Chapter 135 - My Husband Is Waiting

He struggled to stand and the blonde held him steady.

"You are hurt."

"Don't worry. Come, let us ride over. You know how right?"

Ying Yue stared at him blankly, before his lips spread into a smile. Helping the purple eyed male outside, they rode his sword to the battlefield. On the way, he could see so many deaths and blood. His lips thinned and his face blanked.

All these deaths were on his hands.

"Go, Heaven's Chosen. I will get off here."

Mo Chou jumped off before he could say anything, but he was glad the man did. Eyes glowing brightly, he rushed to the midst of battle and called forth his power. Landing loudly, a shockwave of his aura caught the demons off guard. He lifted his hand up to the sky and call forth the talismans gifted to the leaders of each sector.

'Ah Li, you knew… even back then.'

["Ah Po," Wang Li spoke up and handed the man in gold four talisman, a phoenix etched in each as the crisscrossed ribbon tied around it.

"Oh, for me?" The young leader smiled happily as his chancellor breathed out a relief.

"I trust your judgments, Ah Po. You may give it to the others if you feel they are worthy."

"Are you certain?" Sect Leader Po questioned worriedly. The young leader ran his thumb over the phoenix and glanced up at his king.

"Believe in yourself, Ah Po. You will become a greater leader than your father."]

Closing his eyes as he called forth the talismans and they shot into the air forming a strong barrier upon each sector. He could feel the strong dark energy slowly dissipate from his aura. The sound of a growl behind him alerted him of an attack. Quickly pulling out the golden string, a thread of heavens, he shot behind him to wrap it around the demon's ankle. Ying Yue send his spiritual energy through the thread and pulled hard.

The demon turned into dust.

Glowing with his excess power, he ran his fingers over his blade to capture his qi. Calling his blade to the sky, he sent it to aim for all the demons within the sectors. He heart was heavy and his mind was foggy. Taking a deep breath, he watched as the demons screamed and fell from his blade.

He heard his brother call to him and he turned.

Xu Ling took steps toward the blonde and searched the stoic face. This look had never been a part of the youngest face before and it unnerved him.

"Heaven's Chosen."

He handed the ring to him, the one the Ghost King had left with him. The face did not change. There was no sadness, no tears, no questioning. What remained was the face of a stranger. Narrowing his eyes, he quickly pointed his sword at the blonde's neck and frowned.

"Who are yo-"

"I am your brother," the blonde finally spoke and it sounded like the ripples of the water, "I understand now."


His blonde brother looked up at the sky, ignoring the pained scream from afar. The reds covering blues as warm rain fell, before the wind blew them dried. Glowing eyes closed for a moment before he looked down at the ring in his palm. He slipped in on his middle finger beside his ring and held his hand out as his blade returned.

He flicked his sword to rid of the blood and organs of demons, before stepping onto it.

"Where are you going? We still have-"

"My husband is waiting."

"Are you going to stop him?"

Ying Yue looked away and nodded.

He got on his sword and left to the place he first met his best friend, the first place he kissed his lover, the first place they were wedded, the first place they made love.

He closed his eyes feeling the breeze flew by, pushing him hard to keep him back. The howling of the demon that embodied his brethren echoed into the air and Ying Yue forced his qi to surround him. With a burst of speed, he neared what once was his home.


[Wang Li POV- Palace]

When Wang Li left his lover, unconscious and safe, he was ready to do as he promised.

Snow appeared beside him and he reached to hold onto the fur coat. They rode through the darkness until they arrived at his palace. Demons and ghosts turned to him with scowls and growls, knowing once he was their king, their capturer, their leader.

However, they could smell his weakness, but there was a sliver of strength as well.

One with claws and a snout, resembling that of a wild wolf, tested before them all. Thinking the weak looking man was no longer their king, he attacked only to be cut swiftly and cleanly in half. A rumbling sounded through the crowd and many looked on with interest. They watched as the man and the big cat, the king's loyal pet, headed to the doors where their new king sat for many days.

The doors opened and shut loudly behind them as the monsters waited for their turn to kill.

Wang Li could feel the energy that once belonged to him screaming in anger, untamed and crying. His silver eyes caught the hand shooting out to him and Snow caught the arm in his large mouth. The tear of skin and bones could be heard and the demon howled in pain. The large cat chomped harder and ripped out the arm, scattering blood with the movement.

"You stupid-"

"Ah Li."

The sound of the eldest demon, many centuries old, spoke up like a whisper. Red eyes looked at him and Wang Li steadied himself.

His old friend stood from the makeshift throne and walked slowly to him. Fingers reached out and caressed his cheek as the face neared him. Silver eyes caught the purplish black veins running up temples, jaws, and eyes.

The fingers wrapped around his neck swiftly and he winced.

"What have you done to me?!" Ye Wu seethed out.