Chapter 86 - Could Not Deny The Beauty

"My aunt made a special medicine for us. She states it is to take away any pain."

"Did she think we would hurt each other?"

Wang Li smirked at him and took a sip of the drink before pouring it in his mouth through a kiss. His husband licked the drop of liquid from his lips and pulled back.

"Not we, my wife, me."


"She knows how much I crave you, how much I want your purity," the Ghost King ran fingers up his thigh and his cheeks redden, "Now I shall look for another."

"Ah Li!"

"I want to, but now that I've tasted you, I only want more," lips touched his, "My wife."

He sighed into the kiss and moved to lean against his lover, hovering above his husband. Before they could do more, Snow had nudged the door opened and jumped onto the bed. The large cat licked them and he let out a laugh avoiding the licks.

"Snow, down," Wang Li said sternly and the snow leopard followed quickly. He earned a pat on the head from his master and Ying Yue covered his lips with a soft laugh.

"Oh! I forgot Ah Li!" He grinned at his lover, "I made you a song. I wanted to play it yesterday, but you were… distracting."

"Will you play it for me?"

"Yes! Let me go-"

"My king," a servant bowed unfazed by their bare skin, "The Sect Leaders are here. They request an audience with you."

Ying Yue squeaked and pulled up the red covers to cover them.

"Prepare the halls and rooms. Let my aunt know of our guests."

"She already knows, my king."

Wang Li quickly stood up and dressed himself quickly. The servant still had his head bowed until the king walked passed. Ying Yue got dressed as well and went to follow his husband, but the worker stopped him.

"Madame, you must look presentable in front of the sect leaders," the servant said and waved over the other workers, "Come, we mustn't waste time."

Whisked away to be cleaned and dressed, he sighed standing as his hair was brushed and pinned. Finally, he was led to the main hall where his husband was entertaining the sect leaders. Unsure why they were there, he wondered if it was to rectify not attending their wedding ceremony.

The door was opened and he saw the sect leaders all sitting below his lover. Wang Li looked as regal and as a leader should be. He did not know how his husband was presentable in such a short time, but he could not deny the beauty of his lover.

He bowed to the leaders with their chancellors and headed up to where Wang Li was. His husband stood and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. Smiling and sitting beside his king, he looked out to the leaders.

"So, it was true. You are wedded."

The leader with a beard and sharp brows spoke up with narrowed eyes. The man wore purple and held an intricate looking fan. He thought of his master and wondered if his master knew this man.

"Is that an issue, Sect Leader Som."

The coldness of those words leaving his lover's lips, made him glance over in worry. Wang Li sat with his back straight, his eyes intent, and his lips thinned. Ying Yue wanted to reach out and calm his husband, but he worried it would cause an issue.

"Ah, I knew I should've came," the one in blue sighed and looked at his chancellor, "Why did you convince me to stay?"

"My lord, I…" the chancellor stuttered, but the man in blue waved it away.

"I shall send a gift when I return, Ghost King. Forgive me for not being present during your beautiful nuptial."

"I thank you, Sect Leader Po."

Ying Yue noted the warmer tone when his lover addressed the man. A feeling crawled into his heart and clamped there. It was a similar feeling to when Sheng Shui was alive. How his king spoke with the blonde man and how he spoke with the Sect Leader… Ying Yue bit his tongue.

"Once I have your purity, I will go find another," Wang Li had told him and the blonde inwardly shook the jealousy away.

'Wang Li said he would stay. He loves me.'

"He is quite beautiful, my king," the only female sect leader smiled.

"Thank you, Sect Leader Xiao."

Ying Yue also thanked the female, but noted the cold tone once more from his lover. The sect Leader was beautiful with her hair pined in dangling jewels and wrapped in gold. The last sect leader looked to be the oldest of them all. He was dressed in green and the chancellor was waving the fan before his face.

'Is a chancellor supposed to do that?' Ying Yue wondered.

"Enough talk about the Ghost King's wife. Let us continue speaking about the issue."


"No! What do you mean by that!" Sect Leader Som shouted.

"Calm yourself, Som," Sect Leader Po shushed, "Let our king speak of why."

"He is not MY king!"

"Ah Som, will you stop screaming?"

"Enough!" The eldest spoke up sternly and they all glanced at him, "Explain, Ghost King."

All eyes turned to watch his lover. Wang Li sipped his ginger tea patiently, and Ying Yue found himself smiling the longer he looked at his husband. A painting he wished to make…

'Oh! I should ask Wang Li if he knows the painter that painted Sheng Shui's portrait. Then I can paint Ah Li and…' he gushed and covered his lips to hide the giggling.

Silver eyes slid over to him, as if he knew exactly what the blonde was thinking. Ying Yue pulled his hand away from his lips and smiled lovingly at the man in red. He felt fingers wrapped around his hand and he felt like he melted right there.

"No, I will not do what you wish."

"Why not!" Som gritted out.

The room got cold and Ying Yue saw the changes on the sect leaders' faces. Placing his other hand over their wrapped hands, he soothed his husband. There was a squeeze to his hand and he squeezed back.

"Do you think I do not hear what is being said?" Wang Li questioned, but it sounded like a statement, "Taking credit for what others have done is pathetic."

"Huh? What was being said?" Po questioned looking at his fellow sect leaders, "Chancellor, tell me."

"Uh… my lord. People say-"

"Why shouldn't we?" Som challenged standing up with arrogance and his chin held up.

Wang Li narrowed his eyes and Ying Yue could feel the shiver of chill run through his veins. He cleared his throat and opened his mouth to speak, but the man in purple clicked his tongue.

"Ah Som, stop being so arrogant!" Po pointed out with a frown, "I have no idea what is happening, but you need to calm down. Do not make my king upset."

"Or what?" Som laughed, "He's going to kill me? He can't! We know it. All he is good for is-"

Som grunted and fell back against his chancellor who caught him. Rubbing his cheek, he looked over to see the sect leader in blue standing there with a frown. Letting out a growl, he rushed forward, but was pushed back. Hitting the wall, he groaned and saw who was the culprit that dare put hands on him.

The Ghost King left his throne to protect that baby Po.

"We have our places, Sect Leader Som. Do remember where you land."

"Do remember where YOU are, Ghost King," he spitted out.

His chancellor pulled him back to his seat and he glared at the one in blue.

"No one questions what you do, Ghost King. You've treated us well, we understand," the female leader stated, "Is it so wrong to take some credit for protecting our sectors, our villages?"



"You lead your people and take the glory from others," Wang Li stated, "Therefore, the answer is no. To lead in lies, in falsity, is weakness."

"How dare-" Som started.

"Enough," the elder sighed and pushed his chancellor away to stop the fanning, "So you will no longer protect us?"

"You do not need my protection."

"What do you mean, my king?" Sect Leader Po questioned.

"There are cultivators. They are the ones to rid the demons, not me. Give recognition to them or I will ignore your sector."

"You cannot-" Sect Leader Som started once again.

"I can. I will. Do not test me, Sect Leader Som."

The man in purple growled and crossed his arms with narrowed eyes. After a tense moment, Ying Yue stood up and stood beside his husband. Smiling, he hoped it sufficed and calmed everyone's mood.

"Let us eat, sect leaders. We can discuss more after."

"No. I will return," Sect Leader Som huffed and left without any bows to them. The female and the elder bowed and said their goodbyes as well.

"That's too bad, more for me," Po grinned and Ying Yue saw the tension seep away from his king. He watched and listened to the calmness, the lilt in their voices, and the smiles they shared. This was exactly like with Sheng Shui…

'Did Sect Leader Po… is he also in love with Ah Li?' He wondered and he inwardly sighed.