Chapter 105 - Bloodied And Bruised

"You cheated!"

"I will return these demons home."

"You are no Heaven's Chosen! You dare use smoke to-"

"Sect Leader Bo, I will advise you to no longer use demons for your will. I can sense the aura within you, but you should know it would cause your life."

"Don't you dare speak to me in such ways! I am the leader of this sector. What I say and do goes."

Ying Yue pulled his sword away and went to the chained demons.

"I shall return you to the Netherworld. The Ghost King will care for you there."

They stared at him and he pressed against their head to return them. Turning around, he walked over to his brothers.

"This is not over, Heaven's Chosen."

"It is. If I am to return for any reason, Sect Leader Bo, you will be remove."

"You cannot do that!"

"I am to bring balance to this world and you, Sect Leader Bo, have become unfit to lead."

"It is against what you could do! Don't think I know that."

Ying Yue just stared at him and turned to leave. His brothers followed and once they were out of the palace and in the inn, he groaned in pain.

"You did well," the redhead stated as he wiped the wounds.

"Yeah, glad we had a backup plan," the brunette nodded as he rubbed ointments on him.

"Backup?" Ying Yue questioned with his head lolling to the side.

"Here drink this," his brother poured into his mouth and he swallowed the bitter medicine.

"The smoke, Ah Yue. That was us."

"Oh… thank you," he sighed content and paused for a moment, "Was there anyone else besides us and them?"

"What do you mean?"

"Was… did you see Ah Li?" He whispered softly and felt the wrapping tighten around his skin.

"Sorry little brother, the Ghost King was not there."

He hummed and felt so tired. He heard Snow and felt soft fur rubbed against his face. Smiling, he closed his golden eyes and was taken into the quietness of the dark.

["Why do you look at the moon that way?"

"In what way?"

"Like… you love her."

Silver eyes widened and he watched thin lips part before it stretched into a smile. Fingers ran down his cheek and he closed his eyes leaning into the touch. Lips pressed gently against his, like a soft touch of a petal. His eyes opened to see warmness on his lover's face.

"The moon had accompanied me through many nights. My love for her is true."


"Are you jealous?"

"No… yes."

"My dearest love," Wang Li laughed softly and kissed from lips to ear, "I love you, Ah Yue."

"And I you, my love."]

Ying Yue opened his eyes and blinked as the ceiling cleared. He laid there for a moment trying to hold onto the feeling of warmth and love. He sighed softly, but his ears perked up to the sound of footsteps coming to his room. Snow was already awake and growling at the door as he lowered before the blonde. The door slammed opened and he saw two purple clothed men standing before him armed.

"For threatening Sect Leader Bo, you are to be taken to the cell."

Ying Yue stood from his bed and the men aimed their weapons at him. He picked up Snow who was reaching out to try and swipe at them. Thinning his lips, he looked at the people in his room.

"Sect Leader Bo should know it would not be a threat if he were to not capture demons again."

"You-! You don't understand! They killed my family! You are not chosen from the Heavens! You pity monsters!"

"Calm yourself," the other soldier whispered harshly and waved his spear, "Let us go, Chosen One, or we would need to destroy this inn."


"As Sect Leader Bo stated."

Ying Yue frowned and clenched his jaws. Their leader would ruin the life of this family and destroy their inn all for pride?! He could not believe it and he had to take deep breaths through his nose. This really was taking everything in him not to be angry. So, walking out of his room and downstairs with the warriors, he saw his brothers and the family surrounded by more warriors.

Their eyes met and Ying Yue nodded and followed everyone out, leaving his brothers with the family alone at the inn. Snow was still in his arms growling and teeth bared. Walking with his head held high, the blonde returned to the palace before the sect leader.

"Take him to the cell, you know which one," Sect Leader Bo grinned with narrowed eyes.

Ying Yue followed with gritted teeth and found himself walking down multiple steps. When he arrived, he passed multiple cells, empty but blood was seen.

'This must be where he kept those demons,' he assumed as the stench of death filled the air.

A cell at the end was opened and he was pushed in, causing him to stumble forward. He turned and felt a punch to his face. A push had him against the wall and more punches happened. He covered Snow, tucked him in his arms, to not get hurt by the assault. Sliding down the wall, he took the hits and shut his eyes.

When they were done, they left him alone in the locked cell bloodied and bruised. He groaned as he leaned back against the wall. Opening his arms, big blue eyes stared at him and meowed softly. He sighed out a smile and ran his fingers through the kitten's fur. Ying Yue wondered how long his brothers would find a way for him to leave the cells without creating more trouble.

'Sect Leader Bo, your pride is large and to force me to submit… What kind of man are you?'


There were no windows to help him understand time nor days, but he knew it had been more than three moons judging by his scent. When food arrived, he let Snow have it. When Sect Leader Bo or his warriors entered to harm him, he made sure they did not hurt his pet.

Sometimes, when he was tired and fallen into slumber, he saw his husband's smile. Wang Li with his youthful laughter and silver eyes aimed at him with love.

"Wang Li, my husband," he whispered blinking his golden eyes with a smile.

"Hello my love. Ah Yue, what is wrong? Are you alright?"

"I am so tired," Ying Yue admitted softly and felt fingers smearing the blood on his cut cheek.

"It is my fault, my wife. Forgive me."

"It isn't you, Ah Li. I… I just wish you are here with me."

"I will always be with you," Wang Li whispered and he closed his eyes, "Did you forget, my love. I am inside you."

'Inside me…' Ying Yue thought as he came to. Pushing himself off the floor, he glanced over at Snow who was walking back and forth protectively. Touching his hand to his chest, he smiled slightly feeling his lover's energy hidden beneath his own.

'Ah Li, are you alright? I have not received your butterfly since I left… please be safe.'

The cell opened and he pulled Snow to him as he prepared himself for the beating that was to come.

After the 20th… 31st…40th? He lost count on how many constant beatings he endured, but from the whipping and beating, his body was unable to heal as quickly. Coughing out blood, he leaned his head against the wall and stared at the dungy ceiling. The walls shook around him and dust from the ceiling fell on him, mixing with his blood.

Bleary golden eyes blinked in confusion as Snow shivered and whimpered in his arms.

Shouts were being heard, but he could barely hear or see. He was tired and closed his eyes, wondering if he were to die now, what would Wang Li do. Fingers touched his face so gently, sweetly as his husband would. He leaned into the touch and felt sleep hitting him.

He could feel warmth near him and he felt breath against his lips.

"Ah Li…"

Fingers moved to his chest and he felt the heat against his skin. A kiss placed against his forehead and his breath hitched. He opened his eyes to see darkness. The candle had been lit earlier before he closed his eyes, wasn't it?

Trying to blink to see his husband, all he saw was black.

"Ah Li-"

He felt fingers cover his lips and he closed his eyes once more. When fingers removed from his lips, he tried to follow, but winced and gasped. Footsteps neared him and he saw light illuminating the space. Looking around in hopes to find his husband, he did not see his lover.

Making a wounded sound, his eyes teared up.


His brothers stepped into his space and once he knew he was safe, he fell unconscious against his brother, but his thoughts were on his king.