On the street, there is a black car.

Little fish waved to Ruan mianmianmianmian and ran to the door naturally. The driver opened the door and the little fish sat in it.


Li youyou waved to Ruan mianmianmian.

And then, in the back row of the car, ye Jinyu is chatting with xiaoyu'er.

"Daddy, my little aunt and I met the goddess in the supermarket."

Li youyou stretched out her hand, touched the head of xiaoyu'er, and said to Ye Jinyu, "last time people invited Xiaoyu to dinner. This time, we are just lucky, aren't we?"

"Yes." The little fish nestled in Ye Jinyu's arms and whispered, "and daddy, my goddess of mianmianmian is allergic to mango, just like sheep."

Li youyou looks at the scenery outside the car window silently. She wants to say, mother and son are allergic. Is there a problem?

Obviously not!

Unfortunately, his own brother, ye Jinyu is still a wooden fish head.

"Little fish, do you like her very much?"

The little fish nodded hard, and then, his hair was shaking like a wave drum.

"No, I don't like it."

Little fish hugged Ye Jinyu hard, she was sweet and coquettish, "Daddy, I like you best."

"Ghosts and spirits."

Back to Li's house.

Little fish like a little butterfly like to fly to Li Qingcang's arms.

She called softly, "where's granddad and grandma?"

Li Qingcang pointed to the kitchen, and the little fish ran into the kitchen quickly.

"You two, come here."

My father made a word, Li youyou and ye Jinyu came to Li Qingcang's side and sat on the carved chair.

"Xiaojin, you, there's something I've always wanted to ask you."

Li youyou and ye Jinyu are serious.

Li Qingcang asked, "is the marriage between your mother and me happy?"

Two people nod, happiness.

In this world, probably can't find a few couples as happy as Li Qingcang and ye Tianxin.

Sometimes, they are so happy that they feel redundant.

"You don't want to say that, Xiaojin, do you think your mother and I are so happy that you fear marriage?"

Ye Jinyu coughed, and he said faintly, "Dad, since I became a doctor, I have really seen the so-called human life. All happiness in this world is the same, but unfortunately it is diverse. You and my mother are happy. You can meet each other in the vast sea of people, and become a couple that people envy. This is your luck To be honest, I'm an unmarried man. "

This is the first time ye Jinyu expressed her own ideas about marriage.

"I don't want to get married because I can't imagine that I can spend the rest of my life with a woman or a man."

"In the history of medicine, there are so many diseases that can not be solved. I think that the bacteria in the laboratory and every patient are very important."

"Dad, you and mom have been very supportive of my and youyou's decision since childhood. I hope you will continue to support my decision this time."

"If you want me to marry just because little fish and sheep want mommy, it's not fair."

"I am an independent person. I am myself. The others are your son and their father."

Ye Jinyu is a very independent man at the ideological level, even a little ahead of time.

"Dad, I'm not afraid of marriage, and I respect people who want to get married."

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