Chapter 121 - Too Young

Wang Li made a mischievous smile with a glint in his eyes and he was flipped over. The next thing he knew was immense pleasure and his body being played so perfectly by the hands of his king.

'Thank you, Ah Yue,' he thought before he was taken over by desire, 'Thank you.'

When Ying Yue woke, his body was sore and he could barely move. His eyes slatted opened and looked over at the man beside him. Silver eyes watched him and a slow smile curled on thin lips. He felt fingers sliding up and down his back.

"Ah Li."


"You… enjoyed yourself?"


He felt a kiss on his temple and he sighed with a smile.

"Thank you, my love. Are you feeling well?"

"Sore and tired."

Wang Li hummed and reached for a bottle, while Ying Yue closed his eyes. He wasn't sure if he could even move after the… creative love making Wang Li and Sheng Shui had gone through the night.

Being inside his soul and feeling every touch on his skin, but... not on his skin was weird and different. This was how Sheng Shui felt and he wondered if his friend imagined himself in his place. For Ying Yue, when he closed his eyes, he could feel every touch, every kiss, everything for Wang Li was heightened. His body was beyond pleased and the way they moved and-

'Maybe I should be more… opened. Ah Li seemed excited with what Ah Shui had offered… and... I haven't done what Sheng Shui suggested...'

He felt something round slipped into his lips and he made a confused noise. Chewing on it, he opened his eyes to look at the bottle in his lover's hand. Eyes widening, he accidently swallowed the pink candy into his mouth. He let out a cough and pushed himself onto his elbows.

"Ah Li! What- Why did you give me that?"

"It is your brother's, isn't it?" Wang Li looked confused as he looked at the bottle filled with pink candies then back to him, "Your brother is known for healing medicine, Ah Yue. Is this not a healing candy?"

"It's actually-"

Pink powder poof into the air and Wang Li's silver eyes widened. Waving the air to disperse the powder, he stared at the boy before him. His mouth opened and closed and opened again. Rubbing his eyes to make sure he was looking at what he thought, Wang Li heard the boy sighed.

"It made anyone who ate it small, Ah Li."

The former Ghost King covered his mouth flushing from how cute his wife was.

"We gave one to Snow and it took him many moons to return to normal… I hope I am not this small for long."

'Is he… pouting?' Wang Li looked away and paced up and down the room naked.

"Husband, what are you thinking?"

"Don't… you cannot call me husband…"

"Eh? Why? Do you not-"

"It isn't that, my love," he looked at the boy to see the blonde looking at him with big golden eyes. He quickly grabbed the robes that were drying last night from outside and shook it off. Rushing in to wrap it around the child, he tightened the robe and saw how long it was.

"We will need to find you children clothing, Ying Yue."

"How old do I look, Ah Li?"

"Too young…" Wang Li mumbled and received furrowed brows.


"Six years."

"Six?" Ying Yue frowned, but all Wang Li saw was a cute little pout on his wife's child-like face.


Snow had entered the shack and headed to them, staring with tilted head at the blonde. He sniffed the child for a moment and made a surprised noise. Blue eyes turned to the raven-haired male, as if asking for an explanation.

"This is Ying Yue, Snow. Seems he is small now."

"Seems? I am small," the child crossed his arms and Wang Li couldn't help gushing at how adorable the blonde looked.

"Ah Li, how did you even get these?" Ying Yue pointed at the bottle, "My brother had been searching for them."

"Ah, back at the East Sector. A thief stole them and I caught him."

"Why didn't you return it to us?"

Wang Li tapped his chin and tilted his head thinking.

"I forgot about it."

"You forgot…"


"Ah Li… you had never lied to me before-"

"It is the truth. I had forgotten because I was busy making sure I was presentable, before I revealed myself."


"Mm," Wang Li ran his fingers through Snow's fur as the big cat sat down, "When I gave up my core, I became nothing."

'Nothing?!' Ying Yue's eyes widened and he quickly moved closer to his lover and held onto his big hand.

"It took me many moons to gather what you see now. It is the thought that I will see you again, my love, that pushed me forward."

Wang Li felt the small body shaking against him and he looked down to see the blonde had stuffed his face against his side. He ran his hand down the child's platinum hair soothingly and spoke quietly.

"Do I disgust you, Ah Yue?"

His wife shook his head and looked up at him with watery golden eyes and snot running down his face. Ying Yue sniffed and clenched little fingers into his robe.

"The scars… is that why you have them? Did it… did it hurt?"

He wiped the tears off the child's face and smiled at his lover. Even as a child, his Ying Yue always had such a big heart. Placing a kiss on the mark of the young boy, he breathed out a smile.

"These scars are memories of what I had to do to be with you, Ah Yue. I shall go through every trial and pain to be with you."

Ying Yue cried harder and Wang Li held him close to his chest, running his hands up and down the child's back. They stayed this way until the blonde fell asleep. Wang Li listened to the soft snores of his lover and found himself smiling. He leaned down to kiss the blonde's head and sighed. Snow was watching him and he nodded.

"Just a little longer, my friend."

The big cat meowed and laid his head on his lap. He ran his fingers through the snow leopard's spotted fur and stared at the corner of the room where a small box, wrapped in red satin laced, sat hidden in the large crate of sweets.

'I will sacrifice everything, Ah Yue...'

The child mumbled unrecognized words and snuggled closer. He smiled and wrapped his arms tighter around the blonde, holding him close as if he could give warmth instead of the freezing cold.

'… for you.'


Ying Yue yawned as he woke up, stretching his arms above his head. He looked around to see Snow lying on the floor like a statue protecting him. He smiled and stood up from the bamboo mat, heading to the big cat. Patting his pet, blue eyes blinked at him.

"Snow, were you sleeping with me?"

The big cat licked his face and he stumbled back, falling on his bum laughing. Snow continued his assault of kisses and he tried avoiding it, but even his hair ended up slicked with saliva. Pushing the cat away, he pushed himself up.

"I love you too, Snow," Ying Yue wrapped his small arms around his pet, "Where is Wang Li?"

Snow got on all fours and led him to his shirtless husband. He watched as the sheen of sweat and water slicked pale skin and long black hair twisted up into a bun, held by a red ribbon. He smiled holding up his robe that was too long on him, but it dragged behind him.

"Ah Li!" He shouted waving, "Were you able to catch any fish?"

Wang Li glanced over his shoulder before gathering his robe out of the water with the fishes he caught. He bundled his robe and turned to his little lover. He opened it when Ying Yue came closer to show his wife his catch.

Golden eyes widened and a grin split across plump lips.

"Wow! How did you catch so much?!"

"I hummed."


"Our song."

Ying Yue tilted his head confused and Wang Li rubbed his cheek with a wet hand.

"The one you wrote for me. Seems the fishes enjoys it too."

He saw the redness paint over his wife's freckles to the tip of his ears. It brought back old memories of when they were children… the first time he called the blonde beautiful.

["What's your name?" He asked and the boy in red turned to him.

"What is yours?" He heard the question as they reached the lake.

"Hm," the blonde sounded and thought about what to say.

"Why don't we give each other a name?" He offered with a shy smile, "I mean, something special, just between us?"

The boy in red tilted his head searching his face, before his lips curl up.

"What would you call me?" He questioned and his green eyes blinked.

'Hm… what should I call you?' He looked at the milky face before him and then looked up and down.

"I got it!" The blonde nodded with a smile, "How about Wang Li?" He offered to see furrowed brows on the boy's face, "You hold yourself as a ruler, like an emperor, a king," he explained, "And you are pretty. I am certain this should be your name." He nodded in agreement with himself, determined to convince the boy in red.

"Is that so," the boy looked at him with a smile at the pretty blonde and glanced at the moon.

"Ying Yue," he told the green-eyed boy, as he turned to face him again, "Will you accept this name?"

"W… why?" The blonde stumbled out confused, "Why would you call me that?"

He let out a soft laugh and saw the young boy crossed his arms over his chest.

"I think it fits you," he said softly and looked at the blonde, "You're quite beautiful."

"I'm… I'm a boy," the boy spluttered out face red, "You're only saying that because you think I'm a girl!"

"I never thought you were a girl," He said confused and saw the blonde turn away, "Ying Yue can be beautiful too."

"Here," He handed the pretty man his red handkerchief with a golden plum blossom adorning the corner. The blonde quickly wiped at his face and handed back the cloth. 

"Keep it," he said with a frown gracing his lips, upset at himself for making the blonde cry, "Let me think of another name."

"No," the blonde quickly shook his head and smiled, "I like it. Sorry I got all… like this."

"You are pretty like a girl," he stated as a smile blossomed, "but beautiful as a boy."

"Stop," the beautiful platinum blonde shouted pushing him away gently, "Do you compliment everyone like that?"

He laughed underneath the moon, the one who watched over him daily. The beautiful boy joined in the laughter and he wondered if he would see him again, this interesting blonde.]

"I want to try."