Chapter 88 - Beside You

Pang Xi stared at the board and tapped his chin with his fan. He tilted his head and moved a white piece across the board. He heard a laugh from his opponent and glanced at him. Red eyes looked mirthfully at him and did not hesitate to move a black piece. Frowning, he glanced back at the board and hummed.

"You've lost twice already, dearest Ah Xi," the man tsked, "Willing to lose again like all the other times you have came to visit?"

"I won't lose again."

He narrowed his golden eyes at the pieces, as if they would agree with him. He heard the soft laugh and sigh from the demon before him.

"This is good," Ye Wu said softly with a gentle smile, "Reminds me of the old days."

He glanced at the red eyed demon to see the man staring at him with a smile like when they were younger.

["Ah Xi! Come with me. I want to show you something cool!"

"Bu… but I am busy! I need to get ready to meet with-"

"It won't be long! I promise. Trust me, Ah Xi."

Letting out a sigh, the young green haired boy got dragged by the wrist to a hill out of the village. When he caught his breath from rushing so far, he found his eyes blinking widely at the spot. There was a lantern on the ground and as the stars began to cover the sky. He looked out over the cliff to see the village lit up, casting a glow below.

"Ah Xi, will you join me in making a wish?"

He looked at his friend with his ruby colored eyes and soft smile. Smiling, he joined his friend and lit up the lantern.

"A dog?" He questioned seeing the image.

"Represents loyalty, happiness, family."

'Ye Wu… do you truly feel this way?'

He stared at the black haired teen for a moment and the boy grinned at him. They lit the lantern and lifted it to the sky, as it floated into the air. Watching it further and further away, the words continued to replay in his mind. He turned to his friend to see soft red eyes watching him.]

"Ah Wu…"


"It is your turn."

Pang Xi decided to say and stared at the board. He watched fingers moved a black piece and he moved a white piece. Their game continued quietly as his mind wandered to old memories. Inwardly sighing, he knew this would happen. He should've avoided Ye Wu since his return and yet…

'What is it that I want? What is it that he wants?'

"Why did you do it?"

"Do what?"

He lifted his golden eyes to stare at the demon before him, "Become this way."

Ye Wu stared at him and leaned back to straighten up. Ruby eyes observed him as the head tilted to the side, bring the locks of raven hair along. Long pale neck exposed to him and Pang Xi tightened his hold on the fan.

"You left me. You said you wouldn't, but you did."

"I was called-"

"You could have refused!"

Ye Wu threw the board away, flipping the pieces into the air, scattering it around them. The demon had rushed forward and crawling into his lap, holding his head tightly. His golden eyes could see the fear, the anger, the sadness within those red eyes.

"You should see the way they treated me, Ah Xi! They wanted to kill me and you weren't there to stop them! You weren't there!"

"But she was-"

The hands gripped his head tighter and he could feel the heated breath of the demon.

"She was the one who gathered the crowd to get rid of me, Pang Xi. Your love for her blinded you!"

"She wouldn't! Why would she-"

A palm covered his mouth and he stared at his friend's defeated look.

"Even now you defend her. Do you want to know who killed her?" Ye Wu moved closer and their lips lightly touched when he spoke, "I did. I made sure she knew that you belonged to me, that she deserved to see me take you away from her, but her actions led to her death."

Pang Xi furrowed his brows and gripped the demon's thin hips. He thought back on his interactions with his friends, tried to see any hints that he didn't see, recall back moments that could lead to that. He searched ruby eyes to see the demon was waiting for him to react, to throw him off and scream at him.

"I believe you."

"What?" Ye Wu questioned with his voice soft and eyes wide. He could not believe what the green haired master had said. Did he… did Pang Xi truly believed him?

"You are a terrible liar."

Lips pressed against his and Ye Wu found his heart thumping loudly. Closing his eyes, he deepened the kiss as his hands slid to wrap behind his friend's neck. When they pulled apart, they were panting and gasping for air, as if they were underwater.

"You… kissed me."


"You kissed me."

"Ah Wu…"

"I just…" the demon laughed and laughed and kissed the pretty green haired man repeatedly.

Ye Wu grinned when he felt the squeeze to his hips.

'Pang Xi, you will always be mine.'


Wang Li watched his wife, his beautiful lovely wife sleep. Healing bruises could be seen on milky skin and he smirked darkly. His hand pressed against the bruises to earn a wince and a soft groan from his lover. Taking a drink of medicated liquid in his mouth, he pressed his lips to his lover's sleeping lips. Forcing the drink into his wife's mouth, he pulled away biting the lip gently.

"Mm, Ah Li," the blonde sighed sleepily, before he gasped biting his lips.

The Ghost King was touching his swollen pucker and it made his body tensed up painfully. There were kisses on his shoulder, cheek, and temple. A finger pushed in and he reached out to grip his king's arm, digging his nails into the skin.

"Hm, still full of my cum," Wang Li whispered deeply and licked his cheek.

"It… it hurts, Ah Li."

The finger pulled away and he felt like he could breath. He gasped when he felt wetness against his hole and he opened his golden eyes. When he said he wanted his lover to remind him how much he had Wang Li's heart, he did not think his husband would remind him every day since… multiple times, so much that he fainted some times. Though he enjoyed every single moment, he just ends up so painfully sore.

"My apologies, my love," Wang Li kissed his temple and just breathed him in, as his fingers rubbed ointment onto his lover.

Ying Yue sighed as his lover nuzzled against his hair. They barely left the room since they were wedded, and he did not mind it. All of Wang Li's attention was on him and pleasing one another, but he also knew that there was something changing within his lover. He was gentle the first time and now…


He curled up biting his lips. His lover had pushing his finger inside him again and he patted his fist against his husband. The finger pulled away, but a hand squeezed against his hip and he winced.

"Are you tired already, Ah Yue? Will you not let me please you more?"

"I need… a bit more rest."

This earned the removal of touches from his husband. He watched his king got off the bed and dressed himself.

"Are you leaving?" Ying Yue questioned pushing himself up slowly.

Wang Li glanced at him over his shoulder, before leaving without a word. Blinking at the door where Wang Li had left, he went to stand. Wincing as he stood, he ignored the pain as he dressed himself. He headed to the bath, thinking his lover was there, but he bathed without Wang Li. Frowning, he let out a sigh and stared up at the sky.

He felt a nudge at his crown and turned to see the snow leopard. Smiling, he rubbed the big cat's ears and chin. Snow purred, enjoying the scratches from the blonde.

"What have you been up to, Snow? Been good?"

A pleased sound was heard from the big cat and he laughed. He missed Snow, but from what he's been told, the snow leopard enjoyed playing with the village children. Smiling, he placed a kiss on the head of his pet.

Getting out of the bath, he dressed and headed to eat his first meal with his new family. Wang Li was not present the rest of the day until it was nighttime. Ying Yue was sitting at the floor table with the instrument, plucking it absentmindedly. The Ghost King came in with a straight face and a cold demeanor. Dark silver eyes looked to him and Ying Yue stood up.

"Ah Li, my husband. I missed you."

He wrapped his arms around his lover and felt a hand smoothing down his hair. Smiling, he nuzzled closer, but the pull on his hair made him move back. Wang Li cupped his face and stared at him for a moment.

"What have you been doing?"

"Huh? Well, I played with Snow and went to speak with the villagers. Why do you ask?"

"What were you playing?" The hand squeezed his cheeks harder.

"A song for you," Ying Yue whispered searching the face of his lover.

Silver eyes softened and the hand on his face loosened. A small smile spread across his lover's face and a soft gentle kiss was placed onto his lips. This was his Wang Li, his husband, his lover.

"I've missed you to, my wife," was whispered before his lips.

"Where did you go, Ah Li? I should be there with you, shouldn't I?"

"You are my wife, not my caretaker," the Ghost King stated with narrowed eyes, but quickly softened when he saw the widening of golden eyes, "Are you worried once more? Should I remind you of my love?"

The blonde flushed and cleared his throat.

"I only wish to be beside you, Ah Li."

"I know," the raven-haired male breathed out a smile and rubbed at his cheek, "Would you play it for me?"

"Is it not too late?" He wondered and the smile dropped from his lover's face. He watched as his king pulled away and unrobed. He followed suit and slipped into their bed after Wang Li. Turning to face his husband, he noticed his lover had his back facing him. This… this was the first time Wang Li ever turned his back on him. It made his heart clenched with heartache. He turned to face the other side, back to his lover.

The candle was blown out and darkness encompassed them. Closing his eyes, he tried to ignore the way his body tremble with sadness. Arms wrapped around him and he gasped lightly.

"Good night, my love."

All the sadness he felt melted with those words and he sighed, leaning into the hold.

"Good night, my husband."