He came out and was washing his hands when his mobile phone rang.

Clean your hands before you take out your cell phone.

You Lianlian asked: "why did it take so long to answer the phone? Are you doing something with the women in the bar? "


"Why don't you talk? Are you guilty? "

"I'm in the bathroom."

"You're in the bathroom with another woman?" You Lianlian said indignantly and wrongly.

Zhou Zhisen silently pinched his eyebrows: "the toilet is very useful. Of course, the main function is to urinate."

He didn't know why he had to explain it to her.

"Eh, you are disgusting." You Lianlian was sinister for a while, and then asked, "when will you come back?"


"Well, I made you a love snack."

“……” Zhou Zhisen has a bad feeling.

You Lianlian's cooking is absolutely thrilling.

At home, you Lianlian is wearing sexy pajamas. No, it's an apron.

With the movement of walking, you can see the graceful and enchanting posture of you Lianlian at any time.

"Don't look at me like you haven't seen me before." You Lianlian smiles brightly, hands aside, "look, this is the midnight snack I made for you."

Zhou Zhisen saw that it was a bowl of frozen dumplings.

This is not very technical.

So it's not hard to swallow.

Zhou Zhisen sat down and ate.

I drank some wine and didn't eat anything else.

You Lianlian sat beside her: "I know my cooking skill is not good, your stomach is not good, I will not be ignorant."

Zhou Zhisen looked at her: "do you want to ask me something?"

"I'm a lawyer. I'm very careful." You Lianlian admitted it directly and praised her man. "What do you think of the harbour?"

"What do you say?"

"What? What's the matter with caring for the family? Didn't you cooperate with the emperor? Can he swallow such a big harbor? " You said.

Zhou Zhisen first ate up all the dumplings in the bowl, then looked at her and slowly said, "how do you know if emperor Shao was involved in it?"

"There is no report about the emperor! And emperor and Shao are missing now. What's the matter? Do you know what the outside world says? Gu family will replace the imperial family. Did the emperor take any measures? Are you not managing this? "

"The harbor looks like a business plan, but it's not."

"There's a bigger conspiracy?"

"Looking for someone."

"Looking for someone?"

Seeing that you Lianlian was stunned for a moment, Zhou Zhisen stood up and took the dishes and chopsticks to the kitchen.

You Lianlian hurriedly followed and stood by, watching Zhou Zhisen wash the dishes, and asked, "don't tell me, who is looking for someone in the harbor? Are you kidding me? First, this person should have this ability; second, what important person should be found to drain the water from the harbor? That's exaggerating! Can't the politicians fall into the harbor? "

With that, you Lianlian herself was amused.

"Tang Bao."

After Zhou Zhisen said his name, you Lianlian couldn't laugh.

"Who do you say? Tang Bao? Looking for Tang Bao in the harbor? What's the situation? " You Lianlian drags Zhou Zhisen to ask.

"The process is a bit complicated. I just know from he Jue that Tang Bao jumped off the plane with a bomb and fell into the harbor. Isn't it reported on the news about the explosion in the harbor? Emperor Shao was also on the plane at that time. However, di Shao didn't jump off the plane, but followed the water plane and fell on the beach of the harbor. Do you understand what happened to the pumping of the harbour? "

It's so clear that you Lianlian doesn't know.

It's just How can Tang Bao

"Tang Bao Dead? I'm still waiting for her to have a baby and drink the wedding wine? " You Lianlian can't believe what she heard.

"The child is missing, too. However, it seems to me that emperor Shao is not in the mood to take care of his children now. Tang Bao, it's more dangerous than good. I'm afraid it's a small matter to drain the water from the harbor. I don't know what it will be like in the future. Besides, Emperor Shao has recovered his memory. "

“……” Youlian felt her heart beat faster in fear.

If emperor Haotian didn't recover his memory, he might have some sense.

If it is to restore the memory, also got?

The only version she heard in wanmilai was that emperor Haotian, who had no memory loss, simply spoiled Tang Bao to the core.

And that's the love that women want.

At this time, you Lianlian would rather wanmilai, just adding oil and vinegar, nonsense.

She would rather Gu Linshen was really against emperor Haotian than hear such bad news.

And looking at the fact that wanmilai has been able to hand in his work truthfully recently, I certainly don't know about it.Maybe Tang Bao is missing.

Yeah, missing is always better than dying.

You Lianlian chases Zhou Zhisen: "who did it?"

"Emperor Ling Yue. He's still alive, okay

"Yes. Emperor Lingyue is emperor Shao's uncle. Even if he knows that he has killed his wife and beloved, what can he do? It's his family, his father's brother, after all You Lianlian said sadly and angrily.

Zhou Zhisen didn't speak, but his eyes were slightly heavy.

Although emperor Haotian ate every day, he soon found something wrong. He didn't sleep.

Later, Gu Linshen added some sleeping pills to his diet.

Just let emperor Haotian fall asleep after eating.

But if he doesn't, he won't sleep.

All day and all night.

Outside the door, he Jue asked Gu Linshen, "Gu Shao, do you have any clues?"

"No. All the relationships were used, but they were not found. Looking for a needle in a haystack is the same as looking for Tang Bao in the harbor. In two days, the harbor will be bottoming out. I can only say, be prepared. " Gu Linshen said.

There is nothing wrong with his statement.

The only unacceptable thing is emperor Haotian.

He certainly didn't believe Tang Bao was sinking in the harbor.

He wanted to tell emperor Haotian that if Tang Bao was really bombed, he didn't even have a residue.

However, at this time, Gu Linshen was also afraid of emperor Haotian and did not dare to say those words to stimulate him.

Not only can't, but he has to say nice things.

If Tang Bao can't be found in any harbor, it means that she has survived and gone elsewhere.

In this case, even he would never believe it.

But it's very useful for dihaotian.

No suspense.

The water in the harbor was drained, and Tang Bao's clothes were not found.

For Gu Linshen, in that case, there is no corner of his clothes.

But for emperor Haotian, Tang Bao is alive.

She wasn't dead. She jumped off the plane and survived.

He would never have thought that without seeing it with his own eyes.

Or, who dares to say "Tang Bao is dead" in front of him, he exudes the terrible momentum that can make each other's life worse than death.