Chapter 133 - He Will Never Love You

Mo Chou could feel his footing not holding and so did the sect leader. Purple eyes stared at brown ones with an amused smirk.

"Heh, they rewarded a little freak like you? What did you do to get that? Lay naked with his statue? Hm? Maybe playing with it instead?"

The boy's face flushed red with anger and he was thrown against the wall, causing him to feel his heart tug hard.

"Do you see me as deplorable! You! You are nothing but dirt under my feet! How dare you insinuate-"

"Eh, I prefer you hiding behind your stupid fan. You talk way too much, Yangyang."

A scream and the young leader ran toward him again. Mo Chou did his best to avoid where the blonde laid as he avoided the blows from the brunette. Eyes blazing with the tint of gold, he could feel his arms straining to hold. This close, he could see the small scar at the leader's neck.

'So it was true!'

His purple eyes blazed and he used his borrowed energy to push the brunette away.


"Do you think you are the only one who was gifted by your faith?"

Brown eyes searched his face before eyes widened and mouth caught into a scowl once again.

"You- You! You were the ones to make those despicable temples for the Ghost King?! How dare you come to my sector and place those things!"

He quirked his brow and it irked the brunette.

"You say it like I was the only one who played with evil. That mark, Ah Yang, where'd you get it?"

"What? What scar? I have no scars you stupid man."

"Your neck, child."

"I am not a child!" The one in green gritted out and covered the scar on his neck, "I do not need to tell you anything!"

"Ah, you don't have to, I already know who gave it to you," Mo Chou straightened his lips and narrowed his eyes.

They fought once again ignoring the howling of the large demon far away. Their attacks caught robes and skin, leaving blood and fabric in the room. Mo Chou, having more practice in battle, gained the upper hand after kicking the brunette.

Sect Leader Yang groaned as he used up his temporary power. Pushing himself up, he glared at the purple eyed man.

"This is not over. I will have him!"

The brunette jumped throwing anything his hands could grab, anything to give him the upper hand. Mo Chou avoided most of them as he moved forward, itching himself closer and closer to the sect leader. When he got close enough, he reached out to grab onto the front robes of the youth, but his hand was bitten hard.

Teeth broke through skin as if Shu Yang wanted to tear him apart like a demon.

He took the hilt of the sword and smack it against the brunette. The young man let out a shocked gasp and Mo Chou stumbled backwards wincing at the gash. Sect Leader Yang was breathing hard, but his teeth were jagged and sharp, eyes were slitting and black.

"You gave in," Mo Chou stated.

The brunette grinned and laughed harshly. Licking the blood on his lips, he continued to smile widely.

"Is it my fault that Sect Leader Bo was so convincing? But who was the one to bring them to our leader?" Black eyes narrowed with a snicker, "Can you imagine your brother's look of horror and disgust when he found out it was you?"

Purple eyes narrowed at the man before him. Mo Chou rushed forward swinging, uncaringly of the fact Shu Yang was a sect leader. Blade and claws met, causing a clang from the movement. Blood from wounds inflicted upon one another seeped into their clothing, causing their torn robes to stick to their skin.

Both were panting, but Shu Yang was grinning, laughing as if what they were doing was funny.

"Ah Bo had always wondered why you would create such a scheme, but I found out why!"

"Heh, I am surprised. You are quite stupid, Ah Yang."

The younger man huffed like an angry bull and pointed a clawed finger at him.

"You dare again! No one will love you so you go and grovel at the Ghost King's feet! You are the stupid one! He does not love you!"

"And Heaven's Chosen does not love you."

Shu Yang screamed and fought Mo Chou again until the wounds were too deep, pain was too much, and breathing was too hard.

"I will… I will go to the Heavens!" Sect Leader Yang laughed, but the cough of blood interrupted his joy.

Mo Chou was in no better condition on his knees as his eyes blinked slowly. He turned to the blonde on the floor and his purple eyes widened slightly when he saw Heaven's Chosen awake. He watched as the man stood up, almost like he was possessed. Purple eyes followed the blonde walking toward Shu Yang.

Black eyes, once brown, stared at his obsession before him.

"Chosen One," Sect Leader Yang breathed out breathlessly, as if the man before him was all the only air he needed.

"Sect Leader Yang, you have been poisoned by evil," the blonde spoke softly with his face apathetic, "I will send you to the afterlife."

Fingers touched his forehead and Shu Yang sighed with his eyes closed. He hummed as he felt himself lighter, like he was floating up to the Heavens. He opened his eyes and remembered those beautiful golden eyes before he saw nothing else.

Mo Chou coughed and groaned as he sat back on his bottom. Those golden eyes turned to him and he watched the blonde man walk slowly to him. He saw a small smile grace those plumped lips when the blonde bent down to him. Soft fingers pressed against his forehead and he felt a rush of relief overwhelmed him.

"I'm going to rest for a bit. I am sure you are needed out there."



"Ah Chou."

"… Yes?"

"He gifted you…"

Mo Chou grinned and let out a soft laugh, leaning against the wall.

"Yes. He did."