Chapter 75 - I Will Not Wake Again

"You making fun of me?"

Those silver eyes searched his face and a hand held his chin. He looked away with a relaxed grin as he thought about the memories they shared together.

"Why didn't you tell me your name, my king? Was I not important enough to know?" He whispered and looked into platinum eyes.

"You are Important to me, Ah Shui."

"As important as the villagers, I know," he rolled his eyes and Wang Li cupped his cheek.

"I like when you call me your king."

He stared at his king for a moment before a grin split across his face. Placing his hands on Wang Li's chest, he circled his finger up and down the crevice.

"Ah, do you now, my king? Does it turn you on? Do love the way I call you my king?" He teased with a grin and opened his mouth to say more, but Wang Li covered his mouth and moved closer to press against him.

"Ah Shui," the Ghost King warned and Sheng Shui laughed against the king's palm. His orange eyes twinkled with delight and he moved forward, but Wang Li pressed against him closer.

His grin slowed back down and he searched his king's face. Breathing out a smile, he ran his fingers down the man's abdomen, enjoying the smooth ridges of muscles.

'Ah Li, maybe another life, but this one your heart belongs to another.'

Pushing his king off him and he laughed trying to run out, but he felt his head dunked into the water. Sheng Shui quickly grabbed the back of Wang Li's knee and lifted as he came up for air. His king fell behind him and he laughed loudly and looked over to see Ying Yue watching them with an undisguised look. Smiling at him, Sheng Shui called out with a wave.

"Ah Yue! Save me! This unkind king is trying to drow-"

Wang Li laughed as he held the seam master under water. Looking up, he saw his lover with a smile watching them.

"Ah Yue," he called out and left the man spluttering for air, "Come join us."

Ying Yue nodded and removed his robes leaving his bottoms on.

"Eh? Ah Yue, please don't hide the rest of your beauty. I'm sure we've seen it all," Sheng Shui wiggled his brows and Wang Li glared at the man.

"We… we have not…" Ying Yue flushed unsure what he was saying so he chose to stop talking.

"Don't be shy, my beautiful Ah Yue," the orange eyes blonde moved forward only to have his king pulled the platinum blonde against him, "Oh, jealous my king? We can share, no need to be so selfish."

Ying Yue flushed brighter and was pulled to face Wang Li, while Sheng Shui held him from behind.

"We will play together and let him watch," the seam master started with a sly smirk as fingers moved up his chest, "I'm sure he'd get really excited, maybe he's excited now," he was pushed to be pressed up against his lover, and he stared with big eyes up at the raven-haired man, "Maybe we'd let him join later when he becomes a good benevolent king."

He felt fingers skimmed down in between both Wang Li and him, brushing against their manhood and he gasped. The Ghost King pressed him against his chest and gritted his teeth. The seam master laughed loudly and his king gripped the laughing blonde's shoulder.

Wang Li opened his mouth to scold the man, but the shaking of laughter became the shaking of coughs.

"Ah Shui! Ah Shui!"

'So soon,' Sheng Shui thought as darkness covered him.

Blood dripped into the water.


Ying Yue sat beside Wang Li as they watched the slow rise and fall off Sheng Shui's chest. Pouring the warm tea, he handed the cup to his king and poured one for himself. Madame Yun had came by and told them there was nothing she could do to help. It only made Wang Li looked more desperate and heartbroken.

"Tell me, Ah Li, tell me how you two met."

"His grandfather made beautiful intricate clothing before he did. When I met him, I hated him," there was a soft smile on his thin lips, "He was too loud."

Ying Yue laughed and leaned against his lover's shoulder.

"He said I looked best in red and made me a tunic," he continued softly, "It was the tunic when we first met, Ah Yue."

"Really? That was so beautiful when I saw it! Ah Shui has a gift."

"Yes, he does."

"Ah Li…" there was a pause, "He… he is… dying."


"He will ascend to the heavens or go straight to the wheel of reincarnation. We may see him again with how long we live."

Wang Li did not reply but reached to hold onto the unconscious man's hand. Ying Yue stared at the man on the bed and had a way of saving him, but it was truly up to Sheng Shui whether or not he wish to stay. The heavens would be upset, but Wang Li would be happy.

Wasn't that what mattered?

The next time he walked in, he saw Sheng Shui staring at a sleeping Wang Li. The man's fingers hovered over the king face, outlining without touch. Orange eyes met golden ones and Ying Yue felt his hope flared. Quickly walking over, Sheng Shui smiled at him.

"The next time I sleep," the seam master whispered softly, "I will not wake again."

"Are you certain? Let me wake him," he went to place his hands on their king.

"No, it is alright. There is a special robe I made for him in the back of my shop. There is also a letter I wrote. Would you give it to him?"

"Of course," he nodded and felt his eyes watered, "Ah Shui…"

"He deserves someone kind like you. Someone to live with him for as long as he lives."

"Ah Shui, I can… do you want to stay? Do you want to stay and not be reincarnated?"

Orange eyes stared at him and searched his face with furrowed brows.

"What are you offering, Ah Yue?"

"I…" he hesitated before steeling himself, "I can hold your soul within mine. Our souls will merge to become one. I know… it would mean you give up reincarnation and to live as you once again but…"

"The heavens wouldn't approve of this, Ah Yue."

Ying Yue pursed his lips and shook the head.

"You truly love him," Sheng Shui breathed out a smile, "To go against the heavens to keep me here, but Ah Yue, wouldn't you want him all to yourself?"

"He called out for you, Ah Shui," he smiled and saw the widening of topaz eyes, "He cried in bed and when I woke, he was here by your side. What does that mean, Ah Shui?"

Orange eyes turned to look at the sleeping king for a moment and sighed.

"I know he loves me, Ah Yue, but know that his love for me is not as deep as his love for you."

"He loves us both and we love him."

Sheng Shui let out a soft laugh and his king stirred. Silver eyes blinked slowly and turned to see his lover.

"Ah Yue."

"Did you sleep well?"


"Don't tell me it's because of me, my king."

Silver eyes widened and turned to catch amused orange eyes.

"Ah Shui, are you alright? What do you need?" He searched the seam master's face.

"Ah Li, Wang Li, my king," Sheng Shui said softly, "There are so many in your heart already, is there any room for me?"

"You are a fool to think you are not already there."

He grinned widely and hummed closing his eyes. He felt fingers tuck his strand behind his ears and he leaned into the touch.

"May I have one kiss before I die?"

He felt fingers stilled on his face and he opened his eyes to stare at silver ones mixed with emotions. He smiled and opened his mouth to talk, but he felt lips covered his before tongue dipped into his mouth. A few hesitant touches of their tongues and his king pulled back.

Sheng Shui searched his face and then looked over at the platinum blonde.

"I was just joking…" he forced a laugh, "But now that we kissed, I'd love to taste Ah Yue's lips too. A dying man can have 2 wishes, can't he?"

"Ah Shui…" he felt hands cupped his face, "I know it is my fault you are dying. I will find a way to save you."

He watched as his king pulled away and left the room, leaving both blondes alone.

"Ah Yue, I really was just joking. I didn't think he'd actually…"

"You weren't joking, Ah Shui, but you were not expecting it," Ying Yue smiled softly, "Was it what you expected?"

"Even better," the seam master sighed, "I would be angry if I were you, Ah Yue. I could not be friends with another who holds the heart of the man I love."

"You are a terrible liar, Ah Shui," the platinum blonde laughed, "Are we not friends?"