman earlier.

"Thank you all for coming," the female greeted with her back straight and her chin high, "As you all know, it is my son's birthday. He is of age now, so if you wish for his hand, have your parents contact me. If you are able to speak with him, heh, good luck."

The female finished sending narrowed eyes over at Wang Li.

'Son? Birthday?'

Ying Yue's eyes widened.
