A word on the face, there is a thick disappointment.

He shifted the subject, "what's the matter with that malt?"

"She's very poor. Just do it as a good thing and help her."

From Qinchuan's words, malt was sold by her uncle.

This kind of animal is not as good as his uncle can sell malt for the first time, but also can sell malt for the second time.

Ye Tianxin is worried that malt will encounter such a thing if he comes back to the wheat family, so she finds a backer for malt.

If Ying Wenyang was not in the imperial capital, she would not have bothered him to do such a thing.

"You owe me a favor. When I have something to look for in the future, you must not refuse."

"So, are you just here to look for something good from me?"

Ye Tianxin quipped.

He shook his head. "No, there's something I want to ask you for help."

"Brother Yiyan, you are not kind. Dig a hole and let me jump."

Ye Tianxin knows that the character of Ying Yiyan can be the kind of person who has nothing to do with her. He must be looking for her for something.

After a moment of silence, he said in a cold voice, "Qinchuan refused to speak."

"Did he have a hole in his head? Is there any hope that someone will save him

Ye Tianxin doesn't understand what the brain of Qinchuan is made of.

They all made it very clear at that time that if they confess, they will be lenient and those who resist will be strict.

He doesn't cooperate now. What is he going to do?

"He wants to see me," he said. "He won't speak except you."

"Then I'll see him and see what he wants to say."

Ye Tianxin and Ying Yiyan come to the place where Qinchuan is held. Qinchuan has been locked up recently. His skin is much whiter than when he first saw it in the desert.

Ye Tianxin sits opposite Qinchuan. She asks, "I heard you want to see me?"

Qin Chuan's eyes, looking at Ye Tianxin, her face, there is a touch of fatigue, may be too busy recently.

"Any smoke?"

Ye Tianxin nodded, took a cigarette and handed it to Qinchuan.

Qinchuan took the cigarette, ye Tianxin lit a cigarette with a match. He took a sharp puff, and there was a peculiar smell of cigarette in his chest.

He coughed lightly, his eyebrows and eyes Rose, and his lips had a faint smile.

"Ye sweetheart, do you know why I am in the desert eagle?"

Qin Chuan Wen Er smile, this smile, with a cool thin.

He grew up in the dark and saw too much darkness.

He is also more clear than anyone else, in this piece of the darkest world, how much dirty and dirty.

"In fact, I'm just a front-end performer, and behind me, there's a big man."

Qinchuan smoked and said.

"The great man covers the sky with only his hand, and the leader is also a puppet that I specially support."

"Ye sweetheart, I remind you, you are just an ordinary person, you are not a God. You must not do the right thing with the person behind my scenes, otherwise, you will die and you will implicate your family

Qin Chuan's eyes light, fell on his shoulder.

He's got two long steel shoulder blades.

Every day, his shoulder hurt and he couldn't lift his arm.

"Look at me. When my mission in the desert failed last time, they gave me two live steel needles here..."


Two steel needles.

At the thought of that scene, ye Tianxin felt inexplicably bloody and violent.

"Then why don't you cooperate with our investigation? Are you threatened? Or... "

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