"Love, when you go abroad, don't treat yourself badly. Take good care of our baby."

Gu Yancheng pushed the landing and fell in love with the entrance.

Lu Qingxin turns around and hugs Gu Yancheng. She hugs Gu Yancheng hard and whispers, "brother Yancheng, why do you want to treat me so well?"

Gu Yancheng deeply kisses Lu's heart.

"Because I can't let you go to a place like that."

Lu Qingxin took Gu Yancheng's hand. Her eyes were crystal clear tears. She whispered, "brother Yancheng, let's go together!"

"I can't leave. I don't have a passport. Dear, obedient, please go away."

Gu Yancheng mercilessly pushes Lu Qingxin's hand away. Lu Qingxin stands in situ, tears like rain.

Gu Yancheng stood outside and waved.

"When I'm not by your side, you should take care of yourself and love me."

Lu Qingxin nodded. She covered her face and turned around decisively. At that time, her eyes were filled with endless smile.

It's killing two birds with one stone.

Gu Yancheng that big fool, he certainly did not know, she planned for this day for a long time.

From now on, she can live a free and easy life, Gu Yancheng can only stay in that cold cell.

Lu Qingxin got on the plane, and then she took out her mobile phone.

In the inboxes of mobile phones, there is a picture of a MMS sent by "X". In the picture, ye Tianxin hugs her grandmother and cries in horror.

Lu Qingxin pastes the photo on her chest and whispers to the air, "Mom, look, ye Tianxin has such a miserable time.".

At the end of the message, there are four words, "happy cooperation".

Yes, happy cooperation.

The stewardess have already reminded Lu Qingxin to turn off the phone. After Lu Qingxin turned off her mobile phone, she put on her eye mask and began to rest.

Time is running out, so she can only fly economy class for a while.

But what does it matter?

As long as you see that ye Tianxin's life is not good, she will be very happy

Where are you now, ye sweetheart?


Is it painful?


I have experienced every kind of emotion Lu Qingxin has experienced, you will also experience now?

I deserve it!



Langyuan, a silent.

Silent silence spreads to all.

A good party, because of the appearance of the mother and daughter, turned into farce.

Grandmother's injury, let this banquet, and covered with an invisible haze.

As long as Li Qingcang thinks of the appearance of just leaf sweetheart, the heart is convulsed with a burst of pain.

The crazy woman in the wheelchair still knew nothing about it and called, "xuning.".


Xie Ailin bent down and gently coaxed the crazy woman. She whispered, "Mom, dad has gone to work, and will be back soon!"

"Xuning is on a mission!" The crazy woman in the arms tightly hugged the doll in her arms and coaxed in a low voice, "darling, good sleep, dad has a task, and will come back soon."

Such a picture, fall in the eyes of all people, with a few search for thought-provoking glimmer.

Li Xingchen some worried look to Xie Xinghe, "husband?"

Xie Xinghe clapped Li Xingchen's hand, indicating Li Xingchen not to worry, this matter, my uncle will deal with it.

"You say you are Xie xuning's daughter. What evidence do you have?"

Although Xie Qian was offended by Xie xuning, at this time, he still took the initiative to solve this matter. We can't let the Xie family lose face.

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