Chapter 162 - I Have A Purpose

The talk… went as well as he thought it would. The parents were upset with their children and the school. The students were upset they cannot return, but Ying Yue stated they had broken the rules and done it more than once. Returning to the school, he checked in with Fu Shen to find Wang Li was with the boy and the twins. Smiling, he laughed quietly when Snow jumped onto the chessboard messing up the game.

"Snow," Li Chu whined, "I was winning!"

"Meow," Snow's ears dropped and blue eyes became bigger.

"I'm still mad," the blue haired female crossed her arms and pouted, but the nudging from the big cat made her let out a laugh, "Alright, alright."

She received a lick from Snow and the big cat's blue eyes twinkled when he was noticed. The snow leopard rushed to him and jumped, causing him to fall backwards. Laughing, he felt the wet licks of his pet.

"Snow," a few students called out, "Come, let's play!"

Snow perked up and bounced to play with the other students. Sitting up, he looked over at Wang Li to catch amused eyes.


"I was thinking," Wang Li snapped his hips hard against his ass, dragging the thickness snugged inside him further up.

"How much you love me?" Ying Yue let out a laugh only to moan when Wang Li rolled his hips.

"I don't need to think of how much I love you, my wife," Wang Li wrapped his hands on his and pulled it over his head, "I know how much I love you."

The drag of the hard shaft inside him was slow, agonizingly so. Laid down on the bed with his lover's weight over his back, it should had made him feel suffocated, but it just made him feel safe. He was at the mercy of his lover and he tightened his pucker to feel a light slap against his thigh.

"I love you too, my husband," Ying Yue sighed as he felt kisses peppered at his temple to his ear.

Nails drag down his spine and he squirmed as much as one can with weight on top. Then, Wang Li moved and he clutched the sheet below him. His ass bounced with every smack of balls and pelvis. His hard penis was nestle between the bed and his stomach, rubbing with each thrust from his husband.

"Ah! There! Please, please, husband… ah!"

Over and over he was brought to the edge until he fell releasing his cum against his stomach. The pounding continued and he groaned into the sheets, as he listened to the panting of his lover's breath against his ear. His body was a current of electrical waves causing him tingles all over his body.

"Ah Yue," Wang Li moaned and pulled out to the tip and thrusted back in a few times, causing him to jerk up.

"Mm, Ah Li, come. I want to feel it," Ying Yue tighten his hole and heard the groan. A few more pushes and pull before he felt the semen shooting inside him.

Sighing pleased, he heard the soft laugh from his lover as nose nuzzled him. Humming, Ying Yue lifted his head to capture his lover's mouth. They kissed slowly and tiredly.

"I was thinking how you can be shy and yet demand so much of my cum."

Wang Li pulled out slowly and Ying Yue frowned with a whine. His husband laid beside him and he turned onto his side to face his lover. His king lifted his leg over his hip and pressed two fingers in his entrance. Ying Yue let out a moan and Wang Li kissed him with a chuckle.

"I am obsessed, remember," Ying Yue mumbled tiredly. He felt so full of his lover cum inside him, four times and counting.

"Hm, you are."

"So are you."

"Once I have your innocent, I will find another, my love."

"Ah Li!"




"What is it?"

Ying Yue searched his lover's face for a moment, finger lightly scratching his husband's bare chest.

"Fu Shen is innocent."


"I know you love him, Ah Li."



"Are you jealous of Fu Shen, my love?"


Wang Li Laughed and kissed him deeply as his finger pressed further in. He moaned and patted his lover's chest to make him stop. The cum inside him was leaking out and Wang Li bit his lips.

"I only love you this way, my wife," the fingered thrusted in and out hard. He could hear the squelching of the semen and oil against skin. He arched his back, pressing his chest against his lover as he panted.

Oh, how he love his husband. He craved all his touches.


Ying Yue was smiling nervously. Here he was needed to perform a few sword exercises, but his ass was burning and his entrance was sore. Every step he took was like a memory of Wang Li's love. Normally, 3 times in one night his body would still be able to heal, but…

His face heated up as he thought about Wang Li and him… every night… since he returned… so much-

"Get yourself together," Xu Ling frowned at him and he covered his bottom half of his face in embarrassment, "No wonder the students think it is fine behaving in such acts."

His golden eyes widened as he looked over at the students, many seemingly idle.

"They… they know?! You know they…" Ying Yue turned away from those young eyes.

"You are loud."

"Forgive me, big brother," Ying Yue whispered covering his face, "I have embarrassed you and everyone."

"I soundproofed your room with a charm, be sure to remember when you are not in your quarter, Ying Yue."

Xu Ling walked away and the blonde groaned softly as he patted his hot cheeks. This was his fault. The students are still young and they are learning from them.

'But I did not mean for them to learn about…' He shook his head and cleared his throat. He turned around and pushed passed the winces, pushed passed the soreness. He was the grandmaster, although he still stared at his brothers like the title was not meant for him. He had to set an example. A good example.

Well, that was until Wang Li returned to him, just to suck the breath out of his body. They were not in his quarter, they were not in the alley, they were not in hiding and that… that shouldn't make him arouse but-

"W… wait! Husband, please. Ah… Ah Li," he panted out as he was pressed against the tree, one of many that the children ran pass, like they were going to do very soon.

"Hm?" Wang Li questioned suckling his pulse point.

"I… We, we should talk. Please, Ah Li."

His husband pulled back and placed a soft kiss on his lips. He was still trying to catch his breath and his cock was straining to be freed, but he pushed those thoughts aside. He had to be a role model and not a… not a…

"I am not good or pure. I should not have this title when… when all I can think about is you."

He whispered clutching to his lover's robe, as his eyes shut with his head lowered. Wang Li held him close and placed a warm palm at the back of his head, anchoring him to the ground.

"Should I come less?"

He shook his head and wrapped his arms around his husband, pulling him closer. The sound of laughter was close, but not close enough for them to need to part yet.

"Ah Yue, look at me," and he followed, "You have so much goodness in your heart and I have corrupted it. You know this is true," fingers held his chin in place so he could not look away, "Just as you cleared mine. I think of you always as well. What would make you feel better, my love. I shall do it."

"Don't leave me."

"Never... unless I must be with Ye Wu."


"It is contractual beloved. You were there."

"He said he wanted company."


"I can… I can give him more than that."

Wang Li stared at him with confusion as brows furrowed together.

"Pang Xi is alive."

He felt the hold on his chin tightened.

"What are you planning, Ah Yue?"

"I will… introduce them. I had already went to visit him when you were away. He lives alone."

"Ah Yue…"

"If they fall in love, then Ye Wu will have company and you will be with me and stay with me and I won't have to wake up alone and-"

The rest of his words were kissed out of him as fingers trailed up and across his cheeks. When they parted, he was blinking heavily at his husband who continued to pet his face. Wang Li let out a smile and shook his head gently.

"You do not know, Ah Yue. Ye Wu already knows."

"He knew… about my master?"

A kiss to his forehead and then Wang Li removed his touch all together. Ying Yue looked at him questioningly with a slight frown as he stepped toward his lover. The sound of footsteps entered the clearing.

"Grandmaster Yue!" Some of the students said excitedly and he smiled at them.

"Alright! Whoever is the first one to finish will get to hold the blades of any master they choose," Han Mo grinned and the gasps and sparkle in the students eyes made Ying Yue laugh.

"What about Grandmaster Yue's blade? Are we able to hold it if we win?" A young boy with dark hair and blue eyes questioned.

"Of course!" Han Mo looked at him and he nodded, "On the count of 3. 1… 3!"

"Xu Lan!" The redhead called out as the pink haired master ran to join the fun before staring at the laughing brunette who followed. Letting out a sigh, he looked over to the Ghost King and his brother.

"Are you still the Ghost King?"



"I am unsure."

Ying Yue grabbed his lover's hand and played with the golden ring around the ring finger. Wang Li's ring.

"So you have no purpose," Xu Ling stated.

"I have one."

"Which is?" Ying Yue questioned.

Wang Li lifted his face and the smile, so clear and bright, did things to his body.


Ah, even Wang Li's words made him mushy.

Truth was, everything about Wang Li made Ying Yue melt. This was bad, so bad, but he just wanted to live inside his lover.

'You mean you want him to live inside you,' the shameless voice in his head snickered and he flushed bright as day. Wang Li's smile turned into a smirk and Ying Yue had to stay still or his legs would give out.