Chapter 213 - Han Mo X Fu Shen- All My Life

Han Mo finished tying up the perfume pouch he had made for his sweet Fu Shen. Smiling, he headed out of the school saying goodbye to his family. His smile went into a grin when he heard Mo Chou call out to him.

"Uncle Mo," the navy haired man grinned, "Don't rush. Be sure to take you time. I'll make sure Lan Lan don't bother you again!"

"Oi! Mo Chou! I do not bother Uncle Mo!" The pinkette frowned and then found his husband wrapped around him like the golden binds.

"Better hurry," Mo Chou singsong and Han Mo grinned, waving goodbye to them.

Leaving the school, he traveled down the village to his lover's home. He greeted the villagers and spoke to some, before he reached the small home in between other homes. Knocking on the door, he waited and smiled when Fu Shen opened the door.

"Ah Shen," Mo Chou leaned in and the white haired man stepped back, opening the door wider for him to enter.

Shaking his head, he walked in with a smile and looked around.

"Where is Li Chu and Li Yun?"

"They are out shopping," Fu Shen stated and closed the door, "Are you hungry?"

"Mm. Did you have food already prepared?"

"Yes," Fu Shen stated and went to plate him a meal.

"You treat me so well, Shen-er," Han Mo sighed happily and sat at the table.

He watched his lover and his golden eyes softened, pleased to know Fu Shen, his long awaited crush, was finally his. Just kissing behind closed doors and light touches on bare skin, he welcomed death each time. He sometimes would stare at his lover when the white haired man was sleeping.

He still believed it was a dream sometimes.

"Ah, my favorite," Han Mo laughed and kissed his lover's cheek, "Thank you my love."

Fu Shen sent a soft smile and watched him eat. It didn't bother Han Mo because he reveled in those purple eyes on him. When he finished, Fu Shen brought the plate and chopsticks to the kitchen. Han Mo sighed rubbing his stomach. Before, his dearest Fu Shen only cared about the Ghost King's favorite meal. Now… Now his sweet lover remembered what he liked and what he enjoyed.

When Fu Shen returned to him, he was surprised when his shy lover kissed him desperately. He kissed back and moaned when his lover's tongue pressed through his lips. Fu Shen rarely ever took the initiative and ever wish to kiss this deeply! It made his entire body lit up and he was getting aroused just from the strokes of tongue.

He was pushed down to lay with lips still on his. His leg straddle the other so their knees were pressed against one another's hardness. Fu Shen was rubbing and Han Mo gripped the back of his lover's head. He pressed his knee up and he swallowed the hitched of breath from the white haired man's lips. They were kissing and rubbing out in the open where, if Fu Shen's sisters returned, they would see them on the floor making out.

"Shen," Han Mo breathed out when their lips parted, but their hips continued to rub, "Mm, should we not go to your room?"

"I miss you," Fu Shen admitted and Han Mo flushed harder.

"Ah! I miss you too."

Han Mo kissed his lover deeply and quickly pulled back to pepper kisses along the burn marks.

"Do you want to be in me or me in you," Han Mo panted rocking his hips, "Oh Heavens, I love you so much."

"Master Mo," Fu Shen spoke so seriously that Han Mo tried to blink the arousal out of his eyes as they paused in their movements, "You have corrupted me."

"What?" Han Mo furrowed his brows and grabbed his lover's face, "How? Let me fix it."

"Since we… touched the first time. I cannot stop thinking about it since."


"Fix it."


"Ah Mo."

"How… How can I take back making love to you?" Han Mo frowned, "I cannot go back in time."


"Ah, forgive me, Ah Shen," Han Mo peppered kisses on his lover's face and neck, "I should have waited and been more aware."


"Say something please, my sweet Fu Shen. I will do anything you wish."


"Ah Shen…"

"Go to my room and take off your clothes."



"W… What?"

"You heard me."

Han Mo stared at Fu Shen for awhile and the slow smile on Fu Shen's face made all the tension seeped off him. Kissing his lover's lips, he stood up and proceeded to remove his clothing as he went to his lover's room.

Fu Shen watched his beautiful master enter his room and he tried to calm the butterflies in his stomach. Licking his lips, he laughed softly to himself. Entering his room, he removed his own clothing and joined his naked lover on his bed. They kissed, their fingers ran over their skins, and he wrapped his fingers around their cocks. Stroking, he heard the stuttered groan and watched his master's eyes closed.

"Mm, my sweet love," Han Mo panted out softly against his face, "You are beautiful."

Warm palm touched his cheek and Fu Shen pumped faster, harder, and twisted his hand the way his master enjoyed. They came together, kissing and tonguing one another until they slowed their hips. They sighed and smiled, watching each other with such love in their eyes.

"In all your life, I will always love you," Han Mo pressed his forehead to Fu Shen's.

"You say so every time."

"Because it is true."

Fu Shen laughed softly and Han Mo closed his eyes and let the sound of his lover's voice hug his insides. They kissed a few more times before they fixed themselves and left Fu Shen's room.

Holding his dear Fu Shen from behind as his lover chopped to make dinner for his sisters, he placed the perfume on the counter. The chopping stopped and he kissed his lover's temple before taking those lovely lips again.

"Thank you, Master Mo."

"Why do you call me master? Your sisters are not here."

"A habit. My apologies, Ah Mo," Fu Shen smiled amusedly at him and Han Mo kissed him over and over as Fu Shen laughed against his lips.

By the time Fu Shen finished making dinner, his sisters had returned. Han Mo smiled and greeted them. They spoke and caught up on what they were doing and how they were living.

"I think I will go travel," Li Chu stated as she finished eating, "Sister and I have been talking for awhile. It would do me good and maybe I will find someone to love too."

"I think that is a good idea, Li Chu," Han Mo nodded, "You are one of the strongest we have at cultivation. You control your powers well and who knows, maybe you will have your own apprentice to boss around."

Han Mo grinned and the blue haired female laughed with a nod.

"You? Are you thinking of joining your sister?" Han Mo questioned his lover.




"Why not?" Han Mo questioned, "Like your sister, you are also strong and I can see you with an apprentice as well. So many little Ah Shen."

Han Mo sighed happily.

"He does not wish to leave you," Li Yun stated and Fu Shen looked at his sister, as if to say it was a secret.

"What?" Han Mo looked at his sweet lover, "You…"

"Master Mo," Fu Shen turned to him with a deep sigh, "I cannot leave. I will miss you too much."

Han Mo felt his entire body flush, before his heart flew out of his chest and into his lover's hands. He pulled his lover to him and kissed so deep, Fu Shen was lightheaded when they parted. He went forward to kiss his dear Fu Shen again, but the loud cough shook him from the undeniable love he had for his lover.

"My apologies," Han Mo grinned, "I am honored, my sweet Fu Shen wish to be beside me. Will you be alright on your own, Li Chu?"

"No, brother Mo," Li Yun smiled when she saw the shock color his face, "I will join her."

"Ah Yun-"

"You made you decision, sweet Shen," Yun looked at his brother, the child she had taken in, "Brother Mo will care for you."

Han Mo found himself laughing and grinning, as he kissed Fu Shen's cheek. Interlocking their fingers, he looked at Li Chu and Li Hien who were smiling at him.

"I will care for Fu Shen all my life."

"Master Mo…"


"I will as well."

"Ah! Fu Shen! You make it hard for me to not kiss you," Han Mo whined and tried to kiss Fu Shen again, but the palm stopped his lips.

"Save face," Fu Shen whispered and Han Mo laughed with a nod.

"Anything for you," he whispered softly.

It was Fu Shen's turn to flush red, but he smiled softly as he looked at the fingers interlocking his. He looked over at his master and caught golden eyes looking at him either the same look he had always seen on the older man's face. Now he knew what it meant.


'My king, thank you. Master Mo truly does love me.'