"That's not true. I just think you're good."

Tang Bao only felt that there was something in Wan milai's words.

Don't think much about what happened in the castle before. Wanmilai must know.

Her boyfriend is he Jue. I don't know.

Thinking of LAN Wanrou's current situation, she was also afraid that she would be depressed. After all, LAN Wanrou was in poor health, so she said to Wan milai, "are you free?"

"Yes, what can I do for you?"

"Can you show me LAN Wanrou? Like before? " Asked Tang Bao.

"No problem." Wanmili agreed. "I'm absolutely willing to do such a small thing. Is there anything else I can do? "

"No more."

"All right! Don't worry. I'll go. Otherwise, I'll go after work? " He said.

Time Tang Bao is not very concerned about, then nodded, "OK, thank you."

"Thank you for what? You don't have to thank me. " Said wanmilai indifferently.

It looks very heartless.

Tang Bao thought that she had to go out. She certainly didn't have time in the afternoon, but even if she went out in the morning, if she went out alone, she had to find a lot of reasons with emperor Haotian, and there was danger of being found.

Would it be better to take wanmilai out and cover it up?

Just, if she wants to buy medicine, wanmilai will follow. Won't that be found?

When we can get rid of her?

Sounds like a good idea.

"Nothing in the morning, or go out and buy something to eat?" Asked Tang Bao.

"You want to buy food? Just let the emperor do it for you. "

"No, I don't want to rely on him for everything." Tang Bao said. "If you don't want to go, I'll go myself."

"No, I don't want to be with you? I'd love to! "

Then Tang Bao and Wan milai went out together.

While in the car, Tang Bao called Di Haotian and told him to go out with Wan milai.

Emperor Haotian agreed, and asked her to go back to the emperor's group for dinner?

Tang Bao didn't have that plan. When Emperor Haotian asked, he didn't want to eat in emperor's group.

It's like eating with wanmili.

Emperor Haotian didn't stop it.

It's really surprising.

But accidents are accidents. That's the best way.

Staring at her all the time annoys her.

You might as well give her some space.

In fact, she also knew why emperor Haotian relaxed to her.

Since I touched her last time, I indulged her a little.

So, it's no surprise this time.

Get off at the center of the city with wanmilai and go shopping along the street.

When you see a good snack shop, go in and have a look.

From the snack shop, it's easy to see a big drugstore.

If Tang Bao wants to buy it in the past, he will have to pay ten thousand yuan.

We have to support the driver.

"What's the matter?" Wan milai asked when he saw that Tang Bao didn't move.

"Can you help me with two cakes at the milk tea shop just now?"

"You want to eat? Shall we go together? "

"I don't want to go. Can you take a car and buy it for me? I'll wait for you here. " Tang Bao said.

Wanmilai didn't think much, "so it doesn't matter if you're here alone? In this way, the driver can keep it and I can go there alone. "

"So far, how long do you want me to wait?"

"I'll take a taxi."

"Don't bother. Just take the driver's car. I'll wait for you in this shop." Tang Bao said.

"Is that all right? The driver is arranged for you by Emperor Shao. Would it be not good for you to let me go by car? " Although Tang Bao said nothing happened now, Emperor junbai was a time bomb. What if something happened?

Tang Bao didn't tell her. He went up to Zhang Chao and said, "take wanmilai to the street just now and help me buy two cakes. I'll wait for you in the shop. Is that ok? "

The driver looked at wanmili and said, "OK."

Wan milai was stunned. Is that ok?

But that's what the driver said. Is it OK?

Tang Bao helps Wan miliai open the door, and Wan miliai is pushed into the car.

As the car drove away, Wan milai asked, "Zhang Chao, can't you do this? Leave Tang Bao here alone? That's how you used to follow Tang Bao? "

"This is emperor Shao's order. She said that she could do whatever she wanted today."

Wanmilai asked, "can you even leave her here and wait alone?"

"Yes, Emperor Shao specially explained that he would give his wife 100% freedom." Zhang Chao said.

Wanmilai is even more strange.

Why? Is it because of what happened before, Emperor Shao was in a happy mood and relaxed to Tang Bao?If we really have to worry about it, that's the reason.

I really don't understand the rest.

Because if it was wanmilai himself, he would be worried.

I got in the car and turned to look out the window.

See Tang Bao turned into the shop.

I thought, it should be OK.

After seeing the car disappear, Tang Bao went directly to the drugstore across the road.

After she went in, she looked for that kind of medicine, but the drugstore was large and full of drugs. She couldn't find it, so she asked, "do you have that kind of medicine here?"

"What medicine?"

"It's the increase between husband and wife A spice. " When Tang Bao said this, his face turned red.

Especially the pharmacist's meaningful glance.

Not to mention, the drugstore really had one, and soon introduced it to her.

"It's liquid, no side effects. It's under you." Said the pharmacist.

"No, I want it for men."

"The men's one is also liquid. Just put it under him."

"Then There's nothing to eat? " Tang Bao thought, Tu? Thinking of that picture, she gave up.

Are you kidding? How to apply it? Emperor Haotian is not dead. She just knows.

"This pill is taken orally." The pharmacist recommended it again.

Tang Bao thought, there are many kinds.

Then she asked, "how do I take this orally? If it's in your drink or in your meal, is that ok? "

"I can't put it in the food, but I can put it in the drink. It melts when it meets water."

"Is it any use for me to eat it?"


Tang Bao was relieved, "then give me this."

"Yes, please follow me to check out."

Tang Bao paid and stuffed the medicine in the innermost layer of his briefcase for fear that emperor Haotian would find it.

After buying the medicine, she crossed the road and waited in the original shop.

Just standing at the door for a while, I saw the car coming.

Wanmilai got out of the car with two cakes in his hand. He came over and said, "yes. Let me tell you, this shop is really dark. If you want to eat, I'll go to that shop to settle the bill. "

"It looks delicious, thank you." Tang Bao said.

"Thank me for what? It's just to buy you a cake. I'll be happy if you ask me to go to the next city to buy a cake. "