He watched the photographer sit on an arm and exclaimed. Wow, the original film was made like this?

"What a wonder!"

Ye sweetheart looked at the fat man in school uniform, and felt that the boy appeared a little sudden.

The fat man looked east and looked West. When he found no one was paying attention to himself, he took out the needle and blew it at the elephant's butt.

After blowing, the fat man quietly left

The fat man chose a very high tree. He climbed slowly to the tree, found a comfortable position to sit down and wait to see the elephant dance.

In the elephant garden, the elephant suddenly became a little manic.

"Is the elephant too tired today?"

Ye is sensitive to feel wrong, in the morning, the elephant is very with her.

Although there will be such a problem when playing with animals.

But the elephants are relatively gentle.


The elephant garden looked at the elephant, and roared, "quickly, the elephant is going to be crazy..."

When guanchenxi heard this, he took the hand of Ye sweetheart and ran directly outside the ivory.

"Command center, I am elephant garden. Elephant in the garden is crazy and ask for support."

"Command center, I am elephant garden. Elephant in the garden is crazy and ask for support."

"Command center, I am elephant garden. Elephant in the garden is crazy and ask for support."

When the command center received the help of the staff, they began to arrange personnel to deal with the matter. It is very terrible to know that if the elephant is really mad, it is a very terrible thing.

Especially today, there are still pupils in the park in spring outing.

If something goes wrong today, it will affect the reputation of the zoo, and even the zoo may face the preparation for closing the park.

The fat man sitting in the tree saw the elephant start to craze, and then he clapped his hands, yelled and danced!

The elephant danced!!

The elephant danced!!

Lu Qingxin gave the drug, the efficacy of a little slow.

But the efficacy is very overbearing, in less than a minute, the eyes of the elephant will be red

It rushed madly to the crew.

"Don't come here. You can't hurt people! "

The keeper took a deep breath and he knew that if the elephant could not calm down, it would be hunted and killed!

He has raised this elephant himself for years. If he is hunted, what can he do?

"Quiet! Be nice! "

Unfortunately, the elephant who always listened to the keeper very much at ordinary times seems to have changed one elephant.

It went crazy in the direction of the sweetheart, and rushed over.

"Morning sister, we are running separately!"


Leaves and guanchenxi run far apart, elephants do not chase the Guan morning, but after ye sweetheart.

Ye sweet knew that at this time, these little students were free to move, and she tried to bring the elephant back to the elephant garden and put it in the iron cage.

"Sweetheart, be careful..."

Elephant looks closer to leaf sweetheart, and when it reaches a raise of feet, it can step on it into meat mud.

Gu Yancheng and shangguanling ran towards the direction of Ye sweetheart

Ye sweetheart can not look back at all, she can only fight to run as hard as possible!


Elephant raised his front leg, and shangguanling and Gu Yancheng rushed to Ye sweetheart at the same time.

The elephant's front foot, steady down!

All people hold their breath.

"No, no!"

The frightened soul of the morning sun was gone, and she ran down the mountain.

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