"I'm a little curious. What kind of person is your wife who is so lucky to have your daughter..."

Xie xuning seriously interrupted the words of thanks, he said, "I think that people who study medicine don't have time to gossip like this."

Thank you for choking, but the more so, her heart, her eyes, is full of Xie xuning.

Plum garden, right in front of you.

Thousands of plum trees are planted according to the mountain situation.

Under the sun, red plum, snow, quite a kind of Paradise beauty.

Overhead is the blue sky, blue sky, white clouds.

Under the feet is pure white snow, in front of us, is a fiery red plum garden.

Occasionally there is a breeze, gently blowing, the snow on the plum blossom, then slowly fell down.

"It's beautiful."

Thanks can not sigh, more than 100 years of monks, how to build a magnificent temple on the top of this mountain.

So here, planted so many beautiful plum blossom, in that year, whether there is a good story here is far-reaching.

Thanks for the beautiful scenery in his eyes, but Xie xuning did not want to appreciate it.

In his mind, there was only the signature he had just drawn.

The words on the signature were deeply imprinted in his mind.


Thanks is ready to go deep into the Merlin, Na Zhi, her feet slip, the whole person will fall to Merlin in the past.

Returning to the God of Xie xuning, he immediately fell down on the side of the thanks, and grasped a scarf of thanks.

"Be careful."

The body of thanks did not slide any more.

The scarf made her neck a little uncomfortable.

When she was just rolling on the ground, the snow came into her body along the gap of her neck, cool.

"Thank you."

Thanks struggled to get up from the ground, and she straightened her scarf a little.

"You've just been very fast."

Xie xuning said faintly, "thank you."

Thanks a little angry, this man, how is this?

How can you be so reluctant?

"I don't want to see the plum blossom."

Thank you very much. It's not easy to have two people alone. She should show her best side to Xie xuning.

But why should I be so stupid that I fell on the snow.

"Well, let's go back."

When Xie xuning and Xie Yi returned to the temple, ye Tianxin and Shi Han had already sat on a charcoal fire pot to roast the fire. On the edge of the brazier, several ripe potatoes were baked.

"Dad, there are baked potatoes." Ye Tianxin exclaimed in surprise.

Xie xuning sat down with Ye Tianxin, "do you want to eat?"

"Yes, the potatoes are a little hot. I don't want to peel them."

Xie xuning stretched out his hand and picked up a potato from the edge of the brazier, carefully and gently peeled the potato skin for ye Tianxin.

On the other side, Shi Han has already peeled one and is feeding Mo'er.


Ye Tianxin eats the baked potato.

Sometimes, with the most primitive way of cooking out of the food, in order to maintain the most simple taste of food itself.

"Eat it in a small bite. Don't burn it."

Xie xuning took a earthenware teacup with green tea in it. He handed it to Ye Tianxin and asked her to drink some tea.

"Dad, is the plum blossom in bloom?"


Ye Tianxin asked thanks, "doctor Xie, do you like plum blossom?"

"I don't like it."

Thank you for your decision. I don't like plum blossom any more. It's a shame.

Ye Tianxin was stunned, "I'm sorry, doctor Xie. I don't know you don't like plum blossom."

Thanks to look at the leaf sweet heart that delicate face, then low explanation, "regardless of your matter."

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