Chapter 67 - When We Do More Than Kiss

Wang Li pulled the broom away from the blonde, who let out an apologetic smile.

"Come, Ah Li. Take off your robe," the king smirked.

"Wang Li!" The blonde reprimanded softly, flushing as he looked around them.

"Ying Yue," the raven-haired man cupped his cheek, "Let me see how much I hurt you."

The blonde offered a smile and placed his hand onto his lover's, squeezing it gently. Nodding, Wang Li pulled him to sit where he was reading with Madame Yun earlier. Sitting with his back to the Ghost King, he loosened his robes.

He felt his skin shivered when fingers danced across his bare shoulders leaving goose pimples in its wake. He felt his article slipped off his shoulders and Wang Li's palmed down to his elbow, then back to his shoulders. The king pulled his platinum blonde hair over his shoulder to reveal the expanse of his back.

Milky glowed skin revealed itself to silver eyes and Ying Yue felt vulnerable. This was the most skin he had shown in front of his lover. Flushing from the thought, he let out a soft gasped when fingers pushed around his soreness. An apologetic kiss was placed on his shoulder and the blonde curled his lips.

He felt something wet and the smell of medicine filled his senses.

'So that was where he went. How thoughtful.'

Ying Yue felt his heart at ease and his mind at peace when he was with the raven-haired man. Closing his eyes, he savored the touches his lover gave to him so freely, so gently, so much love. A small gust of cool air against the wetness made his body shiver lightly. He felt the Ghost King wrap his arms around him and intertwined their fingers with one hand, while the other was placed over his heart. The press of warmth against his bare back was nice and comforting to him, like waking up to a lazy morning.

"Forgive me," Wang Li said softly leaving light kisses at his temple and the back of his head.

Ying Yue let out a soft laugh and placed his hand on top of Wang Li's over his heart. His lover was so silly to ask for forgiveness when he already gave it to him. Closing his golden eyes, he leaned back and smiled feeling how his spiritual energy danced with any touch by his king.

He felt something foreign, something else playing with his power. Confusion took over him as he felt around the strange energy and it caressed him.

"Ah Li," he opened his golden eyes and turned to see a partial of the beautiful king's face.


The rumble massaged his back and he couldn't stop the laugh from escaping his plump lips.

"I can feel you inside me," he said softly looking down to where their hands were placed over his heart.

"Mm, can you now?" The deep baritone carried a mischievous want and Ying Yue flushed deeply.

"Why, why didn't you tell me?" The blonde questioned flustered, not daring to look at his lover.

"You were asleep."

"Wang Li."

"I forgot."

Ying Yue turned around with a quirk of his brow, disbelieving the king. Wang Li just stared at him with such innocence that he really thought maybe the Ghost King did forget. However, Ying Yue had seen how playful his lover could be and there was always a sparkle in those moonlit eyes when the king was being humorous.

"Your turn, Ah Li. Let me check," he decided to say instead and saw the smirk playing across the king's lips.

"I am fine, Ah Yue, but if you wish to see me naked…"

"Ah, Wang Li, you are shameless," the blonde tugged his shoulders to turn him and the king followed with a laugh.

"Only with you, my dear Ah Yue."

With his back to the blonde, the Ghost King did not see the pleased look on his face. Once Ying Yue saw the expanse of hard surface, milky and so…

Licking his lips, Ying Yue reached out and felt around the king's back. He could tell from the muscles and thickness how strong his lover was. He felt around an area where the light skin was red and bruising. Grabbing the medicine bottle, he dabbed some onto his fingers before smoothing it onto the raised skin. He worked diligently and gently like his lover had done to him.

Wang Li enjoyed the soft touches of the blonde. It calmed him so easily, like the crackling of fire underneath the stars. The glide of fingertips, the soft hum from plump lips, the Ghost King relaxed even more. He felt the gust of breath against his skin, drying the wetness from the ointment. His lips curled when he felt Ying Yue wrapped his arms around him, pressed to his back, with a palm over his heart.

"Ah Li," the blonde whispered, "I'd like to give you some of my energy too. Is that okay?"

"I will take whatever you give me, my love," Wang Li closed his eyes and listened to the heartbeat against his shoulder.

There was a tug against his core, a shy knock that asked to enter. His sweet, kind Ying Yue… still asking for permission when he was already his. Expanding his spiritual energy, he welcomed the feel of his lover's energy sliding and caressing his own. It illuminated his entire being, making him feel so much more alive than he was before. He wrapped his own energy around his lovers, teasing it and embracing it tightly.

His. Ying Yue was his.

'You will never leave me. You will stay forever. You are mine.'

He wrapped his lover with him, knotting them to never break, never to escape. Ying Yue gasped and pulled back, feeling slightly woozy. Wang Li turned to him and his silver eyes… the blonde felt like a small rabbit in the den of a lion.

The king kissed his lover roughly, deeply, filled with possession and passion. Tongue and teeth overwhelmed the platinum haired male, as it swiped, tugged, and bit on his lips. His breath was hard to find and his heart was confused whether to race out of his chest or slow like molasses.

'I want to eat you, devour you. Taste every inch of skin, of hair, of bones. I want everything!'

Wang Li pulled away from those precious lips and pressed his forehead against the blonde's. He shut his eyes, ignoring those thoughts of possession and obsession. Ying Yue was his lover, not some pawn to misuse. Forcing himself to pull away to check if he had harmed the blonde once again, his silver eyes searched his lover's face. Heavy lidded eyes, dilated pupils, face flushed rose, mouth parted and bruised lips.

The king swallowed hard at what a meal- no! He shook his head to get rid of those thoughts.

'Beautiful,' Wang Li breathed out a smile and saw the slow fluttered of golden lashes.

"Let us go eat, Ah Yue."

The blonde nodded slowly and sat up on his knees, but when Ying Yue tried to stand, his legs were wobbly and he fell against his lover. Wang Li fell onto his back and blinked up surprised at the blonde.

"Sorry," Ying Yue apologized, face laxed as he laid still against his lover, "My body feels... like pudding."

Wang Li laughed breathlessly and pulled the blonde's head above his.

"Pudding?" He smiled slyly.

"Mm," Ying Yue sighed and leaned heavily on the hold the king had on him. He had no bones, no body… he was just a floating spirit that fell in love with the Ghost King. That was what he was… that was why he felt so raw and pudding-like.

"Hm, then I wonder," Wang Li moved his head closer to his, "I wonder how you'd feel when…" lips grazed his, "We do more than kiss."

They stared at one another, lips barely touching, breath mingling and ghosting their faces. Ah, he really does not know if he could last holding onto his purity if he stayed any longer with Wang Li. He really, really was a temptation and a fruit Ying Yue wanted to eat. Letting out a sigh, he frowned lightly and closed his golden eyes.

"What is wrong?"


"Ah Yue…"

"It's just… I think we should sleep apart from now on."

Wang Li stared at his lover and saw the forlorn look upon golden eyes.


"It's so hard," Ying Yue mumbled, "Why is it so hard?"

"What is?"

"To stay away when I want you so much, Ah Li," the blonde admitted and felt laughing lips upon his.

"I thought I was the one who knows how to talk pretty."

A smile spread across his plumped lips and he sighed, watching his lover beneath him.

'If I give in… would the Heavens be upset with me, even if it is to bring Wang Li and I closer together?'

"Ah Hien! Did you not tell them we are wait-"