Buried in the man's arms, she was depressed and murmured, "let me hold you for a while, just for a while."

Huo Huaichen did not ask what happened to Xia Zhi. Seeing that she was in a bad mood, he held out his hand. Hold her and let her be in your arms. Give her comfort and support like an injured child.

Xia Zhi never felt so tired. She just wanted to stay in Huo Huaichen's arms, no matter what happened. She doesn't need to worry. She just needs to be in his arms quietly, like a little turtle in his shell, and given enough sense of security.

Huo Huaichen holding Xia Zhi, distressed that she is pregnant with a baby, but also so painstaking at the same time, thinking of another thing.

Xia Zhi's father was poisoned. He just asked Chen Chuan about cyanide. He asked Chen Chuan to take dialysis blood for identification. Moreover, he asked Chen Chuan to investigate the surveillance video in the emergency room.

He can't guess. It should be Xia Zhi's father's doctor or nurse in the emergency room, and the person who poisoned must have bribed the doctor here in order to achieve a certain purpose.

Although he is not sure, Huo Huaichen is inexplicably sure that this matter has something to do with Yang Huiqin's mother and daughter.

After all. It was the hospital they chose, and they didn't call Xia Zhi at the first time when her father fainted. Instead, they called Xia Zhi after she had entered the emergency room.

It's ridiculous, it's not reasonable.

think. There must be some ulterior motives and conspiracies.

"Actually, I don't want to believe that it has something to do with my stepmother, but I'm afraid my guess will be verified."

After a while, Huo Huaichen heard Xia Zhi in his arms. With a very light voice, as if from afar, gently whisper.

"If my guess is verified, it's really terrible. My father's pillow man is the most dangerous one!"


"I tested my stepmother just now. Her expression flashed and her eyes dodged. It's obviously a sign of guilt, if she's calm. I can still feel that things have nothing to do with her, but the more she is like this, the more I feel that things have nothing to do with her! "

After listening to Xia Zhi's words, Huo Huaichen realized that she had already guessed, or confirmed, that the matter had something to do with Yang Huiqin's mother and daughter, so she came to embrace herself.

Originally. He also thought that she was hit by Tian Meng and her father's sudden two things today, and her mood was inevitably lost. Unexpectedly, she guessed that it might have something to do with her stepmother.

"If it's confirmed. What are you going to do? "

Xia Zhi shook his head, "I don't know."

Although Xia Zhi mouth can go down cruel, but the heart can't really do so cruel.

In the end, the person who has been with her father for more than 20 years, even if he can send Yang Huiqin to prison and let her be punished by law, can his father agree?

They have been together for more than 20 years and have been husband and wife for such a long time. They always have feelings.

She can ignore her emotions and feelings for Yang Huiqin, but she has to consider her father's side.