Chapter 130 - Fight Together

The redhead just nodded and the brunette tilted his head with a quirk of his brow.

"You… knew?"

His elder brother did not reply and watched the man crossed his arms.

"Stay with our brother. I will go find them."

"They are too strong-"

"Where are they?" Sect Leader Zhi questioned.

"… I… am not sure."


"I was tortured and then all I remembered was darkness. Then I woke up here," Han Mo explained with furrowed brows. 

"Maybe tell us the surroundings, cultivator. That should help us identify the whereabouts," the female leader in gold spoke up.

He turned to the Sect Leader Jing and closed his eyes to think. What did he remember?

"No need," the redhead stated, "It is the palace of the Ghost King. Everything leads there."

As the elder cultivator finished, the floor and roof shook around them. They could hear a shriek from afar and Han Mo's eyes widened. He quickly turned to the leaders and shouted.

"He will escape soon! Gather your people and leave, sect leaders!"

"We will not-"

"Sect Leader Jing, Sect Leader Zhi, Sect Leader Long, you are all strong leaders, but none of you are needed in battle. Gather your people, protect them," Xu Ling stated gripping his blade.


"Evil is already on its way to infect the sectors. Once this demon escapes, many more will join."

"Wait… are you speaking of-"


Another shriek sounded and their skin jumped, as the walls shook once again. They rushed out of the room to see a swarm of low-level demons rushing to them.

"Ready your weapons!" Sect Leader Zhi cried out and looked over to the others, "Your sectors are vulnerable! Do you think-"

"They would be under attack as well," Sect Leader Jing gritted out and pulled out her sword, "I will fight for all of our sectors, Ah Zhi."

The leader in blue stared at the female in gold and found himself smiling. Years of knowing one another and she had never changed. He cupped her shoulder and squeezed softly.

"Then let us fight together again."

She sent him a smile and nodded. After grabbing a few of his warriors to tell them to escort the villagers, he rushed to the outer edge of his sector with his warriors, his friends, and the cultivators. Shouting out a war cry, he tightened his blade and rushed forward as arrows few above him to the enemies.

They fought even when the barrier the cultivators placed upon them broke. Then, they bled by claws, teeth, and blades. There were too many demons, too many to stop as they weaved through killing, slashing, eating any person they reached. Sect Leader Zhi felt his back hit his friend's and he panted with his shoulder bleeding. He reached his hand and grabbed hers, feeling fingers tightened on his.

"Ah Jing," he said softly as blood splattered around them and screams surrounded them, "It is an honor to fight alongside you."

"Would it not be more of an honor to stand beside me instead?"

He slashed a demon with three eyes and six legs, before turning to his good friend. She shook her sword of gut and turned to him. He searched her eyes and found himself flushing from the memory of those same words.

["Ah Jing, why do you want to be a warrior? You are a lady and an heir to lead your sector."

The female looked at him and placed her chopsticks down as she looked at the people walking by. This question was often asked to her. Her father, her teachers, and even her people would question, but her answer remained the same.

"What should I do if not be a warrior?" She questioned her friend instead.

"Hm… I don't know. I guess learn to cook and how to lead your people."

"That is not the life for me, Ah Zhi. I will not be a ploy in my father's web any longer. I already have blood on my hands. What more would it change?"

"Ah Jing. You did not know your father would force Sheng Shui-"

"I do not wish to speak on that any longer."

He shut his mouth and saw the regret cross the female's pretty face. It was a long time ago when she was still young. He remembered He Jing speaking to him of all her regrets of that day. Her father had told her it was time for them to sacrifice a female to the Ghost King. She didn't understood why. Their king had not done anything, but kept to himself in his palace.

Her father had told her to get the infamous Sheng Shui drunk, frame him, and they will finally send the shameless man to be dealt with by the Ghost King. She didn't want to, but her father had power of her decisions.

He could still see the deep worn regret etched into He Jing's entire being.

'It must be tough being you, Ah Jing. How unlucky are we both to have terrible fathers.'

"Do you want to be a warrior?"

The female questioned with her warm brown eyes looking at him.

"Of course."


He hummed and leaned forward with a grin.

"To protect my people. That is obvious."

"I wish to protect them as well."


"Did you forget your words, Ah Zhi? I never thought I would witness the day you stop talking."

He watched her laugh as she lifted the teacup to her lips. He leaned against an elbow propping his head up. He saw her eyes looked at him and she quirked a brow.

"Something on my face?"

"You're pretty."

He saw her eyes widened and the slow redness spreading across her features. Blinking for a moment before his own eyes widened, he sat back and waved his wands before him.

"No, I mean… you would have scars and you won't be as pretty, Ah Jing. It would be difficult to find a man to marry if you were a warrior."

"Then the man who will be my husband must accept that I am a warrior and future leader. He must see me as an equal," she paused and tilted her head to the side, "Do you not want someone who will stand by your side, instead of behind you, Ah Zhi?"

He just stared at her in silence at that time and watched her return to her father who called for her.]

But, now… out on the battlefield of where death clung to them like a second skin, he found his answer.

'He Jing, I… were you asking for my hand back then?'

Opening his mouth to answer, he caught sight of a figure aiming a downward slash at them. He pushed Sect Leader Jing to the side and took the slash across his chest. She quickly took care of the demon's death, before kneeling beside him.

"Poisoned," she cried out and quickly blocked more attack their way. He struggled to help, but the bubbling of his insides was excruciating. He twisted to the side to cough out thick red blood and heard the joy from a nearby demon.

It was small and ran toward them with his thick limbs and small neck. He reached for his blade, but realized it was out of his reach. Fisting his hands, he readied himself to use his fists if needed.

The sound of a crash landed before him, a few feet away, trembling the space around him. The demons paused as if compelled to look at who had arrived. The white robe swayed with the burst of crackling energy around him. They watched as a hand lifted and Sect Leader Zhi felt his talisman tugging from where it laid against his waist.

'Is he calling for it?' The sect leader in blue questioned as he felt the way the air changed.

He glanced to his side to see the talisman glowing. His eyes glanced over at the incomer and he untied the gift passed down from his ancestors.

He watched as it flew into the air like a rocket before the sky shook. A veil seemed to cover them and he blinked feeling the air around him calm. The sound of an upset scream sounded and he forgot the demon that was headed his way. The demon jumped but was wrapped up by a thick rope. The man in white tightened the rope and the demon turned into dust.

He tightened his hand on the female beside him as the strong man lifted a bright sword above him. The crackling of gold and blue surrounded it before it shot out.

His eyes were not able to follow the lightning, but Sect Leader Zhi saw the aftermath of demons littered along the floor before they turned into dust. Not one of the warriors were hurt, only the evil that fought against them. The blade returned to its owner before shooting out into the sky.

The blade brightened and crackled loud like a thunder. Then silence before a piercing sound rained as the sword quickly flew away.

Platinum blonde held together in a ponytail by a red ribbon swayed with the strong energy surrounding him. Golden eyes turned to them and they gasped seeing the glow surrounding the eyes, a straight face, and the full mark of Heaven across milky forehead.

"Chosen One..."