"Lin Zheng, don't be so excited. It's so big. It's not good to pull it out carelessly."

Qiuchen suddenly looks down and reminds Hualin Zheng of her kindness.

She doesn't understand. Hua Linzheng is so weak with diarrhea that she can't kick the bed board and roar Ling Qing.

"Ha ha ha!"

Hearing qiuchen's concerned words, Ling Qing couldn't help it.

Is qiuchen worried that hualinzheng will pull a stool?

Ha ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha.

"..." Hua Lin Zheng is full of black lines, "shit! I'm not sick

They can't see she's pretending to be sick.

"Ah? You're not sick? How can it be? I think you're sweating! "

Autumn morning exclaimed in the dark.

"It's water, not sweat! I don't wash my face with dry tap water! "

Hua Lin Zheng feels tired.

"So you did? It's a fantastic performance

Bei Yu has not yet fallen asleep. She turns over and lies on the bed, shocked to see Hua Lin Zheng sleeping head to head.

She was cheated in the past. She thought Hua Linzheng had diarrhea.

After hearing that Hua Linzheng was pretending to be ill, other female soldiers also spoke in a low voice. It seems that they were cheated by Hua Linzheng's acting skills.

"Cow what cow, she cow words can be forced to take medicine?"

Although the praised hualinzheng didn't feel happy at all, Lingqing still threw a basin of cold water on her impolitely.

"That medicine should not have too big side effects. Just take it and don't take the two bags of medicine you take back."

Autumn morning at this time to understand, flower Lin Zheng in the infirmary why not take medicine.

"Since you haven't slept, are you hungry?"

Ling Qing thinks about it and thinks that there are good things to share. After all, their class is not easy.

"Don't mention hunger. The more you say, the more hungry you are."

Autumn morning laments a, looking at the black ceiling helpless way.

Boiled cabbage every day, can you not be hungry.

"Here, drumsticks."

Ling Qing said, took out four packages of chicken legs from the quilt and threw them one by one onto the bed of several people in autumn morning.

"Chicken legs?" As soon as the quilt on his chest shocked, qiuchen reached out to touch it, and was surprised to find that it was really a drumstick shaped vacuum packaging bag, "Wow! Lingqing, where did you get the drumsticks? "

"It's really chicken leg!" Beiyu in the lower bunk also heard exclamations.

"I also have ham sausage here." Hua Linzheng also took out four ham sausages from her trouser pocket and threw them on the bed except for her and Ling Qing.

Fortunately, she didn't come out with the drumsticks like Ling Qing, otherwise she was caught by Mi Jun in her pocket and pretended to be leukemia.

"I'll go! You can't do magic! Where did it come from? "

Qiuchen gropes for the ham sausage thrown by hualinzheng and exclaims again.

"Eat yours! That won't stop you? "

Hua Linzheng is only responsible for making food for them, but does not intend to explain the origin of snacks.

"It's not stolen, is it?"

Qiuchen had already sat up and opened the chicken legs, but suddenly he thought of a very serious problem. The delicious food was in front of him, but he couldn't eat it.

"No? Take it back! "

Ling Qing and Hua Linzheng agree, but they have no intention to explain. She says that she is going to get back the food of qiuchen.

"Eat! It's all given to me. How can I take it back? "

Autumn morning to the end of the bed to hide, far away from Ling Qingyuan, in the dark on a big bite of chicken legs.

What's the hunger like? How can the food go back to the mouth.

No matter how much, eat first.

Other people also understand that Hua Linzheng and Ling Qing do not want to talk more about the origin of the food, and they do not ask much. Since they have studied the rules and regulations, they understand that sometimes it is not good to know too much in the army.

If you have something to eat, you can carry it together.

The training day after day is boring. After more than two months of training, the physical fitness and various military skills of the recruits have improved significantly.

One day, the company commander Xingbing heard the recruits complain in private that the whole day's training in the barracks was too boring. If only he could change the place and the way of training.

Of course, when the recruits talk about it, it's just a casual chat between the training sessions, and they don't really want to do anything about it.

However, after hearing this, the criminal soldiers took it to heart.

On this day, in response to the recruits' training requirements of changing venues, the criminal soldiers left behind a pull training project.

270 kilometers, a total of five days of long-distance training.

With bags on their backs and assault rifles on their shoulders, the new recruits assembled on the playground.

The thought of leaving the camp immediately and going out into the outside world made the recruits who had been detained in the recruits company for more than two months very happy, and their faces were full of uncontrollable joy.

I don't know if the company commander was worried that the female soldiers would fall behind. During this long-distance training, the female soldiers were arranged to charge at the front.

"It's a beautiful day today!"

Two kilometers out of the camp, qiuchen looks up at the blue sky and white clouds and sighs.

I've been in the barracks for so long, and now I can finally come out for a breath. This kind of feeling can be from head to foot.

"In a good mood?"

Mi Jun didn't know when he came up from behind and looked at qiuchen sternly.


As soon as she heard Mi Jun's voice, Qiu Chen's smiling face immediately closed. Without looking in the direction of MI Jun's, she quickly moved forward in silence.

It's rare for her to be in such a good mood. Can Mi Jun not stir up the fun.

"I hope you can still laugh tomorrow."

Mi Jun didn't embarrass qiuchen too much. He just said it meaningfully.

Qiuchen didn't quite understand Mi Jun's meaning, but she replied in her heart:

"Of course, I can laugh. As long as I can walk in this vast world, I can laugh every day without seeing my eyes!"

However, qiuchen's words were broken by herself in the dark of the first day.

The speed of the rapid march was not slow at all. Except for food and short rest time, the big guy's feet hardly stopped.

It was getting dark, and everyone stopped and had a rest in the woods for the night.

"My God, my feet are blistering!"

All the way to the afternoon, qiuchen's feet began to hurt, but she didn't care much. She finally had a rest, and she couldn't carry it. As soon as she took off her military shoes, she suddenly found a big blister on the sole of her feet.

"Ah... My feet blistered, too."

Beiyu is not much better. Sitting under the tree with qiuchen, she also takes off her shoes and wails.

"Take out the first aid kit and prick the blister with a needle."

Mi Jun went to a group of female soldiers sitting around and looked down at them. His tone was very common. It seemed that he was not surprised by this phenomenon at all.

If there is no accident, these recruits, both men and women, have blisters under their feet.

"Ah, won't it hurt more to pick and break?"

As soon as I heard that I was going to pick out the blisters, I felt a shiver in my heart in the morning of autumn, which was too terrible.

"It's an order!"

Mi Jun is too lazy to explain so much.

It's for their good. It's the first day. I don't know how to go in the remaining days.

Hua Linzheng has taken off her backpack and took out the needle in the first-aid kit. She leans against the tree and tilts her legs. She looks at the blister on the sole of her feet in the dark, but she doesn't have the courage to pierce it.

"Don't go down? Shall I help you? "

When Hualin Zheng was entangled, Zhao Jinkun, who passed in front of her, suddenly stopped.