"Well, I want to see the legendary black market."

"Black market?"

Of course, I've heard of the black market.

She looked at Ye sweetheart hesitantly. "The black market generally has its own set of rules. If we don't know, we will go to the black market. On the contrary, it will be very dangerous. Strangers entering the black market will be monitored throughout the whole process."

Ye Tianxin's slender finger pointed to Toms. "Toms is the big gold owner of the black market. He will take us to the black market."

"When shall we go?"

Ye Tianxin looks at Thomas and signals him to speak.

"There's an auction on the black market at eight o'clock this evening," Thomas said

"Well, let's go and have a look."

The auction on the black market is not only very interesting for ye Tianxin, but also for other beautiful girls. They are interested in seeing it.

Although Thomas was not tied with a rope, he did not dare to act rashly. At first, he thought that ye Tianxin was just an ordinary beautiful girl.

Just like in the entertainment industry, there are so many women who give up many things for fame and money.

But gradually, he found that leaf sweetheart is more powerful than imagined.

He suddenly understood Wales's warning. He seemed to have provoked people he shouldn't have done, and now he's a bit of a tiger in the water.

"If I take you to the black market, everything will be cancelled?"

Wei Wei chuckled, "Thomas, do you think there is such a cheap thing in this world?"

"What do you want?" Thomas was so angry that he looked at sweetheart. "I didn't hurt you."

Wei Wei Wei's face sank, and he pinched Thomas's jaw. "What you think is wrong. Do you understand?"

Thomas looked at Wei Wei Wei's lips. Her lips were as gorgeous as blood dripping rose petals, and her eyes were full of inexplicable killing intention.

Suddenly, he felt that ye Tianxin was much more beloved.

Gentle and lovely, sensible and clever.

It's like this woman. She's a nun.

Ye Tianxin looked at Toms, she asked in a low voice, "toms, we will go to the black market as your bodyguard today. You should cooperate well then."

Thomas nodded in silence.

In the evening, ye Tianxin and others know nothing about the black market.

Therefore, ye Tianxin and others are discussing with Thomas about some matters needing attention after going to the black market.

Eight o'clock in the evening.

Thomas, ye Tianxin and others got on a luxury RV and went to the black market.

The so-called black market, in fact, is a seemingly ordinary street. Maybe in the daytime, someone will pass by here, but not find this street at all.

As the RV was driving down the street, Thomas sat in a wheelchair, looking at the four young girls around him and ye Tianxin, who was disguised as a man, suddenly felt that life seemed to be out of his control.

At first, he was hurt by sweetheart Ye.

Finally, his hands were cured by Ye Tianxin, and another girl directly broke his leg.

As a result, she can only sit in a wheelchair from now on, and can't even move.

"Please show me your invitation."

Tonight's auction was held in a seemingly ordinary hotel.

The RV was parked in the parking lot. Wei Wei, dressed in full dress, pushed his wheelchair and slowly walked to the door of the hotel.

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