Chapter 69 - Lovely, Isn't It

She shook her head and let out an amused smile, "My king is very gifted with many things, patience in learning music is not one of them, but…" she added seeing the blonde's face dropped, "I am certain he will learn from you, Sir Yue."

"Are you certain?" Ying Yue questioned hopeful as his golden eyes shined.

"I am certain," the brunette smiled pleasantly and the blonde grinned.

"Please do not tell him, I'd like for it to be a surprise."

"Of course, Sir Yue," Hien made a motion of zipping her lips and the blonde laughed.

'You make Wang Li very happy Ying Yue, do you know this?' She returned to the village with the Heaven's Chosen smiling and greeting their people, 'May the heavens bless the both of you.'

They reached the entrance of the palace to see the Ghost King kneeled before a young boy with dark hair. The child's eyes were large with tears slipping down the corners and dropping from his face. He looked pitiful and dirty with snot dripping down his face, but the Ghost King placed a calm hand on the boy's shoulder.

'How familiar…' Hien couldn't help thinking as her eyes stared at the young boy with large doe eyes.

Ying Yue and Hien saw the boy peered down to the closed fist before him. Wang Li opened it and a cloud like butterfly flew out of his palm, circling the young boy. It landed on the child's shoulders, nose, before it settled on his dirt-stained forehead. Doe eyes blinked widely in awe before his round face scrunched up in tears once more.

They watched as the boy hung his head wiping his face, but the king grabbed his chin and whipped the dirt, the tears, the snot of the young boy with a red handkerchief. As both Hien and Ying Yue neared closer, an older woman rushed over relieved to find her kin. She bowed and apologized profusely, but the Ghost King shook his head and stood.

"No need to apologize, Madame, I have gained insight from your grandson," Wang Li smiled and looked at the boy, "One day you will become someone special. When that day comes, I will gift you what you wish."

"What wish?" The lady questioned looking at the child with furrowed brows.

"Do you… do you mean it?!" The boy looked hopeful as his eyes shined but his forehead creased with worry.

"My word is my promise," the man in red nodded patting the boy's head.

"Thank you my king! Grammy, let's go do good things so I can be special like him! Come Grammy, come!"

The elder was pulled away by the child and Ying Yue couldn't help smiling pleased. Turning, he looked at the man in red who held the white butterfly, almost translucent on his fingertips. Wang Li had whispered words close to the insect before letting it fly off. Silver eyes slid to his golden ones and his heart bounced.

"Ah Yue, Ah Hien," the Ghost King greeted.

"What are you doing outside, Wang Li?" Ying Yue questioned smiling.

"I was waiting."

"Who were you waiting for?" The blonde tilted his head looking around, "Oh, the boy? Was he okay?"

"The child ran into me and fell."

"Ah, that is why he was crying," Hien looked to where the child had left.

"What do you mean?" Ying Yue questioned.

"All the villages know of our king, Sir Yue. There is fear in knowing the title of a king and what power he holds."

Ying Yue thought about those words and stared at his lover.

"He thought he made me dirty and apologized," the man in red stated.

"Mm, I thought I heard you say something about a wish to him."

"Your hearing is correct, Ah Yue."

"What was the wish?" The blonde wondered and Wang Li's lips curled amusedly.

"Why do you wish to know?"

"I am only curious," he grinned.

"I shall return, my king," Hien said smiling at the two men.

"Ah Hien," Wang Li spoke up, "You played well. A new song?"

"Mm, a song of memories, I suppose," the brunette nodded, "Are you certain you do not wish to learn?"

"My patience for learning music is low, Ah Hien."

"Maybe you just needed the right teacher, my king," she glanced and smiled knowingly at the blonde, "Enjoy your time in the village."

Ying Yue looked back at his lover once the brunette returned into the palace. Long fingers brushed down his arm before the man walked forward. The blonde followed closely and felt fingers brush against his fingers this time. Glancing at Wang Li, he wondered if the king was doing these touches with a purpose or was it accidental.

They just made his skin itch for his king.

"Ah Li," he turned to the Ghost King as they continued walking, "You look very nice today."

Wang Li slid his warm palm against the blonde's back before curling his fingers at the small waist.

"I thank you, Ah Yue," the man in red whispered against his temple and he leaned against his lover, "Careful, my love, everyone is watching."

Ying Yue let out a defeated sigh. Why did he tell Wang Li no kissing in public again? Ignoring the urge to taste those lips, he smiled at those who bowed to them. They entered a shop with flaps at the door. The room was filled with fabrics and tunics of all sorts. 

"My king," a man with blonde hair, as bright as the sun, smiled at Wang Li. Dimples revealed and orange eyes sparkled, the man around their age let out a soft laugh, "You look elegant today."

"Thank you, Sheng Shui," Wang Li smiled back, "That color suits you."

"Oh, you think so?" The man stood back and turned with his arms outstretched, "If my king says so, then it must be true."

'The orange does suit him…' Ying Yue agreed and felt a bit unease to see how friendly the two were. He felt as though he was an outsider watching old acquaintances rekindling their relationship. He noticed the softness of the smiles, the kindness in their tones, the light teasing, and the way they look at one another. It was as if-

"Who is this?" The blonde questioned staring at him, "Oh, that mark…"

"It is nice to meet you," Ying Yue smiled kindly and bowed, "My name is Ying Yue."

"Greetings, my name is Sheng Shui," the man returned the bow with a grin, "That mark means you are chosen as well? Two chosens… that means we'd be well protected, right?"

"We will do our best," he nodded and felt fingers tuck his strands behind his ear.

Wang Li was looking at him with that smile that made his heart swoon and-

"Ah Yue, will you step away for a moment? I wish to speak with Ah Shui alone."


He looked to the other blonde and back to his lover. Letting out a smile, he stepped away and looked around the small room. There were robes, tunics, and dresses on display. His eyes stared at a white one lined with gold. The intricate detail swirled into lilies down the front and sleeves. He reached his fingers to touch the silky fabric and followed the designs.

"Lovely, isn't it?"

Ying Yue pulled his fingers away and turned to the person. Seeing the blonde, he smiled and nodded.

"Did you make all of these?"

"Mm," Sheng Shui nodded and looked at the white robe before him, "Took me awhile to get this right, but the result is amazing, don't you agree?"

"It is beautiful," he breathed out looking at the robe, "Hm? Where is Wang Li?" Ying Yue questioned when he noticed the raven haired male was not beside them.

"Wang Li?" The blonde man question, "Is that what he goes by?"

"Ah Li and I, we… uh…" Ying Yue wondered if only those in the palace were supposed to know.

"Ah Li… so the two of you are close then," the topaz eyed man frowned, "Are you two a couple?"

His cheeks reddened and he looked away.

"I see…" the man sighed and turned to stare at a door.

'So my king… Wang Li… he's already found someone.'

The door opened and his orange eyes took in the beauty of his king, dressed in black with silver plum blossoms freely designed. He let out a laugh as he shook his head. Walking to the Ghost King, he adjusted the sash and collar of the tunic. His palms smoothed down the wrinkles on his king's chest and arms, down his hips and legs.

"My king, you are too used to others dressing you," Sheng Shui shook his head sighing in respite.

"Ah Shui," the man smiled, "Are you calling me spoiled?"

"What else would I be calling you?"

He lifted his brow with a challenge and Wang Li smirked at him, the type of smirk that was a warning before-

"Ah! Okay! Okay!" He shouted when he was caught from behind with the king's arm wrapped around his neck.

"Sheng Shui, what did you call me?" The Ghost King questioned near his ear as he tried to pull away.