But, he laughs heartily, "if you have time, Huo Dong can tell us about the romance between you and your wife. I'm still curious about what happened between you two."

Huo Huaichen said with a smile, "I think, comparatively speaking, the love between Xu Dong and Mrs. Xu should be more talked about."

Huo Huaichen doesn't talk about it, but in private, like old lady Huo, he has made a clear investigation about how Tang wanran colluded with Xu Shaoqing.

In order to get into the upper class and become Xu Shaoqing's pillow man, Tang wanran not only wiped out her own past. She also had her own surgery to repair the abdominal, female and membranous defects.

I have to say that she took great pains to climb into the upper class!

Xu Shaoqing said with a smile: "it's really worth saying about me and my wife. I didn't expect to attend a party. You can meet true love. "

Hearing the speech, Huo Huaichen said nothing with a smile.

And Tang wanran on one side, his face has already changed quietly.

If it wasn't for the delicate makeup on her face, her expression at the moment would be fragmented


When a man is talking about business, Tang wanran doesn't like to listen. Especially when she sees Huo Huaichen, she can't help feeling almost crazy hatred, so she finds a reason and goes out of the party.

Xia Zhi sees Tang wanran go out. She slightly turned her eyes, and then winked at Huo Huaichen, saying that she would call her family and leave the meeting.

Xu Shaoqing has been paying attention to the changes of Tang wanran this week.

After Tang wanran left, he came to Huo Huaichen and asked, "Huo Dong, I heard that you have several children. I don't know what their names are?"

Xu Shaoqing is not a fool. Comparatively speaking, his many years of business experience makes him smart like a fox.

Therefore, thinking of the child named Huo Rui and Tang wanran's joking that he wanted to recognize Huo Huaichen's son as his son, he had to suspect that the child named Huo Rui might have something to do with Huo Huaichen.

Huo Huaichen raised his eyebrows, glanced at Xu Shaoqing with a slightly surprised look, and then said, "Xu Dong inquires about my child. I don't know what it means?"

Xu Shaoqing said with a dry smile, "ha ha, it doesn't mean much. I'm just curious. I heard that Huo Dong's sons are excellent."

Huo Huaichen smile, "OK, but I believe, Xu Dong has children, will also be very good."

Xu Shaoqing didn't get Huo Huaichen's name out of his words, so he turned his eyes. Come closer to him.

"Huo Dong, I wonder if there is one of your sons named Huo Rui?"


Sure enough, with Xu Shaoqing's words, Huo Huaichen's eyes looked strange.

And the sharp eyed Xu Shaoqing soon catches the strangeness in his eyes.

The surprise in Huo Huaichen's eyes is fleeting. He raises his lips and smiles, and answers calmly: "there is a son named Huo Rui. I don't know what Xu Dong's idea is? Want to recognize my son as a dry son? "

Xu Shaoqing learned that Huo Huaichen had a son named huorui. He rolled his eyes and began to make mistakes in his heart.

What's the matter with Tang wanran?

Is it the same name or secret?

For a while, he couldn't imagine what all this was about. He said with a smile, "don't Huo want me to recognize your son as my son? In that case. Why should I be ignorant? "

Huo Huaichen just smiles.

After a while, he said, "my son was not born to my wife and me."


Xu Shaoqing was surprised for a while, and then his eyes brushed a light of surprise.

He wanted to ask which woman he had the baby with, but when he thought of asking this, he might panic. After two seconds of hesitation, he still forced down his curiosity and said with a dry smile, "won't your wife be angry and jealous if you have a baby with another woman?"

"My wife is very generous," Huo said

Huo Huaichen's words are too easy to arouse people's imagination, so Xu Shaoqing's doubts are deepened.

"Well, Huo Dong, your wife really loves you. She can be generous enough to recognize the children you have with other women as sons."

Huo Huaichen but smile not language, just thinking in black eyes. It's so secretive that people can't see what he wants to do!


Huo Huaichen and Xu Shaoqing are in vain.

Xia Zhi, who chases Tang wanran out of the meeting, gets stuck in the ladies' bathroom and reaches Tang wanran, who is standing in front of the washstand with his hands on the washstand.

Tang wanran thinks that she has been able to talk to people and ghosts, but it is undeniable that she still can't control her hatred of Huo Huaichen and Xia Zhi.

Her children are the father of thieves, and her life has changed because of Huo Huaichen.

All she has now seems to have boundless scenery, but who knows her hatred, her anger. Not reconciled with her?

Hearing the movement behind her, Tang wanran instinctively raised her head. When she saw that the person who followed her was Xia Zhi, she changed her irritability and resentment just now and looked at Xia Zhi with arrogant attitude.

"Why, you are very happy to see me now, aren't you?"

Xia Zhi looks into the mirror. At this moment, Tang wanran takes off his disguise. His tone is quiet: "you don't want to provoke Xiaorui any more. You have your life now, and you are living well. Why do you still entangle with your past?"

Xia Zhi is actually kind-hearted and Tang wanran said these words.

She's not a virgin. She's just pitying what she's been through all these years.

Because of Huo Huaichen. She played the fool.

Because of Huo Huaili, she has never been really happy.

And because of Xiaorui, she struggled with herself.

Now, she is not easy to remarry, the other side's conditions are good. And good for her, Xia Zhi really hope her future life can be happy.

Don't provoke Xiaorui, and don't get entangled with the past. Otherwise, it will only be a burden to her, and it will only make her future people live in pain and hatred.

"I want you to take care of me?"

Tang wanran stares at Xia Zhi, "you and Huo Huaichen have ruined my life and made everything I have become a mirage. Why do you talk to me now and let me forget the past?"

Xia Zhi said: "no one wants to destroy your life. Since you and Huo Huaichen are in a bad mood and don't hesitate to seduce his elder brother to stimulate him, you have already made a mess of your own life."


"Don't you think it's all your own making?"

In the past, Tang wanran and Huo Huaichen were lovers.

However, as lovers, the two did not bring their relationship to the public.

However, after a young and angry temper between the two, Tang wanran, in order to make Huo Huaichen regret, even went to hook and lead Huo huaifen, and slept with Huo huaifen and had his child.

This incident shocked Huo Huaichen at that time.

He didn't expect Tang wanran to be so self respecting because he was angry with himself.

The most important thing is. The person she seduced was her elder brother, who fell in love with her and had his children.

Huo Huaichen at that time to be all of a sudden, shattered all the reason.

However, knowing that his elder brother didn't know what happened between him and Tang wanran, and seeing the happiness on his elder brother's face, he finally chose to let go.

Who let Tang wanran look for is his most respected elder brother.

But he did not think, his let go, did not let Tang wanran stop.

Tang wanran said she loved Huo Huaichen and would be entangled with Huo Huaili. Just to annoy him, I didn't want to make it this far.

But Huo Huaichen said: "since you have chosen my elder brother, you can stay with him well!"

Because of Huo Huaichen's words, Tang wanran was angry with him again, so she married Huo Huaili and got the certificate with him.

But when she got married, Tang wanran regretted it again. She found that she couldn't let go of Huo Huaichen and didn't love him, so she was ready to kill her baby.

On her way to the hospital to knock out her baby, she called Huo Huaili and told him all the things between her and Huo Huaichen.

At that time, Huo Huaichen was in Huo Huaili's car. Because Huo Huaili wanted to drive and appease Tang wanran, he was distracted and had an accident.

Before the critical moment of the accident, he protected Huo Huaichen with the responsibility of a brother, so that Huo Huaichen survived the accident. However, Huo Huaili never woke up because of the accident.