Chapter 217 - Alt. Epilogue: 3 Of 10- Your Natural Scent Is Better

"My host is here."

"Don't you dare hang up you fucking piece of-"

Wang Li ended the call and offered a smile to the blonde.

"Your parents are kind."

"Thank you," Ying Yue smiled, "Are you alright?"


"Your fists…"

Wang Li let out a sigh and loosed his hands. Sliding the phone into his pocket, he stared at the furrowed brows and pursed lips. Ying Yue was looking at him, then looked away, before looking at him again.

"Ah Li…"


"The person on the phone, was it your mother?"

"You could hear her?"

"Not clearly, but she was screaming. Is everything alright?"

"Do not worry, Ah Yue. I'm going to finish homework before I sleep."

Ying Yue nodded and joined him. His mother entered to offer blankets and pillows, pleased that her son was getting along well with their guest. Once they finished their work, set the floor to sleep, Wang Li watched the platinum blonde snore lightly beside him. Moving gently out of the covers, he opened his bag and pulled out a sketchpad. Staring at the blonde again, he began sketching his muse.

Ying Yue woke up to the light peeking through his curtain. Blinking slowly, he saw that the space Wang Li slept was empty. Pushing himself up, he rubbed his eyes and looked around. They would be heading to school in an hour, so he decided to go get a quick shower before making a quick breakfast for them.

His parents worked early, so he wasn't worried about making noises. Grabbing his towel, he headed to the bathroom. Opening it, he set the towel aside and reached to pull the curtain, only to have someone do it first.

His golden eyes blinked and blinked.

Wang Li, with his naked wet body, stared at him before reaching for the towel he had just brought in.

"Thank you for the towel. I didn't know where you had them."

Ying Yue did not reply, still staring with wide eyes and mouth opened. Wang Li pushed his forehead softly and it woke him up. Milky skin suddenly doused in red and he turned away, running back to his room to hide under the covers. He stayed under even when Wang Li entered dressed and his alarm told him it was time to head to school.

"I apologize, Ah Yue, if I startled you."

Wang Li lifted the cover and Ying Yue avoided his eyes.

"I… I am okay," he offered a smile and quickly threw the covers off and changed his clothes. Wang Li left the room for his host's privacy and went to the kitchen. Grabbing two bottles of strawberry flavored protein shakes, he joined Ying Yue when he emerged from the room.

"Oh, good choice!" Ying Yue smiled and thanked him as he locked the door.

Wang Li got on the bike and he sat on the handles.

It felt like a routine already. He closed his eyes and leaned back smelling the jasmine scent from the body soap.

"Ah Li."


"Let's stop by the store on our way back from school."

"Did you need to pick something up?"

"Just non-scented soap and," he tilted his head back to sniff Wang Li's hair, "Hair products."

"You don't like the smell?"

"I do," he smiled holding the curve of the handle as he smiled before him, "I think your natural scent is better though."

He heard the chuckle and then felt chest pressed to his back.

"I like yours as well, Ah Yue."

Laughing softly, he grinned and watched as they turned a corner where the school was visible.

"Why did you have so many female products?"

"Oh, Jia Le was actually the person I was supposed to host."


"I am glad though, Ah Li, or else we wouldn't be friends."

"I agree."

They arrived and the rest of the school days went by easily. Nothing strange occurring, the female from before avoided them, and it felt like Wang Li was a part of the school already. But every night while he slept, the silver eyed guest would stare at him, making light sketches on the pad.

Today was the last day he was going to host Wang Li, so his parents gave him extra money to take Wang Li out one last time. Because it was summer weather, the carnival was open. That was the place he wanted to take Wang Li. So arriving back home, he told the silver eyed boy he wanted to take him out, to enjoy their last day together. They changed out of their uniform into something more comfortable, before heading to the carnival.

"Is the carnival here different than where you are?" Ying Yue asked as he bought strawberry drizzled chocolate crepes for his guest.

"I've never been to a carnival."

"Really?! Then, then I will be a good host an entertain you, Ah Li!"

'You already are, Ah Yue.'

Nodding his head, Wang Li followed and ate the sweets he was given. He played the games and rode rides all with a smile beside the blonde. The twinkling of the stars were beginning to sprinkle the sky as the moon peeked through. Wang Li stared at the moon before glancing at the blonde currently trying to fill the balloon to pop.

'His name is quite fitting.'

"Sorry, miss, you lost again."

Ying Yue dropped his shoulders and sighed, looking longingly at the big snow leopard hanging in the back. He felt fingers slid down his head to ran lightly down his nape. His body shivered involuntarily and he could feel the heat of his guest standing beside his seated position.

"Ah Yue, there are five other games that have the leopard. Let us go elsewhere instead."

"But sir, try again! I will give you an extra minute."

Ying Yue's ears perked up, but Wang Li shook his head.

"Give him three."

"Three? No, no I can't."

"Then we will try the darts. Ah Yue, I am good at it. I will win you that leopard."

"Whoa, whoa, no need to rush! 3 minutes. Go on."

"Really?!" Ying Yue grinned and readied himself to win this time. That cat was going to be his!

Wang Li paid this time since he was running out of money. When he mentioned it, his guest only shook his head and said he had plenty, so he should also enjoy his time as well.

"Ah Yue, focus beside the dot after the balloon looks like it won't get bigger," Wang Li leaned to whisper in his ear.

Ah, there went his heart dancing against his chest again.