Xia Zhi gratefully smiles at him and says "thank you.".

The man in front suddenly stopped.

When Huo Huaichen stopped, everyone stopped.

He turned his head and threw a stack of manufacturer information to Xia Zhi, "inform their relevant person in charge. Come to the meeting at ten tomorrow

Xia Zhi took the information and asked: "now?"

You know. It's already past work time!

Huo Huaichen raised his eyebrow: "is there a problem?"

Xia Zhi gritted her teeth and nodded: "no problem."

Holding this stack of information, she turned around in chagrin, but Huo Huaichen's slightly cold voice came from behind: "call back to the hotel."


Summer Gardenia a stagnation. Slightly a little annoyed, isn't it obvious that he wants to kick her away?

Huo Huaichen no longer said, with a few people and continue to patrol.

Seeing Tang Tian's proud look, Xia Zhi goes back dejected.

It's a rare chance to visit the new store, but she went back to the hotel alone!

Huo Huaichen is on purpose!


In the evening, Mrs. Huo called to inquire about her itinerary today.

Xia Zhi honest way back, she was Huo Huaichen from the store to drive back, this will still do the administrative work.

Who knows, old lady Huo listened, but she said, "you can't blame Huaichen for this. That just decorated store, inevitably the air is not smooth, very unfavorable to pregnant women, so he will excuse you to come back, you really blame him


Xia Zhi was stunned. Can in the heart immediately subconsciously deny, he just won't have that kind heart to her!

He just deliberately made trouble for her and didn't want her to pass the internship smoothly!

When Tang Tian comes back, her face is full of spring breeze. She goes into the room humming a song and sees that Xia Zhi is making a phone call with the stack of information. She sneered, "yes, people with poor working ability should do what they can."

Xia Zhi's eyebrows are locked. I didn't say a word. I'm still on the phone.

Tang Tian looked at her and sat down with a strange smile: "after tomorrow's meeting with the manufacturer, there will be a small banquet in this hotel."

Xia Zhi looks up, a little puzzled“ And then what? "

Tang Tian raised his red lips and his eyes became bright: "then. Huo always needs a girl to accompany him, you say. Who could it be? "

Who is it? Xia Zhi doesn't care and doesn't care.

According to how much Huo Huaichen hates her, it won't be her anyway.

At this time, Tang Tian's mobile phone rang, she picked up, "Hello, cousin!"

As she answered the phone, she pushed the door and went out.

Summer gardenia is also quiet. After the last few calls, I stretched out and went to the bathroom to put the bath water.

Who knows, after Tang Tian comes back. See put good water, overbearing said: "I'm too tired, I want to wash first."

For this kind of trivia, Xia Zhi doesn't fight with her, and gives it to her generously.

She is sitting in her room preparing the information that may be used in the meeting tomorrow. Even if Huo Huaichen doesn't pay attention to her, it doesn't mean that she has to give up on herself.

The landline in the room rings.


"I'm looking for Miss Xia Zhi." Each other's voice, seems a little shy.

It's Tang Shuo.

Hearing his voice, Xia Zhi smiles: "is it Tang Shuo?"

"Miss Xia?"

"Well, it's me, Tang Shuo. What can I do for you?"

"Er... Well, I didn't feel well when I saw you just now, so I bought some desserts for you."