Chapter 215 - Alt. Epilogue: 1 Of 10- Then You Are Beautiful

"Welcome Papa Wu and Papa Xi," Mo Chou laughed into his grin.

"Mo Chou," Ye Wu reached out and attempted to choke the boy, "How dare you- you stupid dog! I will kill you!"

"Papa Wu, if you harm my husband, I will need to fight you," Xu Lan stated and red eyes stared at him with jaws dropped.

"Oh my Netherworld! You sound just like him," Ye Wu cried and grabbed the pinkette into his arms, "Ah, you've controlled both really well," the demon sighed and pulled away, "Ah Li had worried for some time. He would be happy."

Xu Lan's face brightened and he grinned, causing Ye Wu to gush over the pinkette.

"So much like him," the demon covered his ruby eyes, "Ah Xi, I think I will die just staring at this boy."

Pang Xi laughed and pulled Ye Wu to him and smiled at the pinkette.

"We thank you, Xu Lan. Our king loves you and speaks of you."

"He does?! What, what does he say?"

Pang Xi chuckled and opened his mouth, but there was a screaming from the entrance. They turned and rushed to find their eyes wide and mouth dropped.

There at the entrance was a young boy with raven hair and silver eyes. From the looks of the marks and scars, they could tell the boy had gone through a fight. What was even more surprising was the other boy, platinum blonde hair and bright green eyes, being piggyback ride by the raven haired boy. This boy had no marks on him like the raven haired boy, but green eyes were wide and staring at them with fear.

The only thing that kept crossing Xu Lan's mind was… They looked like… Were they…


Xu Lan kept staring as Han Mo checked over the raven boy's injuries. The platinum blonde did not have any, so the brunette focused on spreading the ointment onto the opened wounds and scratches on the raven haired boy's skin. He glanced at the others to see them all thinking the same thing. Were they… Could they be them?

"Ah Li?" The platinum blonde questioned with teary green eyes.

"I am alright, Ah Yue," the raven haired boy said squeezing the blonde's hand with his silver eyes closed.

"It is worse. What if they… Just… It is okay Ah Li. I will go with them. You don't have to protect me anymore."

"Ah Yue," the raven haired boy stated sternly and the blond flinched from the tone, "I am sorry," the boy sighed, "Cultivators, we have traveled far. I ask for you help. There have been men trying to take Ah Yue away for…" the boy frowned deeply, "Will you kill them for us?"

"Yes," Ye Wu said quickly as he stepped forward and cupped the boy's face to see surprised silver eyes, "Anything for you, my king."

"Ah Wu…" Pang Xi started unsure what he wanted to say.

"You can't have him!" The platinum blonde frowned and pushed himself in between the raven haired boy and the demon, "I won't let you!"

"And what is a little child like you going to do about it?" Ye Wu taunted and suddenly felt the punch to his cheek. It didn't hurt, but… That child had just hit him! Growling, he stepped forward to feel a blade pressed to his neck.

Red eyes stared into silver ones as the blonde was tucked behind the raven haired boy. That determination, that look, that stance… It had to be-

"What is your name?" He questioned as his heart was jumping quickly.

"Do not touch Ah Yue."

"I won't if you tell me your name."

"Wang Li," the boy stated and he laughed so hard, tears were falling off his eyes.

"And you, blonde one?"

"Ying Yue."

This only caused the demon to fall to his knees as his body shook with joyous tears. Ye Wu had thought he would never get the chance to meet Wang Li ever again, but here he was a child. He felt arms around him and he leaned against Pang Xi, crying loudly into his lover's shoulder.

"Is… Is he alright?" Ying Yue questioned coming away from Wang Li's back.

"Uncl- Ying Yue," Xu Lan smiled so wide, his cheeks were going to hurt later, "He is just happy. For, for the men who are after you, where are they?"

"Are you going to kill them?" Wang Li questioned returning the blade he had grabbed off Han Mo, "I apologize for taking your weapon, cultivator."

"It… not a problem," Han Mo spoke softly still trying to understand what was happening.

"We do not kill, child. We will stop them from harassing your friend and others," Xu Ling stated clearly, "Give us their location."

"You do not kill, but you can hurt them badly, right?" Wang Li questioned and he saw the slight quirk at the corner of the redhead and he grinned, "Very well."

Xu Lan wasn't sure if he wanted to stay and stare at his uncles as children again or beat the crap out of those who ever laid hands on them. His father made the decision to leave with Pang Xi and Mo Chou, while NuYing, Fu Shen, Han Mo, Ye Wu, and himself took care of the children. It still felt weird calling his uncles children, but he was extremely happy they were together again.

"How did you two meet?" Xu Lan questioned as they ate.

"Well," Ying Yue spoke softly looking at his meal, "My mother travelled a lot and in one of her travels, I met Ah Li. He didn't like me. Said I was annoying and to stop following him."

Wang Li chuckled lightly as the boy continued to eat.

"Why are you laughing! I was really sad, you know. I wanted to be friends and you just wanted me to go away."

"You were annoying and following me a lot, even when I went to relieve myself."


"But, I also know what they were going to do to you and I could not let that happen," Wang Li cupped the boy's cheek with a hand, "So we ran and I fought back while Ah Yue hid. I spoke to a wandering cultivator and they spoke with those men, but nothing happened. They chased us harder and fought harder, so I made sure we came here, in hopes to find protection."

"I will always protect you, Ah Li," Ye Wu stated feeding a mooncake to the boy, "If I had caught you before you entered this school, I would had killed them gladly."

The demon pouted and silver eyes crinkled biting into the mooncake.

"I like you."