Chapter 110 - To Love Someone So Deeply

Black hair cascading down milky white skin.

His jaw dropped and he reached out with his heart beating out of his chest. Fingers touched warm skin and he gasped with wide eyes. Fingers trembling, he moved closer. He leaned over and peered at the face. He inhaled sharply and placed his trembling hand against the man's face.

Eyes of silver opened.

The body turned around and he stared unblinkingly, afraid he was disappeared.

"Ah Yue."

"Ah Li…"

"What is wrong, my wife?"

He felt a warm hand cupped his face and he shivered. Taking deep breaths, he swallowed down the lump in his throat. Searching his lover's face, his husband looked exactly as he did so many years ago.

"Where are we?"

"In my bed," the man smirked and he flushed.

"I mean… are we at the palace?"


"How did I get here?"

Wang Li sat up to face him better and Ying Yue saw worry in those silver eyes.

"What is wrong? What troubles you?"

Ying Yue didn't want to believe this. He didn't want to believe he somehow ended up at the palace where his lover was with him. He didn't want to believe Wang Li was an imposter as well.

"I met a face stealing ghost…"

Silver eyes widened and searched his face.

"Where? They should be in the portal."

"You told me they took the form of a dead lover… is it possible… is it possible they would go into my dreams?"

"No, that is not what they do… are you having trouble sleeping?"

"I… don't know."

"Did you fight it?"


Wang Li looked alert and searched his body, making sure to remove his robe, which still made him flush. He felt a press against his back and he yelped, panting from the pain.



"You've been poisoned, Ah Yue. Listen to me," he felt hands cupped his face and he blinked droopily at his lover, "You need to remove the poison as soon as possible. The longer it stays, the closer to death you become. Do you understand."

He nodded slowly.

"Help me."

He saw Wang Li smiled at him and pressed his lips against his. This was his husband's kiss: sweet and gentle. Tongues danced along his and licked along his pallet. They parted and Ying Yue had a hard time opening his eyes, but he felt the kisses along his cheek to his ear. He felt the pinch against his wound and he gasped pressing closer to his husband.

"That hurts."

Hands rubbed his cheek soothingly and he winced with a whimper from the pain.

"I am sorry, Ah Yue."

Those words were whispered into his ear, but they sounded so far away. He tried to capture the words, the voice, the man holding his heart. Like the curse of Heavens, he was unable to have Wang Li.

Ying Yue felt wakefulness came to him, but he stayed still, trying to hold back the way his heart clenched and rip like tissues. His golden eyes peeked through his lids and he saw he was still in the cavern. There was a fire burning, but he didn't feel warm at all.

He saw the man in raggedly red at the other end of the fire and he blinked. Pushing up from being face down on the floor, he winced with a sharp inhale. Shuffling was heard and he held out a hand for the man to stop.

"I am alright, Sir Ghost."

The man stopped and watched him struggle to sit up. Leaning against the wall, avoiding his wound, he let out a breath. He reached back and felt the wrap around his infliction, causing his shoulders to tense. He glanced at the man still in his half position of standing and sitting.

"You… cleaned my wound."

The man nodded.

"Thank you…"

He offered a weary smile and searched into his sleeve for the medicine. Taking a drink of it, he let out a deep sigh and placed the bottle back in its compartment. He stared at the fire flickering, dancing smoothly into the air. He smiled as a memory of the first time Wang Li and he decided to make a fire. Letting out a soft laugh, he shook his head.

"Have you ever been in love, Sir Ghost? To love someone so deeply in you very core that your entire world becomes theirs."

The man did not reply and he hummed.

"I am sorry," he chuckled wiping his face, "I just miss him."

The man with the demon mask stood up and walked cautiously to him. His golden eyes watched as Sir Ghost knelt before him and stared at him. Hands cupped his cheeks and he felt his face flushed.

He tried pulling away, but the man held tighter and he pursed his plumped lips. He tensed up when hands smoothed down his cheek to the curve of his neck, before sliding down his arms to his hands.

The man in red lifted his hands and placed it on his mask.

"You… you're letting me see you?"

Thumbs ran over his pulse point on his wrists and Ying Yue felt his heart race. Not because Sir Ghost was doing it, but from what it meant, who it seemed so familiar to.

Forcing himself to swallow so he could breathe, the blonde's fingers trembled against the clay mask. His lips felt dried and his skin was sweating with anticipation.

A thought floated through his mind and he tightened around the edge of the mask.

"Why do you hide?" He whispered.

Fingers pressed against his chest and he shivered from the touch. It moved, gliding into words and Ying Yue looked down.


"Of who?"


His fingers itched on the mask and he shook his head.



Ying Yue pulled away from the mask and just stared. Reaching for the fingers on his chest, he held tight to the hand and smiled.

"You mean… You're a ghost?"

Fingers pulled away from his hold and the man leaned back against the cavern. The blonde stared at his knees trying to understand what the man meant.

'He is cold and… he hides his face… but he fears himself because he is dead? Does he not know how he died?'

He reached his hand out to touch the man's cold forearm and smiled.

"Dying should not be fearful or painful, Sir Ghost. Whether you know how it happened or why it happened or not know anything, you deserve to be at peace."

The masked man stared at him in silent and Ying Yue smiled gently, comforting like a mother to a child. He felt fingers run gently over the top of his hand, languidly as a pastime.

'Will you give me one last kiss, before I go in peace?'

Heaven's Chosen flushed and his mouth parted in a surprised O. Mouth closing and opening before closing, Ying Yue cleared his throat and turned away.

"Sir Ghost, you know I have a husband. I cannot… I cannot give you a kiss."

'Not even if it is my last wish?'

"Why… why me?"


Ying Yue's ears deepened with the flush and he stared at the fingers playing gently over his skin.

"I… I must ask for permission from my husband…"

'If he says no?'


'Heaven's Chosen.'

"I… am sorry, Sir Ghost. I cannot do so if he does not give his blessings. I will not be-"

'I know. It is fine. You are a true loyal wife.'

Ying Yue nodded still not looking at the man, but something caught his attention. The words were not one worded character. It was close to a full-


"I see something over here!"

Footsteps entered their area and he waved at the warriors before him.

"Heaven's Chosen, we were sent by Sect Leader Zhi to find you. Please, follow us out of the cavern."

Ying Yue smiled and nodded. He wrapped his hand around Sir Ghost's wrist, as if it was natural, and followed the warriors in gold and blue. Once they were outside and free of the cavern walls, he took a deep breath of fresh air. He felt a tug against his hold and he turned to look at the man in raggedly red.

'I must go, Heaven's Chosen. Thank you for spending time with me.'

"You were the one who save me, Sir Ghost. I thank you. Will I see you again?"


He watched the man with raven hair pulled up by a red tie, tall and lean with wide shoulders walking away. He found himself smiling and he let out a soft laugh, shaking his head.


He turned away from the man that was long gone now and smiled at the warriors.

"Let us return."


"Ah Yue."

"Hmm?" He mumbled groggily.

"I need you."

He smiled and turned slowly around.

"Will you still wait for me?"

"Mmhmm," he blinked slowly to clear his mind.

"Don't forget me."

'Funny my love. I don't think I ever could,' he whispered as sleep left him.