Lengchi sits on the chair beside the bed, holding Tian Meng's hand without water, full of pity and heartache.

This woman, who used to chase his steps and try to stand with him, recently experienced a catastrophe of life and death. Then he gave birth to a child when his life was on the line, and he might disappear from him and the world at any time. It saved the crystallization of their love.

Think of here, cold Chi is glad, also firmly realized his heart, the rest. He just wanted to be the one who chased her, protected her and accompanied her day and night.

But when he thought of the harm he had brought to Tian Meng, he was remorseful.

Tian mengming is better than Peipei to cherish him, but he turns a blind eye to him, even because in order to prove that he is a living person, he uses her to approach Xia Zhi and hurt her invisibly.

Think about it, lengchi thinks that he is not as good as a beast. He has a rare treasure around him. But he still has to search and wander.

Tianmeng should have been the harbor where he lived and the foothold where he stayed. He shouldn't have treated her like that and loved her. Trample on it like rubbish.

For a moment, he also understood why Tian Meng was so indifferent to himself, and even fled.

For any flesh and blood person, after experiencing the previous things, it is impossible to choose to continue. Or forgiveness.

People's hearts are really fragile, unable to withstand repeated trampling and ravaging

"Lang, Andy. You run, run... Run... "

Cold Chi is thinking of flying off, just listen to Tian Meng in a coma, frown and mutter, as if, in a dream. She is also trying to protect Lang and Andy from the slightest harm to them.

"Come to me. Let Andy go. Come to me. Come to me


"No, no, they are still children, still children! Please don't

"Tian Meng, Tian Meng!"

Lengchi's hand is held tightly by Tian Meng. Seeing that her voice is rising, it's not hard to imagine that she is in a dream at the moment, having the nightmare of Xiao Lang and Andy being robbed.

"Tian Meng, Tian Meng."

Cold Chi and voice line gentle call Tian Meng a few. He even touched Tian Meng's face with his hand, trying to calm her down as soon as possible.

"Asshole. Give Andy back to me! "

Finally, in Tian Meng's almost crazy cry, she opened her eyes from the state of half dreaming and half waking.

After Tian Meng opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was lengchi's face.

Looking at lengchi with a faint smile on her face and a happy look in her eyes, she did not return to her mind. Even, she opened her mouth slightly. For lengchi's existence, she held an almost dull state.

Or she didn't expect lengchi to be here, or she wasn't sure whether she was dead or alive. Otherwise, why would she see lengchi looking at herself with such loving eyes.


Xu was just in the dream, her emotion was too excited, she realized later that her heart and below, there is a kind of tearing pain.

Out of instinct, she put her hand on her stomach in a panic.

At that moment, her flat stomach seemed to tell her a message that her child was gone.