Huo Huaichen lit a cigarette and handed it to him. Schott said angrily, "I never smoke!"

Huo Huaichen didn't have much patience. He put the cigarette into his mouth directly and gave a strong command: "smoke!"

Short stares at him, but takes a subconscious puff. All of a sudden, he coughed, and his body became more painful.

But strangely enough. After the pain, the feeling was gradually paralyzed.

After that, he tried to take a few more puffs, and his expression slowly eased down.

Huo Huaichen glared at him. Then he looked back, "as long as I'm here, you won't be in danger for the time being."

Schott didn't speak, but he also understood that it was Huo Huaichen who needed him that Mrs. Jiang said.

Therefore, he has to cooperate with him in this play anyway!

Short frowned, took another deep puff, and puffed out the smoke.

"Hold it, inhale it into your lungs, and then spit it out slowly." Huo Huaichen taught him a little bit, although short's expression resisted. But I can't help but follow his instructions.

After that, he said: "you're teaching me how to commit chronic suicide!"

Huo Huaichen said contemptuously: "when you did this kind of research, why didn't you think it would be today?"

Schott argued that "any scientific achievement, if properly utilized, is for the benefit of mankind."

Huo Huaichen ignored him and stood up. "Where are you going?" asked short

Now he's the Amulet of Schott, and he's got to keep an eye on it.

"I'm going to benefit myself."


Xia Zhi looked at her watch from time to time. It was too late at night, and the people in the bar also slowly dispersed, leaving only a few tables. I'm drunk.

She frowned and held the beer in her hand. She was no longer interested in drinking it.

He never showed up since he separated on the road that day. Xia Zhi once wanted to let Lian Heng secretly investigate his whereabouts, and finally managed to bear it.

Without confirming Huo Huaichen's real situation, she can't bring him any trouble.

Since she can't force him out, she has to come here to try her luck.

"Miss, are you still waiting for someone?"

The bartender is already familiar with her, while there are not many guests. Come and chat with her.

"Yes, it's a pity that he didn't come today." Xia Zhi smiles. With three drunk, seven frustrated.

Suddenly I don't want to leave like this. She suggested, "Hey, make me another glass of the wine you made that day."

The bartender shook his head with a smile. "That's the strongest wine. You can't stand it."

Xia Zhi insisted: "I want to try."

"Are you sure?"

Xia Zhi nodded, "Well!"

The bartender couldn't beat her and began mixing wine for her at the counter. Soon, he pushed a cup of dark wine, "amnesia."

Xia Zhi took over and asked, "is this wine amnesia?"

"Well. Because people who have drunk are basically drunk, and it's no different from amnesia when they wake up. " The bartender explained, "very few guests order this kind of wine."

Xia Zhiduan gets up, plays with the cup, and observes the liquid in it through the dim light. Unexpectedly, she is so lost that she murmurs, "is it really amnesia?"

She narrowed her eyes and was about to drink when the cup in her hand was suddenly taken away.

When she saw the people around her, she was stunned.

Sitting down beside her, he took a sip from his glass, slowly turned his head and looked at her coldly. "The more dangerous things are, the more you like to try, don't you?"