Not angry, short said calmly, "what I know, and what you feel. It's totally different. Let me ask you. Just trying to figure out how much you know about yourself? "

Lengchi looked at him coldly. After a moment, he said slowly: "I'm tired of my persistence in my heart... I know that's not what I want."

With a smile on his face, short's tone of questioning became much lighter, but he also cautiously asked: "if. I want you to put it down

Lengchi felt a little funny. He said, "haven't you already done it? By the way, this should be the expression of lengchi in the history of human medicine, from shock to confusion at the beginning to numbness now, just like listening to another person's story, there is no emotion on his face.

After a long time, he looked at short and asked in a calm voice, "why do you want to do this?"

Not everyone can have a second life. I don't want you to waste it. And... I know the owner of this heart. I think I'll keep something for their family. "

So, short felt that he was really human. He was moved by his behavior.

"There are some words that you can understand without me. Since you can still be here, you should carefully consider what you want. " Xiao Te gives lengchi a natural and unrestrained turn, with his sublimated noble soul, leaving with a straight chest and head up.

Lengchi lowered his eyes and fell into meditation again.

Suddenly, he raised a smile of self mockery. His will was so weak that even such a simple psychological hint could be captured.