Xie xuning outside the door is majestic and upright. In addition, his face has always been cold and hard, so he doesn't look like a bad guy.

"Who are you? In the middle of the night, did you go to the wrong door

Xie xuning stood behind the door and whispered, "are you Jiao Hongmei? I've come to see you from the imperial capital. I want to ask you about friendship hospital. "

Jiao Hongmei was stunned, "friendship hospital?"

This is the hospital where she used to work, no mistake.

But the problem is The hospital was demolished and rebuilt for a long time because of its geographical location.

"Where are you from? I want to have a look at your work permit. "

In the middle of the night, Jiao Hongmei's safety awareness is still very strong.

Xie xuning from Jiao Hongmei opened the door, handed over the guard's work card.

As soon as Jiao Hongmei looked at the content of the work permit, she had no doubt.

She turned on the light in the porch and opened the burglar door.

"Hello, I'm sorry. The house is a little messy. The hourly workers will come to clean up tomorrow."

Jiao Hongmei's home is in a mess. Her clothes are scattered all over the sofa. The porch at the door is also full of shoes she has worn.

At this time, Jiao Hongmei was wearing a silk nightdress, and her hair was covered with several plastic rolls.

As soon as Xie xuning came into the room, Jiao Hongmei quickly picked up a place where she could sit.

"Do you have any impression of this notice?"

Xie xuning doesn't want to spend more time with Jiao Hongmei. He just wants to know everything he wants in the shortest time.

Jiao Hong Mei used his finger painted with red nail polish and took the missing person in Xie Xuning's hand.

She took a serious look at the date on the notice. It was really what happened when she was working in that hospital.

"I have to think about it."

Time is a little long, for Jiao Hongmei, she can't think of it immediately.

Jiao Hongmei goes to the tea table, bends down and takes out a cigarette box. From the middle of the cigarette box, she takes out a slender cigarette and puts it between her lips.

Lighter, bang, a small flame, in the jump.

Jiao Hongmei came close and took a deep breath of cigarette.

The smell of cigarettes made Xie xuning frown imperceptibly.

Jiao Hongmei took a deep breath of cigarette.

"I remember that time, I happened to work in the emergency room. Many people came to the emergency room every day because of the traffic accident. I didn't pay special attention to the heart-shaped birthmark on the wrist of the woman."

It's been a long time.

According to the report in the newspaper, Jiao Hongmei really did not know what happened at that time. What was the matter?

"At that time, I was only in love and seldom communicated with my colleagues."

Jiao Hongyan is addicted to cigarettes. In less than five minutes, she finished smoking a cigarette.

She lit another cigarette.

"This notice has been issued for a month, and you have no impression at all?"

Jiao Hongmei looks at the notice again and shakes her head.

"I really don't have it. If there is, I can't have not known. The news in the hospital is very well-informed. If there is something wrong, it will be spread."

Xie xuning's temple suddenly jumps.

Is this trip doomed to fail?

"If you think about it carefully, did anything special happen in the hospital?"

Jiao Hongmei thought about it. What's special?

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