"Dad, you just don't want to recognize us. You don't recognize it. Why talk about birthmarks? There is no birthmark on my mother

Xie xuning low smile, he thought, Xie Ailin may think, he is cheating her?

"Your mother doesn't have a birthmark, that's right, but my wife has a birthmark on her left wrist..."

After so many years, Xie xuning still remembers everything on ye Linlang, including the little birthmark.

A birthmark is a red mark the size of a small finger's carapace, shaped like a heart.

He loved her birthmark.

"It's impossible."

Xie xuning took out a document and handed it to Xie Ailin, who took it and looked at it.

"I want to see what you and the liar's DNA tests do?" Xie Ailin said, tears filled her eyes, "Dad, why don't you believe me? If you don't believe it, we can do a paternity test. The results of the paternity test will surprise you

Wang Wang immediately felt that Xie Ailin was right. Whether it was or not, it was not very good to do a paternity test?

He was about to speak.

I heard Xie xuning say, "no paternity test. I have called the police. The police will arrive later. What does Miss Xie want to say, you can tell the police staff!"

Xie Ailin did not expect that Xie xuning would call the police?

She did not think that Xie xuning did not even have a little hesitation.

Why is this?

Xie Ailin's hand, on the shoulder of the crazy woman sitting in the wheelchair.

The mad woman seemed to get the instruction, and then she cried out. The whole person got up, and the staggering people rushed to Xie xuning's direction!

"Xuning, do you want me? You don't want a baby, either? "

Xie xuning twisted his eyebrows in disgust. When he looked left and right, two guards threw the crazy woman back into the wheelchair.

Seeing this, Xie Ailin exclaimed, "Mom, Ma, are you ok?"

The crazy woman cried, "xuning, I ache!"

Xie Ailin also cried. She helped the crazy woman into a wheelchair, and cried to Xie xuning, "how can you do this to my mother? Even if you dislike her as a madman, you can't do this to my mother

"Does Miss Xie think that I should treat cheaters as gently as a lover? Maybe you don't know me enough, or the people behind you don't tell me what kind of man I am

At the beginning, when they suddenly appeared at the dinner party, Xie xuning's mind had been on Ye Tianxin and her grandmother, so she had no intention to deal with this matter.

At the same time, the rest of Xie's family are more unlikely to interfere in his affairs.

Now that grandma's situation is stable, it's time for him to free up his hands to deal with the cheater's mother and daughter.

"You say we are liars, Xie xuning. After all, you are still timid. You don't want to admit that I am your daughter..."

Xie xuning is too lazy to pay attention to Xie Ailin's words. Why does he want to listen to a liar?

What does the person of this bureau regard his intelligence quotient as?

Think that there is a person who is somewhat similar to Lin Lang, and he will be excited to insanity?

Who is this insulting?

At the same time, Xie Qian did not expect that Xie xuning's means would be so tough.

Also, since ye Linlang's accident, the silly son of his family seems to have changed.

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