Chapter 170 - I Will Help You

"Hm? Ah Yue, Ah Li? What brings you to Pang Xi's home?" Ye Wu yawned and walked over to drape over the farmer's back.

"You know them?" Pang Xi questioned and the female kissed his temple before plopping beside him.

"Mm," the demon rubbed his eyes, "Ah Yue is my acquaintance and Ah Li is my family."

"Oh, this is the Wang Li you spoke of," Pang Xi pulled the robe back over the female's shoulders.

"Yes. Is he not handsome?"


Ye Wu laughed and drank the cup Pang Xi drank from. Ruby eyes looked over to him and Ying Yue prickled at the stare. Ye Wu was pretending to be a female… why? He remembered Wang Li telling him the demon took the form of a female, but why did he not come in his male form? Was he afraid the green-haired farmer was into females only?

'I can't blame him… Pang Xi was married to a woman. Maybe he assumed my master was only interested in females this life?'

Then his thoughts halted.

Ye Wu was in Pang Xi's bedroom. Ye Wu was wearing a male robe, most likely Pang Xi's. Then…

"Are you alright, Grandmaster Yue?"

"W… What?"

"You are all red. Are you not feeling well?"

"I… I am fine," Ying Yue tried to cover his red face with a cough, but it only made him flush harder when his eyes saw amused silver ones.

"Ah Wu spoke of you many times, Sir Xi. He is quite smitten. His talks are always with deep sighs."

"Ah, has she?"

"He tells me stories of your times."

"I enjoy my time with her too."

Pang Xi was confused why the silver eyed boy kept saying he and his instead of she and her when addressing Ye Wu. He glanced over at the female beside him to see red eyes narrowed dangerously at her brother. Said brother looked unaffected as he drank his tea with a smile.

"Did you two have sex?"


"Ah Li!"

"It was only a question, Wu-er," Wang Li grinned mischievously.

"And the two of you?" Ye Wu questioned back.

"Every day, however many times until we tire."

"Ah Li!" This time it was Ying Yue who called out the Ghost King's name.

The blonde was red in the face from embarrassment and Wang Li cupped his face. He felt lips on his and Ying Yue closed his eyes. When they parted, he had a smile on his lips and Wang Li mimicked it.

"Gross. I don't want to know that," Ye Wu mumbled.

"The two of you are lovers? Hm," the green-haired man hummed as if thinking of this new information.

"Sir Xi, may we have more tea?" Wang Li asked and the owner of the house nodded.

They watched Pang Xi moved into the kitchen, before Ye Wu whispered harshly.

"What are you trying to do, Ah Li?!"

"You should be as you are, Ah Wu."

"He likes me this way."

"But this is not you."


"You should tell him."

"I will do as I please."

"As you always had."




"Be careful."


"You cannot keep giving him your life force, Ah Wu. It will corrupt him."


"You know this. I only wish for your happiness, Ah Wu."

Ye Wu frowned and crossed his arms. Pang Xi returned and the demon stared at him to see the green haired man smile at him. Ye Wu sighed internally. When the visitors bid their farewells, Ye Wu and Pang Xi was staring out at the slow growing crops.

"I must confess something, Pang Xi, before this becomes more than it should."

Pale golden eyes turned to look into his red ones.

"What is it, Ah Wu?"

Fingers were touching his face softly and he fisted his hands.

"I am not who you think I am."


"I am not a woman. I am a man."

Fingers removed themselves from his face and Ye Wu gritted his teeth.

"You… Why?"


"Did you think this was a joke, that I was a joke? I told you much, Ye Wu and you never once told me of your deceit!"

Pang Xi stepped back glaring at him.

"Is there more? Anything else you wish to tell me?"


"What is it!"

"I am a demon."




"I am-"

"Stop! I don't want to hear anymore. I thought you were a gift from the Heavens," Pang Xi looked away from him and fisted his hands, "But you were not from Heavens. You are a curse."

Ye Wu turned away and kept his head held high as he walked further away from a man he once knew, a man he still loved. When he returned, Wang Li was already in the Netherworld. Great. It gave Ye Wu plenty of screaming at someone, a fight, anything than this heartache he was feeling.

"Do not worry brother," Wang Li said after they fought and he exhausted himself into tears, "Pang Xi will come around. Give him time."

"He doesn't have time!" He shouted at the silver eyed man.

"Enough time."

"You make it sound as if you know."

Ye Wu saw the smirk across the man's face and he quirked his brow.

"I have my ways."

"And what ways or those?"

Wang Li only laughed and set up the chessboard on the cold floor. The cages did not rattle, souls do not cry, it was lonely without company.

"If you win, I will tell you."

"Challenge accepted."


Fu Shen was holding the gifted butterfly in his hands and stared at the bright wings. He can still hear the message his king recorded as he closed his eyes.

'Fu Shen. When you are stronger, I will gift you another item, one you will enjoy. For now, remember this: You are Fu Shen. You belong to me. Your heart is golden and your eyes see plenty. Trust yourself, Ah Shen. Your intuition will save many lives.'

'Trust myself,' Fu Shen smiled, 'As you wish, my king.'

He looked up to the sound of footsteps, one he recognized as his master. Han Mo smiled at him and noticed the butterfly, faltering his steps. Golden eyes glanced up into pale purple ones and his master offered a smile.

"I see you still have the butterfly."

"I shall never lose it."

"Ah… you care much for Master Li, Ah Shen. Are you not… why are you so trusting towards him? You have not known him for long," The brunette sat beside him.

Fu Shen was sitting on the rock with his legs crisscrossed and his spear beside him. The sun was starting to set and he was going to need to prepare meals with Master Zhang and Master Xu. He felt a hand on his wrist and he looked over at Master Mo. The brunette's eyes were lowered to stare at the hold.

"Ah Shen, is he in your heart again?" Han Mo murmured with a sadness that Fu Shen hadn't heard before.

"It is true that I just met him, Master Mo, but," he paused and looked at his butterfly, "I trust him. He is my king."

"And if he wasn't. If he was just a stranger, a commoner. Would you still feel the same?"

Fu Shen looked over to be caught in golden eyes. He wasn't sure what his master wanted him to say. Was Master Mo upset that his king was kind to him? Was the brunette upset that he trusted the man in red?

"I do not know."

He heard the soft laugh and the fingers around his wrist was removed. Han Mo just stared at the white-haired boy and looked away.

"You will always choose him, Ah Shen. I can accept that, but that does not mean I would not fight."


Fu Shen tilted his head confused before his eyes slid to the man they both spoke of. The Ghost King had entered the grounds and was wiping dirt off him. Quickly pocketing his butterfly, Fu Shen stood up and was about to head to his king when he felt a hand on his arm.

"Must you go greet him each time?"

"Why do you not?"

The fingers dropped away and the white haired boy frowned slightly at his master. A king was to be respected. The man in red, was strong, powerful, and kind. So, walking up to Master Li, he bowed in greeting.

"Ah Shen," the warm tone of the raven-haired man said softly, "Have you been eating more? You look well."


"Good," Wang Li smiled and cupped the boy's face, "Not a day go by that I do not regret it, but I am pleased you are with your sisters."

Fu Shen does not understand what or why his king always said something as such. Each time, Master Li would always touch his face, glance at his neck, then say something strange like he did now.

"Grandmaster Yue is at the training grounds, Master Li."


Silver eyes continued to watch him before a curl of thin lips formed.

"You will be preparing the meals soon for everyone with Master Xu and Master Zhang."


"Go tell the masters you do not need assistance."

"… okay."

"I will help you."