Xia Zhi stares at Huo Huaichen with incredible eyes.

"What's wrong with this kind of thing? I'm not a sow

Huo Huaichen looked at Xia Zhi, eyebrows burning, "I can turn you into a sow!"


Xia Zhi looks back at Huo Huaichen like a monster.

"Are you crazy?"

Looking at Xia Zhi's shy and angry appearance, Huo Huaichen smiles, and his eyes are full of colorful customs.

Without any more teasing, Huo Huaichen hugged her and kept smiling.

"Since Tian Meng wants to compare with us, we'd better compare with her. What are you afraid of? According to your man's ability. I don't think it's easy for us to lose! "

"I don't want to compete with such childish behavior!"

I've seen gamblers, I've seen gamblers. I just haven't seen gambling to have children!

What a wonderful behavior!

Huo Huaichen said: "it's not the key whether we are young or not. The key is that we can't let Tian Meng look down on us."

"Look down on it. If she can have as many babies as she wants, I won't compare with her!"

Now, Tang wanran is back. She was so worried that she had no other mind to do something else.

Especially now Tian Meng wants to bet with himself that he has more children than anyone else. Isn't that a farce?

Huo Huaichen doesn't smile, but the broken light in his eyes seems to say that this kind of thing is not something you can't say alone. Anyway, he is interested in Tian Meng's words!


There was no more noise. After several people took their seats, they began to order.

Tian Meng said in advance that a few little guys could order two dishes by themselves, so Andy held the menu, looked back and forth, and then chose the dishes in a daze.

Tian Meng watched the kids choose carefully, and said: "if it's too difficult, you can choose more dishes. Today's godmother will treat you to dinner. You're welcome. "

The eyes of a few little guys lit up all of a sudden.

They looked at Tian Meng and cheered, "godmother is the best!"

Waiting for a good dish, when the waiter passed the dishes, Tian dreamed of feeding the little monster, so he got up and left the private room, and Xia Zhi also got up with her and went out of the private room.

In the mother and baby room. Xia Zhi looked at the little monster that had not been weaned, and asked Tian Meng, "haven't you weaned the little monster yet?"

Tian Meng said: "he was born prematurely. Although he is usually noisy, I'm afraid he will not grow well in the future, so I'd better breast feed him and wean him when he is older."

Yes, little monster. Tian Meng has always been in debt.

Although she decided to give birth to a little monster at the beginning, because lengchi was not around at that time, she was in a state of collapse for a long time.

She was in a trance all day. She didn't eat or drink. She also had the idea of banishing the child.

So for little monsters. She always felt that she didn't fulfill her duty as a mother, so she wanted to give him the best things in the world. Even when he should stop breastfeeding, she insisted on breastfeeding!

Xia Zhi sees Tian Meng's maternal love all over her body, and she is slightly moved.

She understands Tian Meng's psychology.

Once upon a time, she was in such a state that she wanted to give her best things to Xiao Lang, so as to make up for her shortcomings in other people's five years.

It's just, no matter how hard she tries. I can't participate in Xiao Lang's time from birth to babbling.

Fortunately, Xiao Lang is good-looking, which does not make her feel too ashamed to Xiao Lang.

"By the way, Tang wanran is back. Xiaorui, what are you going to do? "

Tian Meng always wanted to ask Xia Zhi about Xiao Rui, how she would deal with it.

However, because she has been a little busy recently, she has no time to ask her.

When asked about Xiaorui. Summer Gardenia's eye color, obviously dim down.

Sipping the corners of her lips, she said truthfully, "I don't know! As I told you last time, if Tang wanran really wants to return Xiaorui, I have no reason not to give her, but I will not give her easily. "


"However, I think Tang wanran may not be able to get Xiaorui back so easily."


"What's more, she hasn't come to me for several days since she came back to China, so I really don't know what she thinks. What are you going to do? "

Tianmeng to Xiazhi words, focus on "I think Tang wanran may not be so easy to get back to Xiaorui" this sentence.

"What do you mean? I don't think Tang wanran can get Xiaorui back so easily? What does that mean? "

Xia Zhi doesn't hide what happened to Huo Huaichen, Tang wanran and Xu Shaoqing on the golf course.

After learning about this, Tian Meng's first words were: "it's Huo Dong in the end. No one will be his opponent

Tang wanran wants to test Xu Shaoqing's attitude towards other people's children, but Huo Huaichen doesn't give any face. Not only does he not give, but he also responds to Tang wanran and Xu Shaoqing's husband and wife. It's hard to hide the irony that they have no children, but they want to recognize other people's children as sons.

Xia Zhi listens to Tian Meng's words and smiles a little.

"Indeed, through this matter, I think Tang wanran wants to recognize Xiaorui again, and let Xiaorui be Xu Shaoqing's son. She has to think twice, otherwise it will only be yesterday's end!"

Like thinking of something, Xia Zhi asked Tian Meng, "by the way, did lengchi tell you about Xu Shaoqing? What kind of person is he? If Tang wanran blows a pillow to him, will he help him deal with us? "

Because of shangguantong and Mrs. Jiang's lessons, Xiazhi now attaches great importance to everyone who may be a threat to them.

They even have the mentality of "knowing yourself and the enemy, and winning every battle".

If Tang wanran really gave Xu Shaoqing a pillow breeze, Xu Shaoqing pointed at them, they would not be too passive.

Therefore, she must do some homework that she has to do well in advance.