Chapter 191 - This Is Not Goodbye

"Ah Yue," Wang Li moaned and panted against his lips, "Slow down, my love."

"No, must not waste time," Ying Yue pulled back to remove his own clothing and pulled at Wang Li's bottoms.

He quickly climbed onto the bed and straddled an amused husband, who pulled him closer. He wanted a deep kiss but got a slow dirty one. He wanted fast and hard but received slow and needy.

"Ah Li," Ying Yue tried to thrust up when his husband flipped them, but Wang Li was pressed hip to hip.

"I know you wish to rush, my love," his husband spoke softly and pushed his strands away from his face, "I wish to remember you like this. Would you let me?"

The blonde shut his eyes as his heart hurt and his eyes watered.

"I will miss you," he whispered, "Please do not forget me."

"Never, my beautiful wife," Wang Li kissed his lips gently and smiled down at him, "You are mine. Any world, any life, any time, we will always find one another. My heart is yours."

His husband rolled his hips and Ying Yue breathed out a slow gasp. The bed squeaked with the thrusts and he wrapped his arms around his lover's neck. Legs hiked up to place over strong shoulders, the blonde could not stop his eyes from rolling back in pleasure.

"Ah, ah, ah," he panted over and over, before he keened when a particular thrust hit his bundle. It felt like every thrust was knocking his prostate over and over again. His wet cock was rubbing his own abdomen, ready to release.

"Mm, please," Ying Yue pulled Wang Li down to kiss him and gasped when his lover rolled just right that pushed his body to shiver.

He came with breathless pants and soft lips kissing all over his face.

Wang Li continued to roll his hips and watched every detail of his wife. From the way the blonde's breath hitched, the way fingers clenched, the way mouth parted, tongue licked, the way legs tightened, and the way Ying Yue said his name, Wang Li will remember it all.

He came into the clenching hole, marking his wife as his once more.

"I love you," he breathed out and golden eyes opened, blinking at him slowly.

"I love you more."


"Ah Li… I will forever wait for you."

"You are too good for me, my beloved."

"I know," Ying Yue kissed Wang Li and held him close as he cried softly, "Do not forget me, Ah Li."

"How will I do that?" His husband chuckled and kissed his cheek to his lips, "You forget, my love. You are the only one to hold my heart. I will think of you always."



Closing his eyes, he kissed his husband deeply.

"Come my love, let me feel you inside me," Wang Li whispered when their lips parted and he reddened looking away shyly.

"If that is what you wish, Ah Li," Ying Yue whispered and bit his bottom lip, listening to the deep chuckle that sent shivers down his body.

"Oh, I wish for a lot of things, my beloved wife. You shivering under me, screaming my name, begging for me."

"Ah Li!" Ying Yue laughed and flipped them over so he was over his husband, "You did say my voice was your favorite song."

"Yes, I wish to hear you always."

Wang Li kissed him and dug his tongue into his mouth. Moaning, he relished in the feel of his husband's every single twitch and breath. His tongue licked and tasted his lover's pucker and his fingers, not as thick as his lover, pushed in. He watched as his husband made a pleased moan when he had three fingers thrusting inside.

His mouth sucked and licked the thick girth, earning a loud groan from Wang Li. His husband's hips thrusted up into his mouth and into his fingers. He sucked harder and thrusted faster. Wang Li gasped and moaned, clutching his platinum blonde hair.

"My love, ah, ah, I love your mouth," Wang Li groaned out trusting his hips into hot wet mouth.

Ying Yue moaned and moved his mouth deeper. He could feel his throat tightening around the thickness and he felt as if he was suffocating with his husband's cock, but he did his best to please his lover. He swallowed and earned a twitch of hips.

Wang Li thrusted up and pressed so deep he choked with his nose pressed against thick coarse hair. The semen filled his throat and he swallowed moaning, as he humped the sheet below him.

"Ah Yue, inside me, my love."

He pulled off and licked his swollen lips and hollowed throat. Wang Li… oh Wang Li looked delicious with his flushed skin and wet lips. Moaning, he pushed into the tight hole and thrusted. His husband kissed him and tongued him as if his lover was tasting his ass.

Oh did he love it when Wang Li did that.

"Ah, Ah, mm, my love," Ying Yue panted and Wang Li bounced on his dick, joining him in the rhythm of his movement.

They breathed and panted into one another's mouth, before Ying Yue felt his eyes shut tightly and his hips bucked up. He slowed his hips and he sighed filling his lover with his semen.

"Mine," he mumbled dazed with pleasure and delicious lips.

"Yes," Wang Li chuckled, "Forever."


Saying goodbye was never easy for them.

Ying Yue watched as Wang Li said his goodbyes to Fu Shen, Li Yun, and Li Chu. They looked sad and even the white-haired boy had tucked his head against the man in red's chest. Then, his lover said goodbye to the rest of the students and Nuying. There were whispers exchanged and the female bowed to her waist, wiping her face.

Next, his pink haired nephew.

Though Zhang Xu Lan was upset that Wang Li was the Ghost King, he knew how much his nephew loved his husband. Ying Yue watched as Wang Li placed a hand on the young adult's shoulder, before the pinkette walked into the space and held his husband. Silver eyes widened slightly, before they closed. Wang Li hugged back and placed a hand on the pinkette's hair.

Then his husband went to his brothers.

Ying Yue watched as Han Mo bowed and Wang Li smiled. Words were exchanged and a grin spread across his brunette brother's lips. Then, Xu Ling also bowed and that surprised him. His redheaded brother had never once acknowledged his husband in such way and it brought tears to his eyes.

Finally, it was his turn to say goodbye to the Ghost King.

He watched his husband step into his space with that look, the one Wang Li had when he died, and the one Wang Li always had when they were to part.

"I will miss you every second I am away," his husband whispered cupping his face, "Know that I love you truly."

"I will think of you always, Ah Li. Not a day will go by without my thoughts on you," he whispered back softly and he was graced by the brilliant smile of his lover's.

They kissed and he held his husband tightly to him, making sure to rub the plum scent onto himself. When they pulled apart, his fingers clutched his lover's red robe tighter. As if knowing his thoughts, Wang Li pulled his outer robe off to drape over him.

"Red always looked beautiful on you," his husband tightened the robe as he pushed his hands through the sleeves.

Fingers pulled his hair out of the robe, wiping strands away from his face. His eyelids fluttered and another kiss was placed gently on his lips.

"I will see you soon," Wang Li said softly and pulled away with their hands still in one another.

His king stepped backwards and turned, but the hand on his gripped tighter. His silver eyes glanced back at his wife to see big golden eyes sparkling with unshed tears. Smiling quietly, Wang Li lifted the hand and kissed the ring. In his other hand, he whispered to the closed fist.

A butterfly fluttered out of the opened palm and landed on Ying Yue's grip on his lover. It didn't move and waited until he forced himself to pull his hand away from Wang Li. It sat on his ring as he lifted his finger with the butterfly to his ear.

"My beautiful wife," his husband's voice sounded and his face scrunched up as he bit his lips, "No time can keep me from you. We are destined, fated, connected."

Ying Yue watched as Wang Li continued to step back, smiling at him lovingly, before his husband turned away.

"You are my world, Ah Yue. Be the embodiment of all you are, the light to everyone's darkness. I will be waiting for our reunion. Then, I shall take all of what is mine."

He could no longer see Wang Li, but he could still hear his lover's voice, smell his scent, and feel his touch. Laughing as tears slipped down his face, he smiled softly.

"Uncle Yue…" Xu Lan, his nephew of both light and dark, spoke hesitantly, "Are you… going to leave again?"

He turned to look at his nephew and shook his head.

"Not this time, Lan-er. I will stay."

Ying Yue looked out to where Wang Li had long gone and closed his golden eyes, listening to the last words of his lover.

"This is not goodbye, Ah Yue. It will never be goodbye, my love. Never."