"I just remember that President Wen of this hospital has friendship with the Huo family. I'll go to him."

Turning to Aunt LAN, Mrs. Huo said, "Chunlan, accompany me to see the dean."

Aunt LAN answered again and again.

Before Mrs. Huo and aunt LAN go to the dean's office. Mrs. Huo and Huo Huaichen said: "what you have to do now is calm down and go through so many things. No matter what the result is, you should learn to accept it calmly, and there is no result for Xiaozhi. It's the best result. "


"All things, you don't want to be too pessimistic, a blessing in disguise. After this event, I think you should cherish Xiaozhi more than before."

In the face of Mrs. Huo's sincere words, Huo Huaichen still doesn't say a word. Even though he is trying to control his emotions and make himself quiet, his tense nerves are still like a tight bow string, which may break at any time


Xiashan. Compared with the taxi driver who was sent to the emergency room for rescue, although her condition was much better, because of the impact and huge friction caused by the accident, she still bruised her head, and there was blood pouring out, finally. The doctor sewed six full stitches on the wound she had hidden in her hair.

The anesthetic strength passed, and Xia Shan was lying on the ward, hanging water and showing his teeth in pain.

Who the hell did she offend. Unexpectedly, such a thing happened, and she hurt her head and sewed six stitches.

As long as you think of the bad things that happened today, she won't listen to the curse. It seems that only in this way can the evil spirit in her heart be relieved.

After a while, medical staff came in to change her infusion bag.

When changing the infusion bag, the medical staff said: "Miss, you not only had a car accident, but also accidentally took a very powerful induced labor medicine. There are signs of bleeding down here at the moment, but you don't have to worry too much. Just think of it as having more menstruation. "


"What matters now is your injury. You must rest. Once you get emotional, it's very likely to tear open the wound that was sewn up. Therefore, during this period of time, you must be calm and take good care of the wound, and don't think about other things. "

Xia Shan thought, now that it has happened, she can accept it. What else?

Simply, even if it's awkward, even if she feels guilty, she has to admit what happened this time!

Wait for the paramedics to leave. She raised her hand to her uncomfortable stomach.

At lunch today, Xia Shan took advantage of Xia Zhi's effort to call Tian Meng and took a kind of labor inducing medicine imported from abroad and put it into Xia Zhi's water cup.

In order to do it, she accidentally took the induced labor medicine, so as to make it convenient for her to get rid of the relationship, she also added the induced labor medicine to her water cup.

She knew that she was not pregnant, so even if she took the induced labor medicine, it would only be a period of discomfort in her stomach, and then there would be bleeding below, and there would be no stillbirth or other adverse reactions.

I thought that today's plan was perfect, and I didn't want to have a car accident, which would stir up her good interest.

However, she has not received a phone call about Xia Zhi's situation. She can't help but doubt whether Xia Zhi has something to do or nothing at the moment?