After booking the fastest return ticket and talking to Tian Meng on the phone, Xia Zhi packed her bags and left the hotel for the airport with a simple backpack.

I have a bad headache because of a hangover. She leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes.

The cell phone in the bag suddenly rang. She took out, is a hidden number, she answered suspiciously, the phone came a quick voice: "Miss Xia. You'll be right here. I'll be right here... "

Maybe it's a problem with the line, there's a noise in the receiver, and then the phone goes off.

Summer Gardenia a moment wake up, she hears that is Yang elder brother's voice, she immediately sits straight body, quickly will call back to pull in the past.

Don't want to, that end unexpectedly is the prompt tone that can't connect, so repeatedly several times, still didn't connect!

Summer Gardenia urgent, decisive to the driver said: "master. Please turn around! I'm going back! "

The driver turned around and asked, "back to the hotel?"

Thinking about Yang Ge's words just now, Xia Zhi frowns and suddenly says the name of a community!

Brother Yang once took her there. Although he didn't find the child he was looking for, his expression when he left. Obviously not.

So, it's possible to find brother Yang. It should be there!

Summer Gardenia tense clench hands, in addition to worry about Yang elder brother, in the heart faintly have a kind of bad premonition.

Soon, the driver took her to her destination. Xia Zhi got off, looked around and went in immediately.

According to memory, she finally found the familiar number. She was about to knock when the door behind her opened.

She looked back and saw that two people from the moving company came out from inside carrying the sofa. It looked like they were moving.

Xia Zhi has no way, he thinks, raised a hand to knock on the door.

The door opened.

She found the door open. He gently pushed away and went in, "is anyone there? Brother Yang

There was no one in the house to answer. When I entered the living room, it was a mess.

Xia Zhi was in the same place. The eyes magnified in vain.

Then, she immediately found the bedroom and kitchen, even in the bathroom, but still did not find brother Yang.

Summer gardenia is not sure if he is looking for the right place, although did not find people, but the uneasiness in the heart is spreading.

"Miss, who are you looking for?"

Suddenly someone talks behind him, and Xia Zhi turns around. I saw a middle-aged woman, looking at her suspiciously.

"I..." Xia Zhi thought about it and immediately held up a smiling face and said: "I came only after seeing the information about the rent, because the door was not closed. I came straight in. I'm sorry. "

The woman "Oh", said: "you must be looking for the wrong, this house does not rent."

"That's right!" Xia Zhi nodded, "I'm really sorry to disturb you."

The woman went out with her and went straight into the opposite room. Xia Zhi hesitated and walked along, saying, "I see you are moving. I like this house very much. Do you want to rent it?"

The middle-aged woman waved her hand, "I'm not the owner of the house, and I don't count. However, he didn't intend to rent out the flat on the opposite side after it was empty for so long, so this one should not be rented out either. "

Xia Zhi keen to capture a message, quietly asked: "you mean, these two houses are a master?"


At this time, two movers carrying a crib passed behind the woman.

Summer Gardenia's Mou son for a moment fixed tightly, in Mou have wipe unbelievable madness.