Chapter 107 - Deep As His Bleeding Love

He shouted and saw the man in red paused. Heart racing and feeling breathless, he tightened his hands as the man with long dark hair turned.

Demon mask covered his face.

"Sir Ghost?"

He felt his entire face fall and he frowned.

"Did you attack Sect Leader Bo?"

The man stepped forward. He stepped back.

Sir Ghost reached out with his index finger and pricked his finger on the tip of his blade. Ying Yue pulled his blade away and watched as the man marked his palm. Facing it to him, the blonde relaxed slightly.


"Did you see anyone else here?"


"Sect Leader Bo was attacked just now by a man in red and black hair. I want to believe you, Sir Ghost, but I need more answers."

The man with the mask tilted his head for a moment before the man marked the back of his hand.


"Yes. He was wearing red."

Marked the arm.


Ying Yue stared at Sir Ghost's red robe and noted it was different. The one from the killer's was luxurious just like the red Wang Li would wear. He shook his head and the man marked up his arm.


"You need help?"


"I need help?"




"The one my brother followed must be him, I should go help him."

Moving to write on his other arm, the man with the mask paused realizing that would be difficult. He looked over at the blonde and Ying Yue stepped forward, offering his shoulder.

'Go. I. Follow.'

"No. You stay here to be safe, Sir Ghost."

Ying Yue smiled at the man, but paused for a moment.

'I should bring him too, just in case it was him.'

"Come," he grabbed the man's wrist and ran back to where his brother headed, hoping the redhead found the man in red.

'Ah Li, if it is you, why are you running? Why do you feel different?'

They ran for awhile and could not find where his brother or the killer was. Ying Yue turned a corner, another corner, down a different road, and stopped at a dead end. Pursing his lips, he turned and ran over to a different road, a different corner, and a different space. Breathing out a pout, he looked over at the man in the mask.


"Yeah… I… I am new to this area."

'Memories. Short.'

"Hey! It's just… I haven't gotten used to this village."

The man in the mask turned and headed off in a direction, bringing him along. To his surprise, they did not get lost, not even a hesitation.

Entering through the palace, he searched for his big brother. Seeing the bright flaming hair, he rushed to him and saw his brother was unharmed. Letting out a relieved sigh, he could feel the tension in the air.

"Big brother, I am glad you are alright."

"I am."

"Did you find out who it was? The one I found was-" he turned to see he was alone again. Was he not holding Sir Ghost's wrist when he entered? Slapping his forehead, he realized he let it go in search for his brother. Shaking his head, he sighed over at his brothers.

"It was Sir Ghost. His clothing does not match."

"Who is Sir Ghost?" The brunette questioned.

"He was the one we helped back in the West Sector. He wore a demon mask covering his face."

"Oh, why was he here?"

"I didn't ask…"

"That is alright, Ah Yue. You have good judgement when it comes to people, I trust you," his brother smiled and he relaxed his shoulders, "Come. We must discuss things with the sect leaders. Now that one sector no longer has a leader, it makes the North Sector vulnerable. The other leaders are discussing how to move forward."

"Is Sect Leader Bo…"

"He is dead. The killer aimed perfectly. We had no chance of saving him."

Nodding his head, he glanced at where the man in purple was tied up. He may not care for Sect Leader Bo, but no one deserved death… not in this way. Sending a slight prayer, he followed his brothers to a room.

The guards knocked on the door, announcing their arrival. Entering, Ying Yue noted five warriors inside since the event. Sect Leader Zhi was pacing the floor, Sect Leader Yang was fanning himself, and Sect Leader Jing stood unperturbed. Their chancellors were not beside them and he wondered if it was due to suspicions.

"Did you find out who did it?" The green robed leader questioned in a hurry.

"I am sorry, but we did not," Ying Yue admitted and the leader sighed defeated.

"Sect Leader Bo had just died! We will be next! I don't want to die, cultivators, Heaven's Chosen."

"Shut your mouth, Sect Leader Yang. We must think clearly," the female stated crossing her arms, "The North Sector is free of its leader. We must assign someone to take the place or it will stay vulnerable. Whoever the killer is, he may be trying to destroy the system of order."

"Who do you have in mind?" Sect Leader Zhi questioned and the female's brown eyes looked to the redhead, "We, you cannot-"

"Xu Ling will be able to lead and protect the North Sector temporarily. I do not trust anyone but those in this room," she stood tall with her eyes unwavering, "Do you accept, cultivator."

"Big brother…" Ying Yue turned to the redhead with unsure eyes. Would his brother really lead the North Sector and prepare them?

"I do."

The female leader breathed out a smile and her shoulders relaxed. Sect Leader Jing nodded, pleased the cultivator agreed with her.

"Do you think it was him? The one who brought the demons to Ah Bo?" The one in green questioned tapping his fan on his palm, "Why him? Why would Ah Bo turn in such an evil way? I remember when he was nicer. He… he was the one who introduced me to you two."

"He was not this way before?" Ying Yue questioned to receive a shake of brown hair.

"No… I mean, he can get mean sometimes, but he would still communicate and work with us."

"When did the change happen?"

"I… maybe a few months?"

"We could tell there was a change happening with Ah Bo, but he was not listening to us. He cut off all ties to us and tossed away the protective talisman," Sect Leader Zhi crossed his arms and frowned.

"Talisman? Do you have it?"

Ying Yue questioned and Sect Leader Jing nodded and handed him the item. Holding it in his hands, his eyes widened feeling the familiar energy. His thumb rubbed over the pheonix emblem. Smiling, he recognized it from many moons ago.

"I am glad to see you holding this still. It had been a long time since I've seen this again," he said handing the item back.

"Yes, it had been passed down to the leaders for many generations. It had protected my sector for many years, even when demons appeared."

"I had demons in mine," Sect Leader Yang pouted and the female turned to him with a flat face.

"That's because you broke yours. You should be thankful they were only at the outskirts of your sector."

The young man in green opened his fan and hid behind it in embarrassment.

"Do you have it on you? I could help fix it," Ying Yue offered, but the man shook his head.

"Chosen One, we leave our talisman with our sector to protect it."

"Ah, my apologies. After we catch the killer and find a leader for the North, I will return with you to check your talisman."

"Thank you! You have honored me once again, Heaven's Chosen."

"I will join you as we head North, cultivator. We must speak with the chancellor. Are you ready to go?" Sect Leader Jing asked and his older brother spoke up.

"I wish to speak with my brothers for a moment, then I shall be ready."

Once the leader nodded, he walked off to the side with his brothers.

"Han Mo, bring Lady Nuying and my child to me," the redhead said to the brunette.

"Alright. Is everything okay? You seem distraught," Han Mo looked at the tensed look.

"Just do it," Xu Ling gritted out and sighed, running a hand through his hair.

Ying Yue watched Han Mo nod and the attention went to him. He saw his elder brother's lips thinned for a moment. The redhead reached into his sleeve and pulled out a red fabric.

Handing it to him, Ying Yue felt his entire blood drop.

'This… this can't be… no, I don't believe this. It can't be!'

His fingers clenched and they shook as he stared at the handkerchief. His heart was hurting, like blood was having difficulty getting through the tension of his veins. He shut his golden eyes closed, trying to take a deep breath that quivered his heart.

The beautiful red fabric, deep as his bleeding love for his lover, his husband, his world.

His thumb rolled over the golden plum blossom.

The handkerchief belonged to Wang Li.