Huo Huaichen looked back, his indifferent eyes just swept over Xia Zhi, then he opened his eyes and squeezed into the crowd.

"Wait!" Summer Zhi also chased past, this time say what also won't follow him to lose again!

Huo Huaichen has a long body and long legs. He doesn't care about Xia Zhi chasing after him. I went straight to the bar and asked the bartender for a drink.

Xia Zhi comes after him and comes to him. Staring at his side face, until now, I can't believe it's him.

Huo Huaichen took the wine, poured a mouthful, to the side of the summer gardenia. turn a blind eye to.

Xia Zhi wants to tell him everything in this way, but she thinks of what grandma Huo said. If Mrs. Jiang can let them meet, she can't wake him up in a few words.

Xia Zhi bit his lip, went to sit next to Huo Huaichen and waved to the bartender, "have a cup like him."

The bartender looked at her and kindly reminded her, "this wine is very strong. It's not suitable for women to drink."

Xia Zhi smiles, "it doesn't matter."

Huo Huaichen just turned his head, and the corner of his eyes swept her, and then he still drank. No words.

The bartender adjusted the wine and pushed it to Xiazhi. Xiazhi took a deep breath.

She really needs alcohol to paralyze herself.

Without hesitation, she held up her head and drank half a glass of wine at one go. From the throat to the stomach, where the hot liquid flowed, it was all like being scalded by hot oil, and finally formed a raging flame in the stomach.

Xia Zhi coughs hard and her cheeks are swollen red quickly. Only in this way can she understand how strong the wine is!

The bartender shook his head. Kind handed over a glass of soda, summer Gardenia grateful to see him, then a whole cup of drink down, this just a little bit relieved.

side. Huo Huaichen is already drinking his second cup.

For her existence, it is still regarded as air.

Summer Gardenia stomach like fire, can be more uncomfortable.

She hung her eyes and did not speak. Instead, she took out two certificates from her bag and spread them out. To him.

Huo Huaichen low Mou swept one eye, one is marriage certificate. The other is a divorce certificate. The photos above are Huo Huaichen and Xia Zhi.

"I don't know what she did to you. Let you forget me in such a short time Xia Zhi said in a low voice, her eyes are sad, "but she has no way to hide all traces of you before."

Who knows, to see these Huo Huaichen actually sniffed, "so what?"


Xia Zhi was stunned and looked at him in amazement.

Huo Huaichen drank all the wine in the glass, looked at her and said, "I don't care who I am. What was my life like before? I just want to be happy now. As for you... "He approached, with a gloomy evil in his smile." what I hate most is a woman of your type. "

Ignore Xia Zhi's pale face. Huo Huaichen picked up the divorce certificate, shook it and sneered: "I think I understand why I want to divorce you."

Throw the things on the table and drop the wine money by the way. He is about to leave.

Seeing this, Xia Zhi grabs his hand and looks at him with clear eyes, "so what about Huoshi group? Where's your grandmother? And Xiao Lang? You don't want any of them? "

Huo Huaichen looked at Xia Zhi, deep eyes are always covered with a mist.

He pushed her hand away and said, "I don't care who I used to be, I just remember who I am now."