"If you don't drink it, you'll choke."

"I'm not a three-year-old." Tang Bao didn't want to talk to him, but he couldn't help it.

I don't know if I'm choking?

Is it so easy for adults to choke?

"Drink it, take it easy."

Tang Bao thought, I can't get rid of anything I drink or eat.

Tang Bao turned and glared at him. "When shall we go back?"

"Play for a few days."

"How many days?" Just now I said to play for a few days. Who knows what your days are?

Emperor Hao's dark eyes looked at her deeply. He was silent for a while and asked, "Bao, are you in a bad mood?"

Tang Bao wanted to say it was bad.

But suddenly I felt that the meaning of emperor Haotian's question was not what she thought.

"I see you are not in a good mood recently."

Tang Bao looks down. Do you have it? How can you tell that she is in a bad mood?

According to reason, LAN Wanrou is in a better mood and has a smile.

When there is only emperor Haotian in the castle, she doesn't smile.

Because I don't know why I can laugh.

So, she is just depressing at the bottom of her heart. How does he know?

"When you go to bed at night, you don't sleep well. When you're in a bad mood, that's what happens. " Emperor Haotian said.

So it is.

Tang Baoyi thought, no, he glared at emperor Haotian, "I don't sleep well. How do you know? Are you going to my room? "

"Don't be nervous. I'm just going to see if you sleep well. I just saw you tossing and kicking the quilt. So I can see it. "

Tang Bao was depressed. "You didn't do anything else?"

"Absolutely not." It's sleeping with you all night, sleeping every day, and then leaving before you wake up.

Tang Bao is biting his lips. It's really dangerous to think about it.

It's like a person living in a place, and then criminals come into her room in the middle of the night.

Isn't that dangerous?

"You are not allowed to come to my room next time." Tang Bao said.


"Don't sleep with me tonight, either."


Tang Bao looked at her with a frown, very suspicious.

"Can I say no?" Dihao looked at her with dark eyes. Will hand over the juice in the past, "drink quickly, don't drink husband with mouth feed."

Tang Bao had no choice but to take a few mouthfuls of the juice.

It's very comfortable to drink.

In fact, she likes to eat desserts and drink, otherwise she will feel that something is missing.

I don't eat well.

Of course, her psychology will not tell emperor Haotian.

So habit is a terrible thing.

I don't know why I formed such a bad habit.

Drinking and looking at the distance.

Drink the juice and you will feel more calm.

There was no anger on his face.

It's not because of eating and drinking, it's because she can't help it.

Now she and Emperor Haotian are on the yacht. At most, there are cooks below. There won't be more yacht drivers.

If she can't jump into the sea, she will fight with emperor Haotian if she doesn't calm down.

She must be the one who will suffer.

In a cage with a tiger.

If the tiger doesn't move, never provoke.

After spending so much time with emperor Haotian, she knows this truth.

Just when Tang Bao was in a trance, he felt that his side sank and Emperor Haotian sat down.

As soon as Tang Bao's body became stiff, he would stand up.

However, his waist was buckled by Emperor Haotian and he couldn't walk away.

Tang Bao can only bear it.

"Emperor Haotian, you haven't played for a few days."

"It depends on the mood."

Just said to play for a few days, but now it's a matter of mood?

"What kind of mood can you go back to?"

"When you're in a good mood."

"You're in a good mood now." Tang Bao looked at him without expression.

Emperor Haotian was amused by her expression, "who said that?"

"In a bad mood, can you laugh like you?"

"Yes. For example, I only know that you are in a bad mood when you are sleeping, which is a truth

The reason of emperor Haotian is that Tang Bao is speechless.

Tang Bao thought, so, come out to play, I have to be responsible for your mood? Do you want me to make you feel good every day? Make you happy?

You don't have to do that to her, do you?

He took a deep breath and asked, "how can you be in a good mood?" Although I think so in my heart, I'd better ask again.

In my heart, it's just my own guess."For example, you laugh at me and say nice things to me, before and after my husband."

None of them is easy for Tang Bao, let alone all of them.

"No more?"

"And when I want to hug, you can't refuse, not including doing it with you."

Tang Bao forbeared, "is there anything else?"

"No more."

Tang Bao turned his face to one side.

In fact, as long as she doesn't do that, she can still accept it?

What else can we do? Emperor Haotian said he was in a bad mood and would not go back.

If he's in a bad mood for a month, won't he be at sea for a month?

Tang Bao felt that she would jump into the sea at that time.

But at the thought of several demands of emperor Haotian, she felt that her internal organs were all pulled together.

Say good things? She can be against the conscience, her husband before and after her husband, barely.

Being hugged by relatives, anyway, Emperor Haotian will not give up touch because of her refusal.

Laugh? She couldn't laugh at emperor Haotian.

But it can be done, right?

In order to get out of here, she had to give up.

But she can't do it now.

It's so hard!

Because suddenly to Emperor Haotian smile, for no reason, that is not a fool?

When Tang Bao was entangled, his shoulder sank.

Emperor Haotian's hand came up, then his big hand held her arm down and fell on his waist.

Tang Bao felt his body stiff.

But she didn't refuse.

"Don't you refuse?" Emperor Haotian asked.

Tang Bao is almost angry.

If he refuses, he will use strong.

If he didn't refuse, he would ask.

It's challenging her patience. What?

The heart is very angry, very angry, but the mouth said, "not angry."

Emperor Haotian just as did not hear her gnashing her teeth, came forward to Tang Bao's face kiss, "really obedient."

Tang Bao opened his mouth and bit the desserts in his hand. He didn't have to dig with a spoon. Every bite was so hard.

It's like emperor Haotian wants to kill him.

Emperor Haotian looks at her lovely appearance and is in a very good mood.

Is he in a bad mood?


As long as Tang Bao is around, he will always be in a good mood.

No matter whether Tang Bao is angry with him or not, he is good.

There are special cooks on the yacht. When Tang Bao went down to the toilet, he smelled the fragrance.

Mood, this cook should be called from the castle, right?

So it is.

Emperor Haotian can't eat ordinary things.